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XML Querying and Views Helena Galhardas DEI IST (slides baseados na disciplina CIS 550 – Database & Information Systems, Univ. Pennsylvania, Zachary Ives)CIS.

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Presentation on theme: "XML Querying and Views Helena Galhardas DEI IST (slides baseados na disciplina CIS 550 – Database & Information Systems, Univ. Pennsylvania, Zachary Ives)CIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 XML Querying and Views Helena Galhardas DEI IST (slides baseados na disciplina CIS 550 – Database & Information Systems, Univ. Pennsylvania, Zachary Ives)CIS 550 – Database & Information Systems

2 Agenda Recalling XML Querying Views

3 3 XQuery’s Basic Form Has an analogous form to SQL’s SELECT..FROM..WHERE..GROUP BY..ORDER BY The model: bind nodes (or node sets) to variables; operate over each legal combination of bindings; produce a set of nodes “FLWOR” statement [note case sensitivity!]: for {iterators that bind variables} let {collections} where {conditions} order by {order-conditions}(older version was “SORTBY”) return {output constructor}

4 4 “Iterations” in XQuery A series of (possibly nested) FOR statements assigning the results of XPaths to variables for $root in document(“”) for $sub in $root/rootElement, $sub2 in $sub/subElement, … Something like a template that pattern-matches, produces a “binding tuple” For each of these, we evaluate the WHERE and possibly output the RETURN template document() or doc() function specifies an input file as a URI  Old version was “document”; now “doc” but it depends on your XQuery implementation

5 5 Example XML Data Root ?xml dblp mastersthesis article mdate key authortitleyearschool editortitleyearjournalvolumeee mdate key 2002… ms/Brown92 Kurt P…. PRPL… 1992 Univ…. 2002… tr/dec/… Paul R. The… Digital… SRC… 1997 db/labs/dec http://www. attribute root p-i element text

6 6 Two XQuery Examples { for $p in document(“dblp.xml”)/dblp/proceedings, $yr in $p/yr where $yr = “1999” return {$p} } for $i in document(“dblp.xml”)/dblp/inproceedings[author/text() = “John Smith”] return { $i/title/text() } { $i/@key } { $i/crossref }

7 7 Another Example Root ?xml universities name Univ…. attribute root p-i element text university country USA mastersthesis key authortitleyear ms/Brown92 Kurt P…. PRPL… 1999 … … school Univ….

8 8 What If Order Doesn’t Matter? By default:  SQL is unordered  XQuery is ordered everywhere!  But unordered queries are much faster to answer XQuery has a way of telling the query engine to avoid preserving order:  unordered { for $x in (mypath) … }

9 9 Querying & Defining Metadata – Can’t Do This in SQL Can get a node’s name by querying node-name(): for $x in document(“dblp.xml”)/dblp/* return node-name($x) Can construct elements and attributes using computed names: for $x in document(“dblp.xml”)/dblp/*, $year in $x/year, $title in $x/title/text(), element node-name($x) { attribute {“year-” + $year} { $title } }

10 10 XQuery Wrap-up XQuery is very SQL-like, but in some ways cleaner and more orthogonal It is based on paths and binding tuples, with collections and trees as its first-class objects See for more details on the

11 11 A Problem We frequently want to reference data in a way that differs from the way it’s stored  XML data  HTML, text, etc.  Relational data  XML data  Relational data  Different relational representation  XML data  Different XML representation Generally, these can all be thought of as different views over the data  A view is a named query  Let’s start with a special presentation language for XML  HTML

12 12 XSL(T): XML  “Other Stuff” XSL (XML Stylesheet Language) is actually divided into two parts:  XSL:FO: formatting for XML  XSLT: a special transformation language We’ll leave XSL:FO for you to read off, if you’re XSLT is actually able to convert from XML  HTML, which is how many people do their formatting today  Products like Apache Cocoon generally translate XML  HTML on the server side  Your browser will do XML  HTML on the client side

13 13 Other Forms of Views XSLT is a language primarily designed from going from XML  non-XML Obviously, we can do XML  XML in XQuery … Or relations  relations … What about relations  XML and XML  relations? Let’s start with XML  XML, relations  relations

14 14 Views in SQL and XQuery A view is a named query We use the name of the view to invoke the query (treating it as if it were the relation it returns) SQL: CREATE VIEW V(A,B,C) AS SELECT A,B,C FROM R WHERE R.A = “123” XQuery: declare function V() as element(content)* { for $r in doc(“R”)/root/tree, $a in $r/a, $b in $r/b, $c in $r/c where $a = “123” return {$a, $b, $c} } SELECT * FROM V, R WHERE V.B = 5 AND V.C = R.C for $v in V()/content, $r in doc(“r”)/root/tree where $v/b = $r/b return $v Using the views:

15 15 What’s Useful about Views Providing security/access control  We can assign users permissions on different views  Can select or project so we only reveal what we want! Can be used as relations in other queries  Allows the user to query things that make more sense Describe transformations from one schema (the base relations) to another (the output of the view)  The basis of converting from XML to relations or vice versa  This will be incredibly useful in data integration, discussed soon… Allow us to define recursive queries

16 16 Materialized vs. Virtual Views A virtual view is a named query that is actually re- computed every time – it is merged with the referencing query CREATE VIEW V(A,B,C) AS SELECT A,B,C FROM R WHERE R.A = “123” A materialized view is one that is computed once and its results are stored as a table  Think of this as a cached answer  These are incredibly useful!  Techniques exist for using materialized views to answer other queries  Materialized views are the basis of relating tables in different schemas SELECT * FROM V, R WHERE V.B = 5 AND V.C = R.C

17 17 Views Should Stay Fresh Views (sometimes called intensional relations) behave, from the perspective of a query language, exactly like base relations (extensional relations) But there’s an association that should be maintained:  If tuples change in the base relation, they should change in the view (whether it’s materialized or not)  If tuples change in the view, that should reflect in the base relation(s)

18 18 View Maintenance and the View Update Problem There exist algorithms to incrementally recompute a materialized view when the base relations change We can try to propagate view changes to the base relations  However, there are lots of views that aren’t easily updatable:  We can ensure views are updatable by enforcing certain constraints (e.g., no aggregation), but this limits the kinds of views we can have AB 12 22 BC 24 23 R S ABC 124 123 224 223 R⋈SR⋈S delete?

19 19 Views as a Bridge between Data Models A claim made several times: “XML can’t represent anything that can’t be expressed in in the relational model” If this is true, then we must be able to represent XML in relations Store a relational view of XML (or create an XML view of relations)

20 An Important Set of Questions Views are incredibly powerful formalisms for describing how data relates: fn: rel  …  rel  rel (Or XML  XML  XML, or rel  rel  XML,...) Can I define a view recursively?  Why might this be useful in the XML construction case? When should the recursion stop? Suppose we have two views, v 1 and v 2  How do I know whether they represent the same data?  If v 1 is materialized, can we use it to compute v 2 ? This is fundamental to query optimization and data integration, as we’ll see later

21 Reasoning about Queries and Views SQL or XQuery are a bit too complex to reason about directly  Some aspects of it make reasoning about SQL queries undecidable We need an elegant way of describing views (let’s assume a relational model for now)  Should be declarative  Should be less complex than SQL  Doesn’t need to support all of SQL – aggregation, for instance, may be more than we need

22 Referências Raghu Ramakrishnan et al, “Database Management Systems” Avi Silberchatz et al, “Database System Concepts” XML Recommendation.

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