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Programming with MATLAB. Relational Operators The arithmetic operators has precedence over relational operators.

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Presentation on theme: "Programming with MATLAB. Relational Operators The arithmetic operators has precedence over relational operators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programming with MATLAB

2 Relational Operators

3 The arithmetic operators has precedence over relational operators

4 Logical Operators

5 Order of precedence for operators


7 Logical variables Logical variables can take only two values:  <> 0 (true)  0 (false)

8 The if statement End Start

9 The if statement If x is greater than or equal 5, the statement y = sqrt(x-5) gets executed Otherwise, the statement does not execute

10 The if statement The value of z and w are computed only if both x and y are nonnegative. If any of x or y is negative, both w and z retain their initial values

11 The else statement


13 If x is nonnegative, y = sqrt(x) is executed If x is negative, an error message is displayed

14 The elseif statement

15 Example: Numeric grade to letter grade Write a program to display your course letter grade knowing your numeric grade  Example: If your numeric grade is 93, then the program displays the letter A If your numeric grade is 70, then the program displays the letter C


17 Nested if statement =

18 This statement gives the same result as the previous one =

19 Examples Write a function that accepts one variable, which is the year and returns a logical variable: true (if the year is leap) or false (if the year is not leap) A leap year is characterized by  All years evenly dividable by 400 are leap  All years that are evenly dividable by 4 and are not evenly dividable by 100 are leap

20 Examples

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