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Overview of the Canadian Health Care System OU Pre-med Club/AMSA October 25, 2006.

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1 Overview of the Canadian Health Care System OU Pre-med Club/AMSA October 25, 2006

2 United States  WHO Ranking for Health Attainment: 24  WHO Overall Ranking: 37  % GDP spent on health care: 15%

3 United States: Organization

4 United States: Quality, Choice & Access  Quality ◊Depends on health care plan ◊Often gaps for prescription drugs, dental & vision  Choice ◊Restricted choice of providers  Access ◊Waiting lines are relatively rare ◊Large percentage of the population is uninsured

5 United States: Problems  45 million uninsured  Skyrocketing health care costs  Significant health disparities by race and income

6 Canada  World Health Organization Ranking for Health Attainment: 12  World Health Organization Overall Ranking: 30  Percent of GDP spent on health care: 9.9%

7 Canada: Organization  Single-payer system  Canada Health Act of 1984  13 provincial/territorial governments administer health care plan  Federal government regulates the provincial/territorial health care plans by offering "transfer payments" contingent upon certain criteria Federal Government 10 Provinces Provincial Health Care Plan 3 Territories Territorial Health Care Plan

8 Canada: Organization Canada Health Act of 1984 UniversalityAccessibility Public Administration PortabilityComprehensive

9 Canada: Organization  Providers are mostly private  Hospitals mostly public  Most Canadians have complementary private health insurance for services that are not covered by the government plan ◊Prescription drugs ◊Long-term care

10 Canada: Quality, Choice, Access  Quality ◊Coverage for "medically necessary" services ◊Gaps for dental care, long-term care & prescription drugs  Choice ◊Free to choose general practitioner and hospital  Access ◊No waiting lists for general practitioner visits or emergencies ◊Waiting times for certain elective procedures

11 Canada: Problems/Reforms  Underfunding  Gaps in coverage  Tension between provincial and central governments

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