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The Faintest Dwarf Galaxies in Groups and Poor Clusters R. Marzke & A. Danielson (SFSU) M. Hudson (U. Waterloo) R. Windhorst (ASU) 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Faintest Dwarf Galaxies in Groups and Poor Clusters R. Marzke & A. Danielson (SFSU) M. Hudson (U. Waterloo) R. Windhorst (ASU) 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Faintest Dwarf Galaxies in Groups and Poor Clusters R. Marzke & A. Danielson (SFSU) M. Hudson (U. Waterloo) R. Windhorst (ASU) 1

2 Benson et al. 2003 Galaxy luminosity function from semi-analytic models of galaxy formation K-band LFs from Cole et al. 2001, Kochanek et al. 2001, Huang et al. 2002 Cooling time > t H Supernova feedback, photoionization 2

3 Dekel & Silk 1986 Feedback 3

4 Dekel & Silk 1986 Luminosity-metallicity relation for spheroidal galaxies Chemical Enrichment 4

5 The field galaxy luminosity function Norberg et al. 2002 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey 5

6 Beijersbergen et al. 2002 Rich cluster LFs measured by statistical background subtraction 6

7 Christlein & Zabludoff 2003 Spectroscopic measurement of the rich cluster LF 7

8 Armandroff, Jacoby & Davies 1999 The luminosity function in a more representative environment Little is known about the faintest dwarfs beyond the Local Group 8

9 At 100 Mpc, the faintest Local Group dwarfs would have apparent magnitudes B~26 Needles in a haystack 9

10 10

11 Drinkwater et al. 2003 Not all dwarfs are diffuse Ultra-compact dwarfs in the Fornax cluster 11

12 Drinkwater et al. 2003 12

13 Crude redshifts improve background rejection dramatically Multislit spectroscopy can be efficient after preliminary photometric redshift filtering 13

14 Photometric redshifts S/N=20 S/N=10 S/N=5 UBVRIBATC At low redshift, UV filters are critical but expensive 14

15 Measuring the LF down to globular cluster luminosities: Uncertainty in Statistical Background Subtraction Simulated observations of rich clusters No redshift information Photometric redshift filtering (UBVRI) Coma cluster, density decreased by 2,5,10 15

16 BATC filter set Wavelength Xia et al. 2002 16

17 Photometric redshifts S/N=20 S/N=10 S/N=5 UBVRIBATC For the faintest LSB dwarfs, spectroscopic redshifts will be out of reach 17

18 The Survey MKW/AWM clusters: CTIO 4m (BTC pilot survey) –Lower density environment than rich clusters –Higher merger probability –How do galaxy interactions affect the LF? CfA/SSRS2 groups: MMT Megacam –Most common galaxy environment –Local-Group counterparts –Is the faint end of the Local-Group LF representative? Photometric calibration: WIYN 0.9m + Mosaic Spectroscopy: Magellan/IMACS 18


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