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Your School Environment An Ounce of Prevention Maryann Suero Ph.D. US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5 Regional Team Manager, Children’s Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Your School Environment An Ounce of Prevention Maryann Suero Ph.D. US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5 Regional Team Manager, Children’s Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your School Environment An Ounce of Prevention Maryann Suero Ph.D. US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5 Regional Team Manager, Children’s Health April 6, 2002





















22 A Healthy School Environment is  NECESSARY  POSSIBLE

23 School EMS: The “Ounce of Prevention” Approach  What is a School EMS?  What are the benefits of a school EMS?  What would an EMS for my school look like?  How can my school adopt an EMS?

24 What is a School Environmental Management System?  A way to assess and continually improve the environment  Not a SCARY Process  Work in a stepwise fashion to address a school environment in an integrated and comprehensive way

25 Basic EMS Approach to Continual Improvement DO PLAN CHECK ACT

26 Some Benefits of a School EMS  Reduce HAZARDS to students, teachers, staff, visitors in schools  Reduce Liability (reduce insurance costs???)  Increase Environmental Stewardship  Improve Communications  Improve Relationships  Parents / Administration  Teachers / Administration

27 What Might a School EMS Look Like? NOT ALL AT ONCE  Develop an environmental policy  Self-audit  Use a pollution prevention approach  Training / awareness / competence  On-going evaluation / improvement  Improve communications  One step at a time!!!!!

28 Some Elements to Consider in the Self-Audit  Indoor Air Quality  Use of Pesticides (inside & outside)  Presence of Hazardous Chemicals  In classrooms  In janitor’s closets, boiler rooms, garages  Fire prevention  Food safety  Radon  Spills / Emergency Response plans  Diesel bus idling policy  Pollution Prevention / Waste Management

29 Helpful Hints for Building a School EMS  Use Team Approach  Pace Yourself  Don’t Re-Invent the Wheel  Make use of existing resources  IAQ Tools for Schools Program  School IPM Program  Food Safety Program  Waste Wise Program  Go with your strengths

30 How Can My School Adopt an EMS?  Identify people who sense the need  Educate yourselves (great resources available)  Figure out who else needs to be involved  Convince, cajole, coerce them to join  Just Do It !

31 Resources for Schools  Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools  Integrated Pest Management  Mercury  Resources for Schools (handout)

32 EPA Resources on CEH   Tips to Protect Children from Environmental Threats (  Engage Youth in Children's Environmental Health Protection (

33 A Healthy School = A Healthy You

34 Please feel free to contact me for more information, or to suggest ways we may be able to partner in activities that will have a positive impact on children’s health Maryann Suero Regional Team Manager, Children’s Health US Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 77 W. Jackson Blvd, T-13J Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 886-9077

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