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Active Server Pages Points of Interest Chapters 1-4.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Server Pages Points of Interest Chapters 1-4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Server Pages Points of Interest Chapters 1-4

2 ASP versus HTML Major differences? What can ASP do that HTML cannot?

3 Active Web Sites ActiveX controls - Visual C++ or Visual Basic Create a functionality Java Scripting Languages (VBScript, JavaScript) ASP and Dynamic HTML

4 Running ASP PWS, IIS, Chilisoft

5 ASP Pitfalls and Editing Open from the server URL instead of the pathname. What does P&U primarily use for an editor? Did people get InterDev 6.0 yet?

6 ASP Objects Request: to get information from the user Response: to send information to the user Server: to control the Internet Information Server Application: to share application-level information and control settings for the lifetime of the application Session: to store information about and change settings for the user's current Web- server session ObjectContext: (used mostly with MTS)

7 ASP Objects Each set of objects has a set of functions it can perform called methods and one or more properties value = value = object.method() Some newer objects at

8 Order of Execution 1. global.asa (Text file with details about an ASP application, such as when it should begin and end [more in CH9]) 2. Server-side includes (refers to current directory) (refers to root of system) 3. Jscript/JavaScript tagged within 4. HTML with Scripts tagged within 5. VBScript tagged within tags

9 A sample (from ASP text) Using a form to get information and display it...

10 Variables Naming variables in VBScript 255 characters Must begin with an alphabetical Must not contain an embedded period Not case-sensitive

11 The Variant All variables in with different data types are of one type variant Can use the TypeName () funtion to determine the subtype of the variant PieceofString = 5 WhatTypeofVar = TypeName (PieceofString)

12 Conversions Since variants are automatically a subtype when a value is assigned to them, sometimes one needs to change the subtype Check page 111-112) for functions

13 Some Interesting Items Assignment Operator Number1 = 2 Number1 = Number1 + 1 Comparison If Number1 = 2 Then... Concatenating Variants (subtype string) strConcatenate = "Helter" & "Skelter" strConcatenate2 = "Helter" & " " & "Skelter" Naming Conventions (114)

14 Dim and Option Explicit DIM (aka dimension) Dim ComputerSystem ComputerSystem = "Amiga" Option Explicit: every variable in the program must be explicitly declared in the code before it is used. First line in a client-side script Before when using server-side

15 Variable Scope Local Variables (122-123) Global Variables (125) Private strGlobal (just within script declared) If in client-side ends when script does If in a server-side should last in ASP page/session

16 Arrays and Multi-Dimensional Arrays Declaring Loop Dim and Redim Preserve Multi-dimensional

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