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CSE 221: Probabilistic Analysis of Computer Systems Topics covered: Discrete time Markov chains (Sec. 7.1)

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 221: Probabilistic Analysis of Computer Systems Topics covered: Discrete time Markov chains (Sec. 7.1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 221: Probabilistic Analysis of Computer Systems Topics covered: Discrete time Markov chains (Sec. 7.1)

2 Introduction  Example: State of a component, at every clock tick.  Family of random variables:  Classification of the process:

3 Memoryless property  Definition of memoryless property:  Mathematical representation of memoryless property:

4 pmf and conditional pmf  pmf of random variable Xn:  Conditional transition probability:  Homogenous chains:

5 Transition probabilities  One-step transition probabilities:  Representation as a matrix:

6 Properties of transition probability matrix  Stochastic matrix:

7 Graphical representation

8 Examples  Count the number of cars in a service station, at the point of departure of each car.

9 Examples (contd..)

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