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The Goal of Learning A Language - Communication Pinyin and the Teaching of the Chinese Language ALBETAC Summer Institute August 8, 2007.

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2 The Goal of Learning A Language - Communication Pinyin and the Teaching of the Chinese Language ALBETAC Summer Institute August 8, 2007

3 溝通三種模式 3 Modes in Communication  認知, 理解 ( 單向 ) Interpretive  溝通, 交流 (雙向 ) Interpersonal  學習成果展示或表演 Presentational

4 Interpretive Communicative Mode 認知, 理解  Students actively listen to and read a wide range of contextualized texts and text styles and develop aural proficiencies through exposure to TV commercials, films, radio programs, public announcements, advertisements, signs, posters, newspapers, short stories, and essays.

5 Interpretive Communicative Mode 認知, 理解  Sample Stimulus Types –Advertisement –Article –E-mail –Letter –Note –Poster –Sign –Story

6 Presentational Communicative Mode 學習成果展示或表演  Students clearly express themselves orally and in writing on a variety of familiar topics and in different styles, including descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive, by employing vocabulary, structures, and coherent and organizational devices appropriate to the purpose to their presentation and the audience or readers. In addition to developing handwriting skills, students are comfortable with writing Chinese on a computer.

7 Presentational Communicative Mode 學習成果展示或表演  Sample Activities –Cultural presentation –Event planning  Skills Required –Describing –Comparing/contrasting –Explaining –Justifying

8 Interpersonal Communicative Mode 溝通, 交流  Students frequently engage in interactive activities characteristic of naturally occurring conversations among native speakers, respond to questions in a culturally appropriate way, and express person views and exchange opinions on familiar topics.

9 Interpersonal Communicative Mode 溝通, 交流  All 4 language skills are required  Using language in cultural/social context  Communicating opinion, attitude, intent  Understanding connotation, body language, para-linguistic messages and different levels of language registers

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