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The Challenges of Urban Government. Cities and Towns are marvelous and vital instruments of exchange, vital for the development of economic systems and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Challenges of Urban Government. Cities and Towns are marvelous and vital instruments of exchange, vital for the development of economic systems and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Challenges of Urban Government

2 Cities and Towns are marvelous and vital instruments of exchange, vital for the development of economic systems and social organizations.

3 Paul M.Hohenberg(1988) The extent of Urbanization largely defines the place of exchange in economic life, and with it the extent of specialization and the role of markets, money and credit.

4 1.Economic Urbanization and economic growth are well correlated. National income is produced in urban areas, accounting for 55%of gross national income (GNP) in low-income countries, 73%in middle-income countries and 85%in those of high income (World Bank 1999).

5 2.Political Cities and municipalities are the basis of the political structure of any democratic country, (where political activity occurs; constituents elect their representatives and leaders; urban dwellers make their elected leaders accountable for the taxes collected and for the implementation of promises).

6 Urban dilemmas are almost always multisectoral and city management has to be studied from a variety of angles and disciplines.

7 Mayors’ interests (1) How global influences will affect their city and the way their city relates to the external world; How to prepare an implement a strategic plan; How to generate and administer the resources required for daily tasks and development projects;

8 Mayors’ interests(2) How to partner with the private sector while keeping the public interest in sight; How to favor or orient the spatial location of the city’s activities; How to reduce poverty, curb environmental problems, and use the transport infrastructure to improve the wellbeing of their constituents.

9 Challenges1 Globalization and Metropolitan Development;

10 Challenges 2 City Strategy and Governance

11 Challenges 3 City/ Municipal Financial Management

12 Challenges 4 Private-Sector Involvement in Public Service Provision

13 Challenges 5 Land and Real-Estate Markets

14 Challenges 6 Urban Poverty

15 Challenges 7 The Urban Environment

16 Challenges 8 Urban Transport and Metropolitan Development



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