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Warning: Eyecatcher only, nothing to do with the project except for the talking bear.

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Presentation on theme: "Warning: Eyecatcher only, nothing to do with the project except for the talking bear."— Presentation transcript:


2 Warning: Eyecatcher only, nothing to do with the project except for the talking bear

3 Matthew Bales (Compiler of the Team Website) Brandon Birgado (Team Relations) Brandon Birgado (Team Relations) Justin Lee (Compiler of Team IPPP) Justin Lee (Compiler of Team IPPP) Naoki Sugito ( ) Naoki Sugito ( )

4 Why do “Archimedes”?



7 Archimedes Project ---Recorded Speech Circuit--- DDDDesign Specs MMMMacro-Circuit Design SSSSpeech Module DDDData Processing SSSSimple circuit elements (RLC) OOOOther Systems (ie Speaker) VVVVery Low Cost (Or as low as possible) SSSSmall Size and Weight EEEEasily Replicable and Informative





12 What we want  To design a device that will make life easier for the less fortunate  To develop a product that is beneficial to society overall  To have fun!!!!

13 What we need  To gain an idea of what it takes to design, plan, and produce a project  To gain basic “hands on” skills with small electrical parts  To design something that works  If not fully, then partially  To have fun!!!!

14 Implementations and Ideas

15 Audio Device for the impaired

16 Toys

17 Warning signs

18 Greeting cards and Personal recorders


20  A circuit that can be used in other projects at Archimedes.  A easy to create circuit that can be used as a tool for teaching circuits and for recruiting engineers.  (Potential) Cost-Effective Model (PCEM) that will give children with disabilities in Hawaii a cheap affordable option. End of Project

21 Completion Dates 2/19/06 To have a picture of what the design will be. 3/11/06 PowerPoint Presentation 2. 3/19/06 To have a working model. 4/02/06 To look into a cost effective model. 4/30/06 To have a final model finished with implementation aspects. 5/4/06 Final Presentation

22 This has been a Electrical Engineers Revolution of Destiny 2006 Production EERD 2006 ©

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