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The Scientific Method n See the problem n Look for the relevant variables n Construct a hypothesis, if possible n Create a research design n Collect data.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method n See the problem n Look for the relevant variables n Construct a hypothesis, if possible n Create a research design n Collect data."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method n See the problem n Look for the relevant variables n Construct a hypothesis, if possible n Create a research design n Collect data n Analyze data n Draw conclusions about relations among variables

2 Science does the following: n Uses conceptual schemes and theoretical structures n Systematically and empirically tests theories n Controls inquiry n Constantly pursues relationships n Carefully rules out metaphysical explanations

3 A definition: n “Scientific research is systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomena.” – Kerlinger, 1974

4 Theory n Set of interrelated constructs (concepts), definitions, and propositions that presents a systematic view of phenomena by specifying relations among variables with the purpose of explaining and predicting the phenomena.

5 Functions of theory n Leads to collection or observations of empirical relations not yet observed. n Permits incorporation of known empirical findings within a logically consistent and reasonably simple framework. n Acts as a set of blinders by specifying which variables are pertinent and which are unnecessary.

6 Hypothesis n “An expectation about the nature of things derived from a theory. It is a statement of something that ought to be observed in the real world if the theory is correct.”

7 Variable n A property which takes on different values. n A collection of attributes.

8 Dependent variable n That factor which is observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent variable.

9 Independent variable n That factor which is measured, manipulated, or selected by the experimenter to determine its relationship to an observed phenomenon.

10 Moderator variable n That factor which is measured, manipulated, or selected by the experimenter to discover whether it modifies the relationship of the independent variable to an observed phenomenon.

11 Control variable n That factor which is controlled by the experimenter to cancel out or neutralize any effect the variable might otherwise have on the observed phenomenon.

12 Intervening variable n That factor which theoretically affects the observed phenomenon but cannot be seen, measured or manipulated; its effect must be inferred from the effects of the independent and moderator variables on the observed phenomenon.

13 Theoretical proposition n The acquisition of political information leads to increased political involvement.

14 Hypotheses: n As individuals view more television news they will increase their incidence of voting. n Individuals who read a newspaper more than five days a week will more likely have bumper stickers on their car than those who read a newspaper fewer than five days a week.

15 Which are IVs and DVs? n Viewing of television news n Reading of a newspaper n Voting n Putting a bumper sticker on one’s car

16 What might moderate this?

17 Control variables?

18 Intervening variables?

19 CausesRealtionshipEffects Independent ModeratorIntervening Dependent Control

20 CausesRelationshipEffects TV viewing Family Pol. Interest Voting Politicization Age

21 .20

22 Hypothesis The accidental acquisition of political information from the mass media leads to discussion of public affairs, which, in turn, leads to information-seeking behavior. This, then, leads to greater interest, more discussion, and even greater information. All serve as a prelude to political participation.


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