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Parallel Application Scaling, Performance, and Efficiency David Skinner NERSC/LBL.

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Presentation on theme: "Parallel Application Scaling, Performance, and Efficiency David Skinner NERSC/LBL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallel Application Scaling, Performance, and Efficiency David Skinner NERSC/LBL

2 Parallel Scaling of MPI Codes A practical talk on using MPI with focus on: Distribution of work within a parallel program Placement of computation within a parallel computer Performance costs of various types of communication Understanding scaling performance terminology

3 Topics Introduction Load Balance Synchronization Simple stuff File I/O Performance profiling

4 Let’s introduce these topics through a familiar example: Sharks and Fish II Sharks and Fish II : N 2 force summation in parallel E.g. 4 CPUs evaluate force for a global collection of 125 fish Domain decomposition: Each CPU is “in charge” of ~31 fish, but keeps a fairly recent copy of all the fishes positions (replicated data) Is it not possible to uniformly decompose problems in general, especially in many dimensions Luckily this problem has fine granularity and is 2D, let’s see how it scales 31 32

5 Sharks and Fish II : Program Data: n_fish is global my_fish is local fish i = {x, y, …} Dynamics: MPI_Allgatherv(myfish_buf, len[rank],.. for (i = 0; i < my_fish; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < n_fish; ++j) { // i!=j a i += g * mass j * ( fish i – fish j ) / r ij } Move fish

6 Running on a machine 100 fish can move 1000 steps in 1 task  5.459s 32 tasks  2.756s 1000 fish can move 1000 steps in 1 task  511.14s 32 tasks  20.815s What’s the “best” way to run? –How many fish do we really have? –How large a computer do we have? –How much “computer time” i.e. allocation do we have? –How quickly, in real wall time, do we need the answer? Sharks and Fish II: How fast? x 24.6 speedup x 1.98 speedup

7 Scaling: Good 1 st Step: Do runtimes make sense? 1 Task 32 Tasks … Running fish_sim for 100-1000 fish on 1-32 CPUs we see

8 Scaling: Walltimes Walltime is (all)important but let’s define some other scaling metrics

9 Scaling: definitions Scaling studies involve changing the degree of parallelism. Will we be change the problem also? Strong scaling –Fixed problem size Weak scaling – Problem size grows with additional resources Speed up = T s /T p (n) Efficiency = T s /(n*T p (n)) Be aware there are multiple definitions for these terms

10 Scaling: Speedups

11 Scaling: Efficiencies Remarkably smooth! Often algorithm and architecture make efficiency landscape quite complex

12 Scaling: Analysis Why does efficiency drop? –Serial code sections  Amdahl’s law –Surface to Volume  Communication bound –Algorithm complexity or switching –Communication protocol switching  Whoa!

13 Scaling: Analysis In general, changing problem size and concurrency expose or remove compute resources. Bottlenecks shift. In general, first bottleneck wins. Scaling brings additional resources too. –More CPUs (of course) –More cache(s) –More memory BW in some cases

14 Scaling: Superlinear Speedup # CPUs (OMP)

15 Scaling: Communication Bound 64 tasks, 52% comm 192 tasks, 66% comm 768 tasks, 79% comm MPI_Allreduce buffer size is 32 bytes. Q: What resource is being depleted here? A: Small message latency 1)Compute per task is decreasing 2)Synchronization rate is increasing 3)Surface : Volume ratio is increasing

16 Topics Introduction Load Balance Synchronization Simple stuff File I/O

17 Load Balance : cartoon Universal App Unbalanced: Balanced: Time saved by load balance

18 Load Balance : performance data MPI ranks sorted by total communication time Communication Time: 64 tasks show 200s, 960 tasks show 230s

19 Load Balance: ~code while(1) { do_flops(N i ); MPI_Alltoall(); MPI_Allreduce(); } 960 x 64 x

20 Load Balance: real code Sync Flops Exchange Time  MPI Rank 

21 Load Balance : analysis The 64 slow tasks (with more compute work) cause 30 seconds more “communication” in 960 tasks This leads to 28800 CPU*seconds (8 CPU*hours) of unproductive computing All imbalance requires is one slow task and a synchronizing collective! Pair well problem size and concurrency. Parallel computers allow you to waste time faster!

22 Load Balance : FFT Q: When is imbalance good? A: When is leads to a faster Algorithm.

23 Dynamical Load Balance: Motivation Time  MPI Rank  Sync Flops Exchange

24 Load Balance: Summary Imbalance most often a byproduct of data decomposition Must be addressed before further MPI tuning can happen Good software exists for graph partitioning / remeshing Dynamical load balance may be required for adaptive codes For regular grids consider padding or contracting

25 Topics Introduction Load Balance Synchronization Simple stuff File I/O Performance profiling

26 Scaling of MPI_Barrier() four orders of magnitude

27 Synchronization: definition MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); T1 = MPI_Wtime(); e.g. MPI_Allreduce(); T2 = MPI_Wtime()-T1; For a code running on N tasks what is the distribution of the T2’s? The average and width of this distribution tell us how synchronizing e.g. MPI_Allreduce is Completions semantics of MPI functions 1)Local : leave based on local logic (MPI_Comm_rank) 2)Partially synchronizing : leave after messaging M<N tasks (MPI_Bcast, MPI_Reduce) 3)Fully synchronizing : leave after every else enters (MPI_Barrier, MPI_Allreduce) How synchronizing is MPI_Allreduce?

28 It’s very hard to discuss synchronization outside of the context a particular parallel computer So we will examine parallel application scaling on an IBM SP which is largely applicable to other clusters

29 Colony Switch PGFS basics ResourceSpeedBytes Registers 3 ns2560 B L1 Cache 5 ns 32 KB L2 Cache 45 ns 8 MB Main Memory300 ns 16 GB Remote Memory 19 us 7 TB GPFS 10 ms 50 TB HPSS 5 s 9 PB 380 x HPS S CSS0 CSS1 6080 dedicated CPUs, 96 shared login CPUs Hierarchy of caching, speeds not balanced Bottleneck determined by first depleted resource 16 way SMP NHII Node Main Memory GPFS IBM SP

30 Colony Switch PGFS MPI on the IBM SP HPS S CSS0 CSS1 16 way SMP NHII Node Main Memory GPFS 2-4096 way concurrency MPI-1 and ~MPI-2 GPFS aware MPI-IO Thread safety Ranks on same node bypass the switch

31 Seaborg : point to point messaging 16 way SMP NHII Node Main Memory GPFS 16 way SMP NHII Node Main Memory GPFS Intranode Internode Switch bandwidth is often stated in optimistic terms inter- connect

32 MPI: Intra and Inter Node Communication MP_EUIDEVICE (fabric) Bandwidth (MB/sec) Latency (usec) css0500 / 3509 / 21 css1XX csss500 / 3509 / 21 Lower latency  can satisfy more syncs/sec What is the benefit of two adapters? Can a single 16 way SMP NHII Node Main Memory GPFS css0 css1 csss

33 Inter-Node Bandwidth  csss css0  Tune message size to optimize throughput Aggregate messages when possible

34 MPI Performance is often Hierarchical message size and task placement are key Intra Inter

35 MPI: Latency not always 1 or 2 numbers The set of all possibly latencies describes the interconnect from the application perspective

36 Synchronization: measurement MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); T1 = MPI_Wtime(); e.g. MPI_Allreduce(); T2 = MPI_Wtime()-T1; How synchronizing is MPI_Allreduce? For a code running on N tasks what is the distribution of the T2’s? Let’s measure this…

37 Synchronization: MPI Collectives 2048 tasks Beyond load balance there is a distribution on MPI timings intrinsic to the MPI Call

38 Synchronization: Architecture t is the frequency kernel process scheduling Unix : cron et al. …and from the machine itself

39 Intrinsic Synchronization : Alltoall

40 Architecture makes a big difference!

41 This leads to variability in Execution Time

42 Synchronization : Summary As a programmer you can control –Which MPI calls you use (it’s not required to use them all). –Message sizes, Problem size (maybe) –The temporal granularity of synchronization Language Writers and System Architects control –How hard is it to do last two above –The intrinsic amount of noise in the machine

43 Topics Introduction Load Balance Synchronization Simple stuff File I/O Performance profiling

44 Simple Stuff Parallel programs are easier to mess up than serial ones. Here are some common pitfalls.

45 What’s wrong here?

46 Is MPI_Barrier time bad? Probably. Is it avoidable? ~three cases: 1)The stray / unknown / debug barrier 2)The barrier which is masking compute balance 3)Barriers used for I/O ordering Often very easy to fix MPI_Barrier

47 Topics Introduction Load Balance Synchronization Simple stuff File I/O Performance profiling

48 Parallel File I/O : Strategies MPI Disk Some strategies fall down at scale

49 Parallel File I/O: Metadata A parallel file system is great, but it is also another place to create contention. Avoid uneeded disk I/O, know your file system Often avoid file per task I/O strategies when running at scale

50 Topics Introduction Load Balance Synchronization Simple stuff File I/O Performance profiling

51 Performance Profiling Most of the tables and graphs in this talk were generated using IPM ( On seaborg do “module load ipm” and run as you normally would and you get brief summary to stdout. More detailed performance profiles are generated from an XML record written by IPM. In at most ~24 hours after your job completes you should be able to find a performance summary of your job online

52 How to use IPM : basics 1) Do “module load ipm”, then run normally 2) Upon completion you get Maybe that’s enough. If so you’re done. Have a nice day. ##IPMv0.85################################################################ # # command :../exe/pmemd -O -c inpcrd -o res (completed) # host : s05405 mpi_tasks : 64 on 4 nodes # start : 02/22/05/10:03:55 wallclock : 24.278400 sec # stop : 02/22/05/10:04:17 %comm : 32.43 # gbytes : 2.57604e+00 total gflop/sec : 2.04615e+00 total # ###########################################################################

53 Want more detail? IPM_REPORT=full ##IPMv0.85##################################################################### # # command :../exe/pmemd -O -c inpcrd -o res (completed) # host : s05405 mpi_tasks : 64 on 4 nodes # start : 02/22/05/10:03:55 wallclock : 24.278400 sec # stop : 02/22/05/10:04:17 %comm : 32.43 # gbytes : 2.57604e+00 total gflop/sec : 2.04615e+00 total # # [total] min max # wallclock 1373.67 21.4636 21.1087 24.2784 # user 936.95 14.6398 12.68 20.3 # system 227.7 3.55781 1.51 5 # mpi 503.853 7.8727 4.2293 9.13725 # %comm 32.4268 17.42 41.407 # gflop/sec 2.04614 0.0319709 0.02724 0.04041 # gbytes 2.57604 0.0402507 0.0399284 0.0408173 # gbytes_tx 0.665125 0.0103926 1.09673e-05 0.0368981 # gbyte_rx 0.659763 0.0103088 9.83477e-07 0.0417372 #

54 Want more detail? IPM_REPORT=full # PM_CYC 3.00519e+11 4.69561e+09 4.50223e+09 5.83342e+09 # PM_FPU0_CMPL 2.45263e+10 3.83223e+08 3.3396e+08 5.12702e+08 # PM_FPU1_CMPL 1.48426e+10 2.31916e+08 1.90704e+08 2.8053e+08 # PM_FPU_FMA 1.03083e+10 1.61067e+08 1.36815e+08 1.96841e+08 # PM_INST_CMPL 3.33597e+11 5.21245e+09 4.33725e+09 6.44214e+09 # PM_LD_CMPL 1.03239e+11 1.61311e+09 1.29033e+09 1.84128e+09 # PM_ST_CMPL 7.19365e+10 1.12401e+09 8.77684e+08 1.29017e+09 # PM_TLB_MISS 1.67892e+08 2.62332e+06 1.16104e+06 2.36664e+07 # # [time] [calls] # MPI_Bcast 352.365 2816 69.93 22.68 # MPI_Waitany 81.0002 185729 16.08 5.21 # MPI_Allreduce 38.6718 5184 7.68 2.49 # MPI_Allgatherv 14.7468 448 2.93 0.95 # MPI_Isend 12.9071 185729 2.56 0.83 # MPI_Gatherv 2.06443 128 0.41 0.13 # MPI_Irecv 1.349 185729 0.27 0.09 # MPI_Waitall 0.606749 8064 0.12 0.04 # MPI_Gather 0.0942596 192 0.02 0.01 ###############################################################################

55 Detailed profiling based on message size per MPI call per MPI call & buffer size

56 Summary: Introduction Load Balance Synchronization Simple stuff File I/O Happy Scaling!

57 Other sources of information: MPI Performance: Seaborg MPI Scaling: MPI Synchronization : Fabrizio Petrini, Darren J. Kerbyson, Scott Pakin, "The Case of the Missing Supercomputer Performance: Achieving Optimal Performance on the 8,192 Processors of ASCI Q", in Proc. SuperComputing, Phoenix, November 2003. Domain decomposition: google://”space filling”&”decomposition” etc. Metis :

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