WE’RE IN THE MONEY! Incorporating life skills math through a token economy system of behavior management by Mrs. Champagne.

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2 WE’RE IN THE MONEY! Incorporating life skills math through a token economy system of behavior management by Mrs. Champagne

3 Welcome to the Chariho Credit Union Classroom bank, that runs just like a real bank - has hours, charges fees, etc.. Each student will belong to the bank and have their own savings and checking account Teachers will run the bank when it first opens. Students may apply for jobs at a later date.

4 Earning Money Students will earn $5.00 for each of the following classroom expectations: * Having all homework complete * Being prepared for class * On time for class * Appropriate behavior

5 Earning Money The classroom expectations will be evaluated and recorded by the teacher during homebase and throughout the day. This means if a student has followed all of the classroom expectations, they will earn $100.00 for the week!

6 Bonuses Besides earning money for following classroom expectations, students have a chance to earn bonuses * Each grade that earns a score of 90%- 100% will earn a bonus of $10.00 * Students who keep their savings account and checking account record up to date will earn an extra $15.00 per week

7 Payday and Deposits On Thursdays, students will receive a paycheck reflecting their earning from the previous week. All paychecks must be deposited into savings accounts. Students will be unable to use money if paychecks have not been deposited.

8 Keeping Track of Your Money The bank will keep a record of students deposits and withdrawals It is important that each student keep track of their own accounts Will be checked every week and count for a math grade Could earn an extra $15.00 bonus

9 Bank Fees Bank will take money out of student’s accounts for: Late for class $20.00 No homework $10.00 Unprepared for class $15.00

10 Bank Hours Chariho Credit Union will be open for business: Monday thru Friday 7:15 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Monday thru Thursday for the first 10 minutes of each class (only for students who were not in homebase!)

11 Spending Money When you purchase an item from the store, we will give you a receipt, and charge your account Use the receipt to record the money you spend Once checking accounts are set up, students will write out checks to buy items Remember - you must deposit your check before you use the store!

12 Mrs. Champagne’s Store Open on Fridays, for the first 10 minutes of each class. Items to be sold: –pencils –candy –toys…and more! Please see list of prices at the store

13 This is a lot to remember! Next to the bank is posted all the information to help you This is something that we will be doing all year so don’t panic - you will get the hang of it! Teachers are here to guide you - GOOD LUCK

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