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Ontologies Reasoning Components Agents Simulations Introduction to Intelligent Agents Jacques Robin.

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Presentation on theme: "Ontologies Reasoning Components Agents Simulations Introduction to Intelligent Agents Jacques Robin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ontologies Reasoning Components Agents Simulations Introduction to Intelligent Agents Jacques Robin

2 Outline  What are intelligent agents?  Characteristics of agents  Characteristics of agents’ environments  Agent architectures

3 What is an Agent? General Minimal Definition  Any entity (human, animal, robot, software):  Situated in an environment (physical, virtual or simulated) that  Perceives the environment through sensors (eyes, camera, socket)  Acts upon the environment through effectors (hands, wheels, socket)  Possess its own goals, i.e., preferred states of the environments (explicit or implicit)  Autonomously chooses its actions to alter the environment towards its goals based on its perceptions and prior encapsulated information about the environment  Processing cycle: 1.Use sensor to perceive P 2.Interprets I = f(P) 3.Chooses the next action A = g(I,G) to perform to reach its goal G 4.Use actuator to execute A Artificial Intelligence Agents Distributed Systems Software Engineering

4 What is an Agent? Autonomous Reasoning Agent Environment Sensors Effectors Goals Action Choice: A = g(I,O) A Perception Interpretation: I = f(P) P 1.Environment percepts 2.Self-percepts 3.Communicative percepts 1.Environment altering actions 2.Perceptive actions 3.Communicative actions

5 Agent x Object  Intentionality: Encapsulate own goals (even if implicitly) in addition to data and behavior  Decision autonomy:  Pro-actively execute behaviors to satisfy its goals  Can negate request for execution of a behavior from another agent  More complex input/output: percepts and actions  Temporal continuity: encapsulate an endless thread that constantly monitors the environment  Coarser granularity:  Encapsulate code of size comparable to a package or component  Composed of various objects when implemented using an OO language  No goal  No decision autonomy:  Execute behaviors only reactively whenever invoked by other objects  Always execute behavior invoked by other objects  Simpler input/output: mere method parameters and return values  Temporally discontinuous: active only during the execution of its methods

6 Intelligent Agent x Simple Software Agent Environment Sensors Effectors Goals Percept Interpretation: I = f(P) Action Choice: A = g(I,O) Conventional Processing Conventional Processing AI

7 Intelligent Agent Environment Sensors Effectors Goals Percept Interpretation Action Choice AI Situated Agent Reasoning Input Data Output Data GoalDisembodiedAISystem AI Classical AI System

8 What is an Agent? Other Optional Properties  Reasoning Autonomy:  Requires AI, inference engine and knowledge base  Key for: embedded expert systems, intelligent controllers, robots, games, internet agents...  Adaptability:  Requires IA, machine learning  Key for: internet agents, intelligent interfaces,...  Sociability:  Requires AI + advanced distributed systems techniques:  Standard protocols for communication, cooperation, negotiation  Automated reasoning about other agents’ beliefs, goals, plans and trustfulness  Social interaction architectures  Key for: multi-agent simulations, e-comerce,...

9 What is an Agent? Other Optional Properties  Personality:  Requires AI, attitude and emotional modeling  Key for: Digital entertainment, virtual reality avatars, user-friendly interfaces...  Temporal continuity and persistence:  Requires interface with operating system, DBMS  Key for: Information filtering, monitoring, intelligent control,...  Mobility:  Requires:  Network interface  Secure protocols  Mobile code support  Key for: information gathering agents,...  Security concerns prevented its adoption in practice

10 Welcome to the Wumpus World! Agent-Oriented Formulation:  Agents: gold digger  Environment objects:  caverns, walls, pits, wumpus, gold, bow, arrow  Environment’s initial state  Agents’ goals:  be alive cavern (1,1) with the gold  Perceptions:  Touch sensor: breeze, bump  Smell sensor: stench  Light sensor: glitter  Sound sensor: scream  Actions:  Legs effector: forward, rotate 90º  Hands effector: shoot, climb out

11 Wumpus World: Abbreviations 1 2 3 4123 4 start S A B P W B B S S, B, G P P B B G A - Agent W - Wumpus P - Pit G - Gold X? – Possibly X X! – Confirmed X V – Visited Cavern B – Breeze S – Stench G – Glitter OK – Safe Cavern

12 Perceiving, Reasoning and Acting in the Wumpus World  Percept sequence: 1 2 3 4123 4 A ok t=0 nothing t=2 breeze 1 2 3 4123 4 ok A V P? b  Wumpus world model maintained by agent:

13 1 2 3 4123 4 ok A VV b ok W! s ok P! stench t=7: Go to (2,1), Sole safe unvisited cavern  Percept sequence:  Wumpus World Model: Perceiving, Reasoning and Acting in the Wumpus World t=11: Go to (2,3) to find gold 1 2 3 4123 4 ok A S ok VV b ok P! W! V ok V S B G P? ok {stench, breeze, glitter}  Action Sequence:

14 Classification Dimensions of Agent Environments  Agent environments can be classified as points in a multi-dimensional spaces  The dimensions are:  Observability  Ramification Type  Determinism  Dynamicity  Mathematical domains of the variables  Episodic or not  Multi-agency  Size  Diversity

15 Observability  Fully observable (or accessible):  Agent sensors perceive at each instant all the aspects of the environment relevant to choose best action to take to reach goal  Partially observable (or inaccessible, or with hidden variables)  Sources of partial observability:  Realm inaccessible to any available sensor  Limited sensor scope  Limited sensor sensitivity  Noisy sensors

16 Determinism  Deterministic:  Deterministic: all occurrence of executing a given action in a given situation always yields same result  Non-deterministic (or stochastic):  Non-deterministic (or stochastic): action consequences partially unpredictable  Sources of non-determinism:  Inherent to the environment: quantic granularity, games with randomness  Other agents with unknown or non-deterministic goal or action policy  Noisy effectors  Limited granularity of effectors or of the representation used to choose the actions to execute

17 RamificationType  Non-ramifying: actions of agent(s) have only the direct effect of achieving their intended goal  action a executed at instant t so that action-sensitive environment property f (called fluent) holds at instant t+1 to achieve goal g(t) has no other effects  i.e., all other fluents that held at instant t still hold at instant t+1 and all fluents that did not hold at instant t still don’t at time t+1 )  Boundedly ramifying: actions of agent(s) also have indirect (or side) effects but in finite number and of finite time horizon  action a executed at instant t so that action-sensitive environment property f (called fluent) holds at instant t+1 to achieve goal g(t) also has other indirect effects  due to causal synchronic or diachronic relationships between f and other fluents  e.g., holds(f,t)   hold(f+,t)  holds(f+,t)  holds(f,t)  hold(f-,t)   holds(f-,t)  holds(f,t)   hold(f+,t)  holds(f+,t+1)  holds(f,t)  hold(f-,t)  holds(f-,t+1)  Unboundely ramifying: actions of agent(s) also have indirect, synchronic or diachronic effects of in potentially infinite numbers  e.g., momentum of an accelerated body in absolute void

18 Dynamicity: Static and Sequential Environments  Static: Single perception-reasoning-action cycle during which environment is static  Sequential: Sequence of perception-reasoning-action cycles during each of which the environment changes only as a result of the agent’s actions Percept Static Environment Agent Action State 1State 2 Reasoning Percept Sequential Environment Agent Action State 1 Reasoning PerceptAction State 2 Reasoning PerceptAção State 3 Reasoning State N...

19  Concurrent synchronous: Environment can change on its own between one action and the next perception of an agent, but not during its reasoning  Concurrent asynchronous: Environment can change on its own at any time, including during the agent’s reasoning Dynamicity: Concurrent Synchronous and Asynchronous... Percept Synchronous Concurrent Environment Agent Action State 1 Reasoning PerceptAction State 2 Reasoning State 4State 5 State 3... Percept Asynchronous Concurrent Environment Agent Action State 1 Reasoning State 2 State 4 State 3 PerceptAction State 5 Reasoning State 6

20  Stationary: The underlying laws or rules that govern state changes in the environment are fixed and immutable; they remain the same during the entire lifetime of the agent  ex, a soccer game is asynchronous, yet stationary  Non-Stationary: The underlying laws or rules that govern state changes in the environment are themselves subject to dynamic changes (meta-level changes) during the lifetime of the agent  ex, an accounting agent acts in a non-stationary environment, since the tax laws are subject to changes from one year to the next Dynamicity: Stationary and Non-Stationary

21 Multi-Agency  Sophistication of agent society:  Number of agent roles and agent instances  Multiplicity and dynamicity of agent roles and groups  Communication protocols, cooperation and negotiation schemas  Main classes:  Mono-agent  Multi-agent cooperative  Multi-agent competitive  Multi-agent cooperative and competitive  With static or dynamic coalitions

22 Mathematical Domain of Variables Binary Dichotomical Boolean Qualitative Nominal Ordinal Quantitative Interval Fractional Discrete Continuous R [0,1]  MAS variables:  Parameters of agent percepts, actions and goals  Attributes of environment objects  Arguments of environment relations, states, events and locations

23 Mathematical Domain of Variables  Binary:  Boolean, ex, Male  {True,False}  Dichotomic, ex, Sex  {Male, Female}  Nominal (or categorical)  Finite partition of set without order nor measure  Relations: only = ou   ex, Brazilian, French, British  Ordinal (or enumerated):  Finite partition of (partially or totally) ordered set without measure  Relations: only =, , , >  ex, poor, medium, good, excellent  Interval:  Finite partition of ordered set with measure m defining distance d:  X,Y, d(X,Y) = |m(X)-m(Y)|  No inherent zero  ex, Celsius temperature  Fractional (or proportional):  Partition with distance and inherent zero  Relations: anyone  ex, Kelvin temperature  Continuous (or real)  Infinite set of values

24 Other Characteristics  Episodic:  Agent experience is divided in separate episodes  Results of actions in each episode, independent of previous episodes ex.: image classifier is episodic, chess is not soccer tournament is episodic, soccer game is not  Open environment:  Partially observable, Non-deterministic, Non-episodic, Continuous Variables, Concurrent Asynchronous, Multi-Agent.  ex.: RoboCup, Internet, stock market

25 Size and Diversity  Size, i.e.,  Size, i.e., number of instances of:  Agent percepts, actions and goals  Environment agents, objects, relations, states, events and locations  Dramatically affects scalability of agent reasoning execution  Diversity,  Diversity, i.e., number of classes of:  Agent percepts, actions and goals  Environment agents, objects, relations, states, events and locations  Dramatically affects scalability of agent knowledge acquisition process

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