Master Online Teacher Competencies eLearning Conference 2007 Virgil E. Varvel Jr.

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Presentation on theme: "Master Online Teacher Competencies eLearning Conference 2007 Virgil E. Varvel Jr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Master Online Teacher Competencies eLearning Conference 2007 Virgil E. Varvel Jr.

2 Quality – What Is It? Student Services Library Tutor Accessibility Sport & Fitness Counseling Advising Outcomes Satisfaction Enrollments, Retention, and Degree Time Total Numbers Alumni Programs

3 Quality – What Is It? Institutional Library Size Reference Services Students Total Enrollments Retention and Transfers Time to Completion Degree Programs Number Type Total Courses Transferability Course Quality Endowments Alumni Support Technology Infrastructure Physical Infrastructure & Campus Facilities Sports Success

4 Quality – What Is It? Faculty Support Services Library Instructional Design Accessibility Publishing Equipment Pay Research Awards Grants Publications Total Number Full-time v. Adjunct

5 Quality – Instructional Level What makes one course better than another? Student outcomes, support, satisfaction, etc. But these depend on… Support services overall which affect all courses at one institution versus another. Course quality or rubric alignment Instructor quality or competency

6 What is a competency? a competent individual is: one who effectively and efficiently accomplishes a task [ instructs ] in a given context [digital distance education] using appropriate knowledge, skills, attitudes, and abilities that have adjusted and developed with time and needs.

7 Why a competency document? Functionally characterize those with competence. Speaks to the quality of the program, its instructors, and any courses offered. Help lay out professional development plans. Help define the goals in the program aimed at developing the competencies.

8 What issues are involved in implementation? Goal setting or requirement setting? Administrative support of competency model development, implementation, and support. Incentives for competency development. Importance of historical context of the individual.

9 What issues are involved in competencies? How will the competencies be organized, chosen, updated, etc.? Which competencies and how many competencies are needed for the given context? What are core competencies? How will the competencies be evaluated?

10 Competencies

11 Administrative Roles (Systems, Ethical and Legal Issues) Institutional Context Intellectual Property Issues and Regulations Student Issues and Management Additional Legal and Ethical Issues Instructor Selection and Evaluation Support Mechanisms

12 Personal Roles (Personal Qualities and Characteristics) Content Knowledge Teaching Commitment Communication Ability Time Management Patience Relative Objectivity

13 Technological Roles (Technology Knowledge and Abilities) Access Technical Proficiencies Technical Assistance

14 Instructional Design Roles (Instructional Design Processes, Knowledge, and Abilities) Syllabus and Introductory Materials Materials Selection, Modification, and Evaluation Variability and Flexibility of Content and Activities Rational Planning of Activities

15 Pedagogical Roles (Teaching Processes, Knowledge, and Abilities) Education and Learning Theory Cognitive Presence Instructional Processes / Pedagogy / Presence (5 pages of sub- competencies)

16 Assessment Roles (Assessing Student Learning and Abilities) Purposeful Assessment Select, Construct, and Utilize Assessment Strategies Varied, Authentic Assessment Feedback Provisions Utilize Appropriate Technologies Academic Honesty Issues Addressed Privacy Issues Addressed

17 Social Processes and Presence (Social Roles) Community of Learners Community of Practice Cultural Competency Conflict Management Social Presence Socializing Agent

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