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Examination tests: not only reading and understanding

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1 Examination tests: not only reading and understanding
How to read a text Examination tests: not only reading and understanding Open-ended tests Summary

2 Read a comprehension text at least twice
To get an overall impression of what it’s about To concentrate on details Read slowly = spare time

A WORD A short phrase A SENTENCE

4 Guessing unknown words
Get into the habit of doing without a dictionary Look at the context (sentences that come before and after) Look to see if the word is repeated Don’t waste too much time worrying about words you don’t understand

5 Open-ended tests: You not only have to understand the text and the questions - you also have to decide how to express the answer

6 how to express the answer
Use your own words as far as possible Use some words from the text but avoid using long expressions or whole sentences Write the answer in its most natural form (often you don’t have to make complete sentences)

7 Introduction to summary
See through the words to the ideas (often very simple) which lie behind them

8 go through the following steps
Possible approach go through the following steps

9 Read through the text from beginning to end, underlining all the points which should come into your answers – do not miss anything important; Make a list of notes in which you reproduce very briefly in your own words all the points you have underlined; Without looking at the original text, join these points together into a paragraph; Change the order of the points if necessary, to make the construction more logical; Look back at the text and check that you have produced a good summary.

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