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Mechatronics 1 Week 11. Learning Outcomes By the end of week 11 session, students will understand some sorts of mobile robot and locomotion of wheeled.

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Presentation on theme: "Mechatronics 1 Week 11. Learning Outcomes By the end of week 11 session, students will understand some sorts of mobile robot and locomotion of wheeled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mechatronics 1 Week 11

2 Learning Outcomes By the end of week 11 session, students will understand some sorts of mobile robot and locomotion of wheeled robots.

3 Course Outline Legged robot. Wheeled robot. Holonomic & Nonholonomic robots. Locomotion.

4 Mobile Robots Legged Robot, it uses legs to travel from 1 location to another. Wheeled Robot, it uses wheels to travel from 1 location to another.

5 Wheeled Robot Holonomic : When the wheels rotate in the forward direction and then backward to its previous angular position, the robot will arrive in the same location. Non Holonomic : When the wheels rotate in the forward direction and then backward to its previous angular position, the robot will not necessarily arrive in the same location.

6 Holonomic System (1) Roll motion can be achieved by rotating a wheel about its axis. If a lateral slip (a slip in the wheel axis direction) exists, the actual motion is the resultant produced by the roll motion and the lateral slip direction.

7 Holonomic System (2) For a robot with several wheels, a motion can only possible if all wheel axes intersect in a single point, i.e. Instantaneous Centre of Curvature (ICC). Each wheel’s velocity must be consistent with the requirement to maintain a rigid rotation about the ICC.

8 Differential Drive (1) A Differential drive system has 2 wheels rotating about a common axis, in which each wheel has its own motor to drive the wheel independently. A pose of robot is determined by the position of the robot (x,y) and its orientation (Φ ). The independent drive allows a robot to move along a specified trajectory. A robot with differential drive system needs a supporting wheel(s), e.g. a castor wheel.

9 Differential Drive (2) The linear velocity of each wheel is given by The angular motion of each wheel is determined by the rate of change of its angular position (i.e. θ L and θ R ). Forward Kinematics Backward Kinematics

10 Differential Drive (3) Notes : –v l, v r, ω, and R are functions of time. –Special cases of v l = v r, v l = -v r. –If l = 0  not a differential drive system.

11 Differential Drive (4) Robot Forward Kinematics : The angular rate difference between both wheels determines position & orientation of robot. Inverse Kinematics : The position and orientation of a robot determines the angular rate difference between both wheels.

12 Non Holonomic Robot Drive Wheels Castor Wheel

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