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GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 GLAST Large Area Telescope Gamma-ray Large Area.

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Presentation on theme: "GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 GLAST Large Area Telescope Gamma-ray Large Area."— Presentation transcript:

1 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 GLAST Large Area Telescope Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope LAT Pre-Shipment Review LAT Level Requirement Verification & Compliance Rich Baun SLAC Systems Engineering

2 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 2 Agenda  Verification & Compliance Summary  Requirements & Verification Overview  Requirement Verification Process  LAT Level Test Program Overview  LAT Level Requirement Sell-off Status  Interface Verification  Plan to Compliance Closure  Requirement Issues  LAT Compliance

3 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 3 LAT Verification & Compliance Summary  Verification Summary –334 of 459 VPs have been executed to date, as per plan Verification reports for 329 of the executed VPs have been submitted for customer approval 5 requirements have issues that require resolution Preliminary analysis for 62 of the VPs has been completed and compliance is fully expected 219 of the verification reports submitted have been approved  Compliance Summary –LAT compliance with all valid requirements is fully anticipated, except those noted below: Science Requirements - Background Rejection –Details provided in Science Requirements Verification presentation EMI Requirements - Conducted & Radiated Susceptibility –Details provided in EMI/EMC Test Results presentation

4 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 4 Requirement Verification Overview  The LAT Level verification program encompasses the sell-off of 459 requirements –363 Level 2a/2b and 124 Level 3 requirements verified at the LAT Level 197 requirements allocated for sell-off by LAT Level Test in the 36 test cases documented by the Performance &Ops Test Plan, LAT-MD-02730 204 requirements allocated for sell-off by the various Analysis Plans 22 LAT Level requirements are sold by lower level analysis and test The remaining 36 requirements are sold by inspection  Classical verification approach utilized –Each requirement assigned one of four verification methods Test – Test whose results require analysis to determine success Demonstration - Test with a simple Go/No Go success criteria Analysis – Simulations or models used to verify requirement, results often based on or correlated to test data Inspection – Visual inspection to verify compliance –Each requirement assigned a verification level, (i.e. device, unit, subsystem, etc.) –Detailed verification plan written for each requirement

5 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 5 Environmental Requirement Sell-off  The environmental reqts provided in the EMI Spec and the MAR define the environments in which the LAT is tested –The LAT Performance Spec requires compliance to these environments either directly or by reference Sell-off of environmental requirement VPs from the LAT Performance Spec shows compliance to the environmental requirements –The environmental test plans also insure these reqts are met by implementing the environments specified in the LAT Environmental Specification, LAT-MD-00778 The plans specify when, at what levels, and how to apply the environments  LAT performance through the environments is verified by the electrical tests specified in the Perf & Ops Test Plan –Electrical tests are performed before, during, and after the environments

6 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 6 Requirement & Verification Flowdown

7 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 7 Requirement & Verification Flowdown Discussion  All NASA Level 2A reqts in the SRD, MSS, and IRD and the ICDs are flowed to the Level 2B LAT Perf Spec (LAT-SS-00010) –All LAT reqts are flowed to Subsystem specs (Level 3) from the LAT Performance Spec –DOORS is used to document the reqts and reqts flowdown NASA Systems and all LAT team members have fully reviewed the requirements and the associated flowdown  All LAT Perf Spec requirement Verification Plans (VPs) are documented by the Verification Cross Reference Matrix (VCRM) –Each LAT requirement is traced to a VP in the VCRM –VPs and the verification traceability is documented DOORS All Level 2A and ICD requirements have been reviewed, flowed, have a VP, and are in the VCRM

8 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 8 Verification Cross Reference Matrix (VCRM)  The LAT VCRM, LAT-MD-07658, documents the VPs and the verification methods, levels, locations, and results –Test and demo VPs are logically collected to form test cases as defined by the Perf & Ops Test Plan, LAT-MD-02730 –Analysis VPs are allocated to the appropriate analysis plan and any LAT level data collection is specified –Inspection VPs are documented in DOORS and the VCRM –The VCRM can be found on-line at  All VPs have been approved by the LAT team and NASA Systems All VPs have been reviewed & approved by the LAT team and NASA

9 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 9 VCRM Example A complete VCRM is provided in the LAT EIDP

10 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 10 Requirement Verification Documentation  Each reqt’s verification is documented by a Requirement Verification Report (RVR), test report, or analysis report –Each RVR, test report, and analysis report is reviewed and approved by Systems Engineering and the customer –RVRs and test and analysis reports often combine verifications for like or related requirements For example, most Thermal reqts are sold by the TV Test Report  The LAT VCRM summarizes the verification results –Verification data and RVR, test report, and analysis report doc numbers are all provided in the VCRM  LAT compliance to each requirement is documented in the VCRM All requirement verification results are summarized in the VCRM

11 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 11 Requirement Sell-off Process

12 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 12 Test Case Run Buy-off  Test Case Run Buy-Off –Once I&T indicated a test run was complete, Systems, requirement owners, and assigned experts reviewed the run data –Each test run had at least two reviewers Systems Engineering reviewed all data for every run/test case Reqt owners/experts reviewed all data for their assigned runs/cases –If a reviewer found the run sufficient, they signed off on the hardcopy Test Case Review Log Test cases with more than one reviewer were not sold until all sign-off –If an anomaly was found or the run was insufficient, it was documented in an NCR and corrective action was taken The LAT verification & test program was extremely thorough and the data review was extensive and complete

13 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 13 LAT Level Test Program (1 of 2)

14 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 14 LAT Level Test Program (2 of 2)

15 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 15 LAT Level Verification Summary  Verification Terminology –Requirement Identified: Reqt documented in Level 2B and/or Level 3 specification –Flow Down Complete: Flow down to Level 3 of Level 2A/2B requirement complete –Draft VP: Draft VP has been written and submitted to LAT team and customer for review –Final VP: Customer, Systems, and reqt owner have agreed on the contents of the VP –VP Executed: Verification plan has been executed –Report Submitted: Draft RVR or report has been provided to the customer for review –Requirements Sold: RVR or report approved by customer and released into LAT Docs –Expect Compliance: RVR not submitted, but preliminary analysis indicates LAT will comply –VP Deferred: Plan execution deferred beyond post-ship –Requirements Issue: Stale requirement or waiver required

16 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 16 Requirement Sell-off Status  Aside for the requirement issues, reports for all VPs planned for pre-ship execution have been submitted to the customer  No issues are anticipated in the remaining requirements –Only a paperwork exercise remains to sell the remaining VPs RVRs have been submitted for all Pre-Ship VPs

17 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 17 Interface Verification Methodology  LAT/SC Interface verified primarily by test and demonstration –Interface demonstrated by SIIS power up of the LAT in LAT141 –All SC/LAT prime, redundant, and cross-strapped interfaces extensively tested by test case LAT13x, using the VSC –Some unit level test and analysis of interface and interface data also utilized  All verification details are provided in the associated RVRs and the results summarized in the VCRM The hardware performance of all LAT/SC Interfaces has been verified

18 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 18 Interface Verification Status  Aside for requirements issues, reports have been submitted to the customer for all interface VPs  ~67% of all interface requirements have been sold  No issues are anticipated for the remaining requirements –Only a paperwork exercise remains to sell the remaining VPs All Interface requirements will be verified

19 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 19 Post-Ship Interface Compliance Plan  Deferred Interface VPs – 7 VPs total –All deferred interface VPs are related to LAT/GBM messaging requirements from the LAT/GBM ICD –All physical interfaces have been verified –ECD: 15 Dec 06  Expect Compliance Interface VPs – 10 VPs total –All VPs related to TV analysis –Preliminary analysis indicates the LAT will comply with margin –ECD: 1 Nov 06  Requirements Issue Interface VPs – 1 VPs total –VP related to Symmetrical Common & Differential Mode impedance Current requirement is stale –Plan forward Analysis of measured data from LAT and SC has indicated no issues IRD/ICD requirements need to be deleted –IRD change to be documented by CCR CCR in coordination with SASS –ECD: 15 Nov 06

20 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 20 Post-Ship Compliance Plan (1 of 2)  Deferred VPs – 63 VPs total –Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) FSW upgrades provided by FSW B1.0.0 account for 60 of the deferred VPs FSW awaiting GRB algorithm definition from scientific community Target of Opportunity (TOO) and Automatic Repoint Request (ARR) functional requirement also included in this set ECD: 15 Dec 06 –Remaining 3 VPs are those related to Observatory environments Observatory shock tests Four additional thermal cycles acquired by LAT at Observatory TV ECD: 30 days following Observatory TV

21 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 21 Post-Ship Verification Plan (2 of 2)  Expect Compliance VPs – 62 VPs total –51 VPs related to TV analysis and LAT Thermal Model correlation ECD: 1 Nov 06 –6 VPs related to the just executed Mass Properties tests ECD: 15 Oct 06 –5 VPs related to EMI/EMC Testing ECD: 15 Oct 06 –Preliminary analysis indicates the LAT will comply with margin Excluding EMI, see the EMI/EMC Test Results presentation

22 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 22 Requirements Issues  Requirements Issues – 5 VPs total –2 VPs related to Symmetrical Common & Differential Mode impedance Current requirements are stale Plan forward –Analysis of measured data from LAT and SC has indicated no issues –IRD/ICD requirements need to be deleted ECD: 15 Nov 06 –1 VP related to Radiator Cut-outs venting in the wrong direction In coordination with SASS; initial assessment: No issue ECD: 15 Nov 06 –2 VPs require internal waivers – no impact to LAT performance or Observatory level test Both waivers to T&DF Level 3 Spec, LAT-SS-00019 –CAL TACK Latency: LAT-XR-08615 –Subsystem Deadtime Contribution Measurements: LAT-XR-08616 ECD: 15 Nov 06

23 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 23 LAT Compliance  All Level 2A & ICD reqts have been flowed down with traceability  All VPs have been reviewed and approved by the customer  All VPs planned for execution prior to shipment have been executed  RVRs for 98.5% of the VPs planned for execution prior to ship have been submitted to the customer –Requirement issues are all understood, only the paper trail remains to be completed, i.e. there is no risk  A plan to full requirements sell-off has been provided –Due to thorough test, data review, and analysis programs, no issues are anticipated for the remaining requirements to be sold All performance reqts in this group have been verified by preliminary analysis, i.e. Thermal, Mass Props, and EMI All other requirements are functional, i.e. GRB, TOO, and ARR Full LAT compliance is expected

24 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 GLAST Large Area Telescope Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope LAT Pre-Shipment Review LAT Level Requirement Verification Back-up Charts Rich Baun Systems Engineering

25 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 25 Performance & Operations Test Plan  All test cases are defined in detail in the Performance and Operations Test Plan (LAT-MD-02730-05) –The plan identifies 6 categories of test cases to be run: 13 test cases for the LAT CPT 6 LAT LPT test cases 12 SVAC/ETE test cases 3 LAT calibration test cases 2 LAT Level test cases 1 one-time hardware verification test –All requirements sold by Test and Demo are allocated to test cases by the Perf & Ops Test Plan –All functions to be validated are also allocated to test cases by the Perf & Ops Test Plan –The plan was reviewed by NASA Systems and approved by LAT Systems, ACD, CAL, ELX, FSW, I&T, MECH, Thermal, & TKR

26 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 26 LAT Level Test Case Summary (1 of 2) ItemTest Case IDTest Case NameRedundancy Configurations 123456789 1LAT00xLAT Power On XXXXXXXXX 2LAT01xLAT Power Off XXXXXXXXX 3LAT02xLAT Reinitialization XXXX X 4LAT031LAT Electrical Power Subsystem Performance X 5LAT04xEstablish Science Operations Configuration XX 6LAT05xLAT Register Test XX 7LAT06xSIU/EPU Hardware Functional XX 8LAT071LAT Energy Measurement Calibration X 9LAT12xLAT Science Modes XX 10LAT13xLAT/Spacecraft I/F Functional XXXXX 11LAT141SIIS LAT/Spacecraft I/F Functional X 12LAT15xLAT Ambient TCS Test XX 13LAT16xLAT Ambient Survival Htr Test XX 14LAT17xLAT Conducted & Radiated Emissions XP 15LAT18xLAT Conducted & Radiated Susceptibility X 16LAT20xLAT Science Performance Diagnostics XX 17LAT21xLAT Timing Measure & Adjust XX 18LAT22xLAT Science Ops Demo XXXXXX 19LAT23xLAT GRB Handling XXXX

27 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 27 ItemTest Case ID Test Case NameRedundancy Configurations 123456789 20LAT30xLAT ACD CPT X 21LAT31xLAT ACD LPT XX 22LAT40xLAT CAL CPT X 23LAT41xLAT CAL LPT XX 24LAT50xLAT TKR CPT X 25LAT51xLAT TKR LPT XX 26LAT521LAT Config 1 Light Tight Test X 27LAT651T&DF False Triggers X 28LAT661T&DF Data Transport Errors X 29LAT70xLAT SVAC Flight Config on Gnd XX 30LAT711LAT Config 1 SVAC Muon Calibration X 31LAT801LAT Config 1 SVAC Condition Scan (27 V) X 32LAT811LAT Config 1 SVAC Condition Scan (29 V) X 33LAT821LAT Config 1 SVAC Nominal Rate CR X 34LAT831LAT SVAC Nominal Rate CR Data Volume X 35LAT841LAT SVAC Nominal Rate Condition Scan CR X 36LAT85xLATSVAC Nominal Rate Condition Scan CR XX LAT Level Test Case Summary (2 of 2)

28 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 28 LAT Redundancy Configurations

29 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 29 Test Case Run Review  Test Case Run Review –Test cases are run by I&T in virtually any order Systems/Commissioner should review plans to insure all case interdependencies are considered –After each test case is run, I&T reviews the data and notifies Systems that a run was valid A valid run is one in which there were no script, database, test set, test software, configuration errors, or operator errors that invalidate the test This review must be within 24 hours of test execution Obviously, any issues determined to be anomalies must be reported through the appropriate system (JIRA or NCR) –Test script, software, and config file errors must be documented –I&T must establish and maintain a Test Case Review Log that contains the following minimum information Test case name and number, script, start time, run number, LAT configuration discrepancies, I&T reviewer, and the numbers of any NCRs or JIRAs written during the test case –Log should allow space for expert/Systems sign-off

30 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 30 Test Case Run Buy-off  Test Case Run Buy-Off –Once I&T has indicated a test run is valid, Systems, the Commissioner and/or assigned experts will review the run data –Buy-off Process Each test case will have at least one assigned reviewer –Systems Engineering will produce a matrix of who is responsible to review test case/requirement data –Requirement owners will also review the data collected in each test case that is pertinent to their requirements –Reviewers and requirement owners will sign-off on the Test Case Review Log when review is complete If the reviewer finds the run sufficient, they note the test case as “complete” on the Test Case Review Log –Test cases with more than one reviewer are not sold until all sign-off If a reviewer detects an anomaly or that the run was insufficient, they will report this through appropriate documentation (NCR) –A NCR is needed to justify modification or a re-run of the test Buy-off must be complete within one week of test execution or before test exit, which ever occurs first

31 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 31 Requirement Sell-Off ( 1 or 2 )  Requirement Sell-Off, High-level approach –Only functional requirements will be sold in the Baseline LAT Test (or at the earliest opportunity) –All performance requirements will not be sold until after all environments have been completed, that is following TV Performance requirement owners will be expected to look at performance data from all test phases and perform an “early” assessment –Environmental requirements will be sold only after testing in the appropriate environment is performed For example, vibe related requirements will not be sold until after Sine-Vibe  Requirement Sell-Off, Concept of Operations –Nominally, each requirement owner will have 1 week after test execution to review the test data Owners requiring longer time periods will need to negotiate with Systems –For most requirements, simply executing the test case and certifying by review the test was successful is sufficient for sell-off as reported in an RVR For each requirement, reviewer names, when the data was reviewed, test case numbers, scripts, run times, and run numbers will be logged in the VCRM

32 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 32 Requirement Sell-Off (2 of 2)  Requirement Sell-Off, Concept of Operations (continued) –The requirement owner will have 2 weeks after test execution to produce a Requirement Verification Report (RVR) Owners requiring longer time periods will need to negotiate with Systems Once an RVR is written, it will be reviewed and approved by Systems and submitted to the customer –Submit RVRs to customer for review and approval Incorporate customer comments if any Release RVRs into LAT Docs with customer approval Test Reports can replace RVRs –Meetings to review RVRs can be held at customer request The customer, the Commissioner, Systems, and the appropriate requirement owners attend –The VCRM documents all requirement sell-off and provides traceability from requirement to RVR

33 GLAST LAT ProjectSeptember 15, 2006: Pre-Shipment Review LAT Requirement Verification Presentation 5 of 12 33 Requirements Verification Reports  For an agreed to subset of LAT requirements only, not all reqts  Must have an assigned LAT Docs number  Minimum RVR contents –Requirement owner’s name –Requirement source, text, and number –Verification Plan text and number –Supporting test case name and number (if applicable) –Script name(s) used to run test –Date, time, and run number when supporting test case(s) were run If data was collected from multiple runs, each run must be noted –Compliance statement, i.e. the report must state definitively the LAT complies with the requirement Margin to the requirement must be stated where appropriate –Supporting documentation of test data, analysis, and results –Deviations from the verification plan and the reasons for the deviations must be stated –Any NCRs or JIRAs associated with the requirement must be listed

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