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God says in Proverb 29:18 KJV “ Where there is no VISION, the people perish.” The NASB says “ Where there is no VISION, the people are unrestrained.” VISION.

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Presentation on theme: "God says in Proverb 29:18 KJV “ Where there is no VISION, the people perish.” The NASB says “ Where there is no VISION, the people are unrestrained.” VISION."— Presentation transcript:

1 God says in Proverb 29:18 KJV “ Where there is no VISION, the people perish.” The NASB says “ Where there is no VISION, the people are unrestrained.” VISION is the ability for human beings to dream and to fulfill God’s plan upon the earth. In order for thy will to be done on earth, as it is in heaven, we the children of God must understand VISION. VISION is the ability that God gives to certain individuals to understand clearly the immediate as well as long-range goals of a particular unit of the Body of Christ and to devise and execute effective plans for the accomplishment of those goals. We must remember it is God’s will to bring the human race closer to Jesus, to teach them His ways and to remind them that He loves them. PNS is setting forth our VISION FOR 2012. We have a big VISION but I ask you this question? Is God big enough? The New Year is here and it is time to dream big. I encourage you to partner with us as we are reaching out and doing the work of the Lord. Please see inside for OUR VISION FOR 2012. VISIONVISION C AMP M EETING K EEP THE F IRE B URNING – Speaker Bill Williams from Cleveland, TN January 21 st – 7:00PM January 22 nd – 6:00PM New Life Church 1417 Dewey Ave. Newport AR 870-523-8413 VISION

2 John Wesley once said “I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.” Our VISION for 2012 is to keep the fire in the church stirred up. GET INVOLVED HELP US COMPLETE THIS HOME LET’S DO THIS TOGETHER The Oil Trough children’s home has been a blessing for many children. Our VISION for 2012 is to expand our facility so that we will be able to help more children. EXPANDING NLCH AT OIL TROUGH LOVE IS PATIENT, LOVE IS KIND I met with the Newport School Board on December 19, 2011. They agreed to give us the lease on the Castle Berry School for a youth children’s home. The children’s home will be a blessing for this community. The children’s home will be supported for by God’s people.

3 N EW L IFE C HURCH PNS Chapel and Community Church “Where God is Changing Lives” Everyone is Welcome N EW L IFE C HILDREN ’ S H OME A home in Oil Trough, AR for orphans and abandoned children. J AIL M INISTRY Taking the Gospel to those who are incarcerated. G OD ’ S S TOREHOUSE PNS operates a weekly food bank, God’s Storehouse. Anyone needing assistance with food can find help here. We are open Wednesday 2-6pm E STHER H OUSE Women’s recovery home. The home is designed to help women recover. D EBORAH H OUSE Is our women’s homeless shelter. We have 10 beds in this home for anyone that needs help. C ALEB H OUSE Transition home for men who have completed our program. Can hold 8 beds. J OSHUA H OUSE Men’s homeless shelter that has 9 beds. The shelter is for anyone that has no place to stay. G IDEON H OUSE Recovery home for men with 14 beds. This home helps men overcome addictions or any type of bondages. P ROMISE L AND Apartments for teenage mothers. F AITH, H OPE, AND L OVE H OME A home for mothers with their children. C OMMUNITY P RIDE I N A CTION Volunteers in the upkeep of the streets and neighborhoods of Jackson and Independence Counties. We also have Lawn & Yard Services available. S TATE S TREET M ISSION 905 N. State Street Open Every Saturday 10am-2pm A mission focused on sharing the love of God. Helping with mentoring, food and clothing. O UR M INISTRIES 870-523-8413 New Life Children’s Home Sponsor The Children Program and Help Change Children’s Lives If you are not a sponsor at this time, but would like to become one, please don’t put it off. For as little as $20.00 a month, 67 cents a day, you can impact the life of children for eternity. Simply fill out the information below and watch your seeds grow. Please send completed form, and payment to the following address. New Life Children’s Home P.O. Box 885, Newport, AR. 72112 For more information call our Office: 870-523-8413 Fax: 870-217-0912 Web Address: Knowing the Bible says that pure religion is to help the fatherless, I will commit monthly to ___ $20.00 for one child ___$40.00 for two children or a one time donation of $____ Name: _____________________________________________________________ Street Address: _______________________________________________________ City: _________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ________________ Home Phone #: ____________________ Cell Phone #:______________________ E-Mail Address: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________________ God bless you & thank you for making a difference. N URSING H OME Sharing God’s love for those who are shut-in. ● B REAKTHROUGH M EETINGS Life skill classes to help overcome addictions, depression, and anxiety that holds you back. S ARAH H OUSE Is our women’s shelter for pregnant women. We have 8 beds in this home for anyone that needs help. R UTH H OUSE Is our women’s transitional housing. We have 6 beds in this home for any women graduates who want to live at our facility after they graduate. ● N EW L IFE Y OUTH H OME A home for troubled youth in Newport, AR. We are dedicated to helping our youth have a better tomorrow.

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