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Plants can reproduce asexually with stems, leaves, or roots.

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Presentation on theme: "Plants can reproduce asexually with stems, leaves, or roots."— Presentation transcript:

1 KEY CONCEPT Plants can produce genetic clones of themselves through asexual reproduction.

2 Plants can reproduce asexually with stems, leaves, or roots.
Asexual reproduction allows a plant to make copies of itself. Regeneration is one type of asexual reproduction. plants grow a new individual from fragment of parent occurs when piece of a stem, leaf, or root falls off parent plant

3 Vegetative reproduction is another type of asexual reproduction.
stems, leaves, or roots attached to parent plant produce new individuals specific adaptations include stolons, rhizomes, and tubers

4 Humans can produce plants with desirable traits using vegetative structures.
Vegetative propagation takes advantage of plants’ ability to reproduce asexually. Humans use one plant with desirable traits to produce many individuals. cutting of leaves or stems may grow new roots grafting joins the parts of two plants together to form a hybrid plant

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