(Rajib Saha,Pankaj Jain,Tarun Souradeep, astro-ph/0508383) A Blind Estimation of Angular Power Spectrum of CMB Anisotropy from WMAP.

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Presentation on theme: "(Rajib Saha,Pankaj Jain,Tarun Souradeep, astro-ph/0508383) A Blind Estimation of Angular Power Spectrum of CMB Anisotropy from WMAP."— Presentation transcript:

1 (Rajib Saha,Pankaj Jain,Tarun Souradeep, astro-ph/0508383) A Blind Estimation of Angular Power Spectrum of CMB Anisotropy from WMAP

2 IIT Kanpur + IUCAA Saha, Jain,Souradeep 2005 (astro-ph/0508383) Independent, self contained analysis of WMAP multi-frequency maps Blind estimation : no extraneous foreground info. ! I.e., free of uncertainty of foreground modeling Black: IITK+IUCAA Red : WMAP team

3 Saha, Jain,Souradeep 2006 (preliminary)

4 Model free Foreground removal Foreground cleaned map: Linear combinations of maps of different frequency channels, i. CMB anisotropy is achromatic : Such that CMB signal is untouched in the final map ) Determine weights that minimize total power For each frequency channel, i :

5 1 DA 2 DA 1 DA 2 DA 4 DA

6 (K,Ka)+Q1+V2+W12= (C13,CA13) (K,Ka)+Q1+V2+W13= (C14,CA14) (K,Ka)+Q1+V2+W14= (C15,CA15) (K,Ka)+Q1+V2+W23= (C16,CA16) (K,Ka)+Q1+V2+W24= (C17,CA17) (K,Ka)+Q1+V2+W34= (C18,CA18) (K,Ka)+Q2+V1+W12= (C19,CA19) (K,Ka)+Q2+V1+W13= (C20,CA20) (K,Ka)+Q2+V1+W14= (C21,CA21) (K,Ka)+Q2+V1+W23= (C22,CA22) (K,Ka)+Q2+V1+W24= (C23,CA23) (K,Ka)+Q2+V1+W34= (C24,CA24) (K,Ka)+Q2+V2+W12= (C7,CA7) (K,Ka)+Q2+V2+W13= (C8,CA8) (K,Ka)+Q2+V2+W14= (C9,CA9) (K,Ka)+Q2+V2+W23= C10,CA10) (K,Ka)+Q2+V2+W24= (C11,CA11) (K,Ka)+Q2+V2+W34= (C12,CA12) (K,Ka)+Q1+V1+W12= (C1,Ca1) (K,Ka)+Q1+V1+W13= (C2,CA2) (K,Ka)+Q1+V1+W14= (C3,CA3) (K,Ka)+Q1+V1+W23= (C4,CA4) (K,Ka)+Q1+V1+W24= (C5,CA5) (K,Ka)+Q1+V1+W34= (C6,CA6) 48 CLEANED MAPS

7 One of the 40 cleaned maps obtained from combing the 10 difference assemblies of WMAP

8 24 Cross-correlation power spectra

9 Cross-correlation power spectra without correcting for point source residuals WMAP teamOur method

10 Residual power from unresolved point source

11 IIT Kanpur + IUCAA Saha, Jain,Souradeep 2005 (astro-ph/0508383) Independent, self contained analysis of WMAP multi-frequency maps Blind estimation : no extraneous foreground info. ! I.e., free of uncertainty of foreground modeling Black: IITK+IUCAA Red : WMAP team

12 (48.3  1.2, 544  17) (48.8  0.9, 546  10) (41.7  1.0, 419.2  5.6) (41.0  0.5, 411.7  3.5) (74.1  0.3, 219.8  0.8) (74.7  0.5, 220.1  0.8 Peaks of the angular power spectrum

13 Saha, Jain,Souradeep 2006 (preliminary)






19 Correlation matrix for the Binned power spectrum

20 30Ghz44Ghz 77Ghz 100Ghz 143Ghz217Ghz Combination of Planck Channel maps

21 Input random realization of CMB map (in  k unit) Recovered foreground cleaned map (in mk unit)

22 Retaining beam and pixel window smoothing Difference between input & recovered maps

23 No beam and pixel window smoothing Difference between input & recovered maps

24 BiPS Diagnostics of cleaned maps Filters BIPS: filter ABIPS: filter B C6: clean C9 : cleaner A B Saha,Hajian, Souradeep, Jain (in progress ) Maps from Saha et al. astro-ph/0508383 (see poster)

25 Anisotropic Noise Simplest case:

26 Anisotropic Noise Simplest case:

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