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Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate see (www

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1 Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate see (www
Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate see ( National Science Foundation

2 Road Map Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Overview Proposal and Funding Statistics Various Funding Opportunities Engagement and Community Involvement

3 National Science Foundation
Office of Inspector General Board Administrative Offices Office of the Director Directorate for Biological Sciences Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering Directorate for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences Directorate for Education & Human Resources Office Cyberinfrastructure Office of International Science & Engineering Directorate for Engineering Directorate for Geosciences Office of Polar Programs

4 FY 2007 Proposal Statistics NSF and CISE
No. of Proposal Actions 44,593 5,745 No. of Reviews 280,000 24,182 No. of Awards 11,484 1,633 Funding Rate (Research Only) 26% (22%) 28% (24%)


6 CISE Budget and Budget Outlook
NSF provides 87% of all Federal support for basic research in computer science FY 2008 Budget = $535M, $8M increase over FY 2007 FY 2009 Budget Request = $639M, a 19% increase over FY 2008 American Competitiveness Initiative calls for NSF funding to double over next 10 years America Competes Act authorizes additional NSF funding, setting pace for doubling of the NSF Research and Related Activities account over the next 7 years Obama Effect??

7 CISE Organizational Chart and Core Research Programs
Office of the Assistant Director for CISE CCF Computing and Communications Foundations CNS Computer and Network Systems IIS Information and Intelligent Systems Algorithmic Foundations Computer Systems Research Human-Centered Computing Information Integration and Informatics CORE PROGRAMS Communications and Information Foundations Networking Technology and Systems Robust Intelligence Software and Hardware Foundations

8 More on CISE Core Programs
Annually, 3 CISE divisions issue coordinated Solicitation for Small, Medium and Large proposals Issued in Summer for Fall submissions Most awards and funding come through this process Despite variety of other programs in which CISE participates Review and decision happens in core programs also Intentionally broad (less specified) to allow for creativity.

9 Elements of NSF Strategic Plan
Discovery Learning Infrastructure

10 CISE Contributions (1) Discovery: Advance the Frontiers of Computing
Core CISE programs Cross NSF Programs that serve specific goals or communities - CISE participates CAREER (for new faculty) – deadline in July, may be submitted to any core CISE research program Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) (for faculty at undergraduate institutions) - may be submitted to any CISE core research program Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) – may be submitted to any CISE core research program CI: Atkins report; cybersecurity: congressional mandate I’ll touch upon all of these, especially CI and organizational; computing research CI: research and support for shared facilities BP: our EWF theme Organizational effectiveness: to serve the computing community

11 Discovery: Advance the Frontiers of Computing
Multidisciplinary program solicitations issued by CISE Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) – began in FY’08 Collaborative Research for Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) Advanced Learning Technologies (ALT) Center-like programs (funding of several $M/year/project for 5-10 years) Science and Technology Centers Expeditions in Computing CI: Atkins report; cybersecurity: congressional mandate I’ll touch upon all of these, especially CI and organizational; computing research CI: research and support for shared facilities BP: our EWF theme Organizational effectiveness: to serve the computing community

12 Discovery: Expeditions (Large Centers)
New in FY08 Pursue ambitious, fundamental research that promises to define the future of computing Investigators collaborate across disciplinary and institutional boundaries Catalyze far-reaching research explorations motivated by deep scientific questions Inspire current and future generations of Americans, especially those from under-represented groups Stimulate significant research and education outcomes that promise scientific, economic and/or other societal benefits Full Proposal Deadline: January 10, 2009 Expect 3-4 awards in FY09 FY07-08 Awards Understand, Cope with, and Benefit From Intractability Computational Sustainability: Computational Methods for a Sustainable Environment, Economy, and Society Open Programmable Mobile Internet 2020 Molecular Programming

13 Discovery: Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI)
New in FY 2008 Involves all NSF Directorates Create revolutionary science and engineering research outcomes made possible by innovations and advances in computational thinking. Seek ambitious, transformative, multidisciplinary research proposals within or across the following thematic areas: From Data to Knowledge Understanding Complexity in Natural, Built, and Social Systems Building Virtual Organizations

14 CISE and Engineering collaboration - Cyber Physical Systems
Conjoining of and coordination between computational and physical resources. Anticipating improvements in adaptability, autonomy, efficiency, functionality, reliability, safety, and usability. Systems that respond more quickly, are more precise, work in dangerous or inaccessible environments, provide large-scale, distributed coordination, are highly efficient, augment human capabilities, and enhance societal wellbeing Joint call for proposals Solicitation NSF Due February 27, 2009 Awards up to &1M/year for 5 years New in FY 2009

15 Discovery: CISE Cross-cutting research programs
New in FY09 New solicitation that covers areas that cut across the CISE divisions and that could benefit from intellectual contributions of researchers with expertise in a number of fields or sub-fields Invites small (<$500K), medium (<$1.2M) and large (<$3M) projects Eligibility – no more than 2 proposals per senior personnel Focus Areas Data-Intensive Computing Network Research and Engineering Trustworthy Computing CI: Atkins report; cybersecurity: congressional mandate I’ll touch upon all of these, especially CI and organizational; computing research CI: research and support for shared facilities BP: our EWF theme Organizational effectiveness: to serve the computing community

16 Advance: Data-Intensive Computing
Rethinking how we store, retrieve, explore, analyze, and communicate enormous digital datasets Computation is data-intensive Demands a fundamentally different set of principles, e.g., based on parallelism Requires real-time responsiveness and high degrees of fault-tolerance Questions: How can we best program data-intensive computing platforms to exploit massive parallelism What new programming abstractions can exploit these capabilities? How can new designs support appropriate power consumption, human maintainability, and economic feasibility? How must this computing paradigm evolve to best support new data-intensive applications?

17 Advance: Network Science and Engineering (NetSE)
Considers computer networks as complex, global socio-technical infrastructure Encourages researchers to reason about the dynamics and behavior of current and future large-scale networks and the interdependence among the physical, informational and communications technologies Promotes research in radical design in network architectures by building on the predecessor FIND Program Seeks to improve or enable existing or new classes of applications, such as multi-player games, virtual worlds, augmented reality and tele-presence.

18 Advance: Trustworthy Computing
Builds on its predecessor program – Cyber Trust Supports research and education activities that explore novel frameworks, theories, and approaches toward realizing a trustworthy computing future Seeks new knowledge about scientific foundations of trustworthiness – reliability, security, privacy and usability -- to inform trustworthy technologies Encourages researchers to explore the integration of hardware, networking protocols, systems software and applications through new security architectures. Seeks to explore trade-offs between security and privacy Encourages proposals in the area of usability

19 NSF Strategy - CISE Contributions (2)
Learning: Build a highly competent and diversified computing workforce for the 21st century CISE-specific CISE PATHways (CPATH) to Revitalized Education in Computing Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) NSF-wide programs Research Experiences for Undergrads (REU) Sites and Supplements Integrative Graduate Education & Training (IGERT) Graduate Research Fellowships Scholarships for Service CI: Atkins report; cybersecurity: congressional mandate I’ll touch upon all of these, especially CI and organizational; computing research CI: research and support for shared facilities BP: our EWF theme Organizational effectiveness: to serve the computing community

20 NSF Strategy - CISE Contributions (3)
Research Infrastructure: Support development and acquisition of research instruments that enable high-quality computing research CISE-specific Computing Research Infrastructure (Core program) NSF-wide program Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) CI: Atkins report; cybersecurity: congressional mandate I’ll touch upon all of these, especially CI and organizational; computing research CI: research and support for shared facilities BP: our EWF theme Organizational effectiveness: to serve the computing community

21 Other new CISE Initiatives and Partnerships (see
Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) CISE Pathways to Revitalized Undergraduate Computing Education (CPATH) Cluster Exploratory (CluE) CreativeIT Foundations of Data and Visual Analytics (FODAVA) High-End Computing University Research Activity (HECURA) Mathematical Sciences: Innovations at the Interface with Computer Sciences (MSPA-MCS) Multicore Chip Design and Architecture: (MCDA) NSF-NRI Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Supplements to NSF Centers in Nanoelectronics (NSF ) Software for Real-World Systems (SRS)

22 Back to Basics CISE is about advancing the computing frontier
Supporting outstanding ideas submitted by creative people in a broad range of academic institutions and organizations. Focus on high-risk projects with high-impact potential. Impact may be far in the future and/or long-lasting. Impact leads to new knowledge, maybe across multiple domains and sectors. Impact can create new economies and change societal behavior - not difficult to find examples.

23 Special Emphasis Programs
Subscribe to NSF’s mailing list Special Emphasis Programs 1

24 Subscribe to CISE Distribution List
To subscribe: send a message to: with no text in the subject or message body.

25 Get Involved Send your best ideas to NSF
Volunteer to be a reviewer and panelist Get to know your Program Directors - visit us in Arlington VA Keep us informed of your accomplishments Work within your institutions to support collaborative, interdisciplinary research Call our attention to things that need improvement Participate in NSF-funded events, workshops, etc. Consider serving as a Program Director (“rotator”) or Division Director Consider participating in the Computing Community Consortium:

26 Thank You

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