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Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness in [DISTRICT NAME/ BUILDING NAME] Date/Presenter.

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Presentation on theme: "Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness in [DISTRICT NAME/ BUILDING NAME] Date/Presenter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness in [DISTRICT NAME/ BUILDING NAME] Date/Presenter

2 The Educator Effectiveness (EE) System is… Designed to support the continuous improvement of educator practice that leads to improved student learning Built BY and FOR Wisconsin educators An objective, performance-based evaluation for teachers and principals A tool to provide meaningful feedback for professional growth

3 EE is NOT… A “gotcha” or “one size fits all” mandate A result of Act 10 Designed to compare or rank educators A rash or impulsive reform [or other common fear in district/school]

4 Who will participate in the EE System? [Describe locally included educators] [Share the DPI Flowchart to identify mandated educators]DPI Flowchart [Explain how administrators decided who will be in a Summary Year this year] [Describe any impact on non-EE System staff]

5 Who can be an EE evaluator? Evaluators are active administrators AND Complete training [Describe evaluator training (including Teachscape Focus certification)] Typical Evaluator Roles[Explain application in district/school]: – Superintendents evaluate principals – Principals evaluate assistant principals and teachers Assistant principals evaluate teachers – Principals/other administrators with additional training MAY evaluate other principals

6 Who will evaluate me? Lead evaluators [Identify specific names or roles, (i.e., “building principals”, Director of Instruction, etc.) and any other evaluators who may contribute to an educator’s Summary Year scores and Summary Graph, if applicable] Other administrators [Explain (if relevant) which administrators in the district other than the superintendent will evaluate other administrators] Other evaluators [Explain (if relevant) any special circumstances such as the use of evaluators from other districts, retired educators, CESA personnel, etc.)]

7 When will I participate in EE? Effectiveness Cycle [explain Effectiveness Cycle in district/school, Summary versus Supporting Years, expectations] Observations [explain number/type of observations]

8 What EE training will I receive? [Explain local training procedures] – Step 3 Training (evaluators) – Step 4 (all) [Dates of scheduled in-service days, training opportunities] [Additional local training information/resources]

9 Who will support me over the Effectiveness Cycle? Explain local supports [Effectiveness coaches, CESA contacts/Implementation Coaches/PLCs, mentors] [Contact person/people for Teachscape, evaluation management, or resource questions]

10 Is my EE Data private? Wisconsin law prevents districts from releasing EE data in response to an Open Records request. Wis. Stat.§ 120.12(2m). [Explain district policy for protection or viewing of EE Data] [Include any penalties/consequence for a breach of policy by a district employee or board member]

11 Will I get a final EE Score? No, EE represents educator results on a Summary Graph Coordinate Pair [Show Practices Summary and Student Outcomes Summary and explain Summary Graphic]Practices Summary Student Outcomes Summary Summary Graphic Training [Reminder that Steps 1, 2 and 4 training for educators will explain the EE System in detail, including scoring components, screencasts of how to use Teachscape, and the Summary Graph]

12 How will [school/district] use EE Data? [Specify the role of EE System data in the overall district supervision and evaluation process] [Explain the relationship between EE System elements and related components of the district’s supervision and evaluation process, for example:] – new educator mentoring and induction support – criteria for moving an educator into an improvement plan – grounds for non-renewal or dismissal – impact on local compensation and advancement systems

13 What about conflict resolution in the EE System? [Explain conflict resolution process including reconciling differences of opinion between an evaluator and educator regarding (for example)]: – scoring – request from an educator or district for an early or additional Summary Year – request from an educator for re-evaluation – appeals to the final scoring decision, etc.

14 How can I get more information about EE? Visit the EE Website: For the latest EE updates and resources, follow the EE Twitter feed: and Pinterest board: EE Twitter feed [Identify local district dedicated page/contact person and other local resources]

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