Analysis of Student Work Coordinator and Think Tank Update Broadcast: Wednesday, July 16 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of Student Work Coordinator and Think Tank Update Broadcast: Wednesday, July 16 1:00 – 3:00 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of Student Work Coordinator and Think Tank Update Broadcast: Wednesday, July 16 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

2 ASW Reality vs. Rumor Activity

3 Standard I: Teachers demonstrate leadership. Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students. Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach. Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students. Standard V: Teachers reflect on their practice. Standard VI: Teachers contribute to the academic success of students. NC Professional Teaching Standards

4 5 Rating Categories 1 6 5432 Demonstrate Leadership Establish Environment Know Content Facilitate Learning Reflect on Practice Contribute to Academic Success 3 Rating Categories Not Demonstrated Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished Does Not Meet Expected Growth Meets Expected Growth Exceeds Expected Growth Overview of Standard 6 NC Educator Evaluation System

5 Overview of Standard 6 Contribute to Academic Success End of Grade (EOG) or End of Course (EOC) tests 6 NC Final Exams 6 Career Technical Education Assessment 6 Analysis of Student Work K-3 Checkpoints 6 6

6 Analysis of Student Work 6 Contribute to Academic Success In 2014-2015, ASW is the Standard 6 measure for teachers in Advanced Placement, Arts Education, Healthful Living, International Baccalaureate, and World Languages. Growth is based on student work submitted by teachers and rated by content experts in a “blind review” process.

7 Fall 2011 Design Groups Spring 2013 ASW Pilot 2013 – 2014 ASW Pilot Analysis of Student Work Process

8 Advanced Placement Arts Education Healthful Living International Baccalaureate Occupational Preparation 7 th Grade Social Studies World History World Languages ASW 2014 Pilot Participants 8 Regions Content Areas

9 Questions about the previous section? Type them in the question box now.

10 Overview of ASW Process

11 Teacher receives category rating for Standard 6 Teacher collects TAs of student work Reviewers rate Evidence Collections Overview of the ASW Process Teacher verifies schedule and chooses objectives for each course Teacher Uploads Evidence Collection to Online Platform

12 Overview of the ASW Process


14 ASW Process: A Quick Guide

15 Describe teaching context and choose 5 objectives from the Essential Standards Compile a Timelapse Artifact (TA) for each Objective Complete and upload an Evidence Collection Submit the Evidence Collection for “blind” review by content experts Receive a category rating for Standard 6 TA 1 TA 2 TA 3 TA 4 TA 5 EVIDENCE COLLECTION EVIDENCE COLLECTION Overview of the ASW Process

16 Items needed to compile a Timelapse Artifact (TA): A specific objective measured over 2 distinct points in time Work Sample Options: Student or Whole Class Method(s) or tool(s) for collecting 2 work samples Context Overview of the ASW Process

17 Objectives: Using the Strands and Standards guidance charts, 5 objectives will be chosen. Overview of the ASW Process

18 Questions about the previous section? Type them in the question box now.

19 Work Samples: Option 1 – Student Work Samples Collect and keep 2 work samples: for each class member for the objective at 2 separate points in time Overview of the ASW Process

20 Work Samples: Option 2 – Whole Class Work Samples 2 work samples that represent the entire class for the objective at 2 separate points in time Overview of the ASW Process

21 Pre Test Sljdflkjdf sdfljsdfljdf sdflkjsdf sdflnksdflnsdf sdfllsdf sdflnsdf sdfklsdflkjf fsl flk sdflkjsdf sdf Ljsdflksdf ;mf sdflmdf sdf;df msdf;sdf sdfmsdf lmf, sdfmsd. Sdmsdf0 lsdjlkjsdflkjsdfljk Ljdflkjf ljkdlkjsdf tjtlkjltj ;jke;ljkw;jkw ;kw;lkwet ;w;jw ;jkw;ljkw klwe ljsdfljsdf sdljsdfljsdf Sljdflkjdf sdfljsdfljdf sdflkjsdf sdflnksdflnsdf sdfllsdf sdflnsdf sdfklsdflkjf fsl flk sdflkjsdf sdf Ljsdflksdf ;mf sdflmdf sdf;df msdf;sdf sdfmsdf lmf, sdfmsd. Sdmsdf0 lsdjlkjsdflkjsdfljk Ljdflkjf ljkdlkjsdf tjtlkjltj ;jke;ljkw;jkw ;kw;lkwet ;w;jw ;jkw;ljkw klwe ljsdfljsdf sdljsdfljsdf Sljdflkjdf sdfljsdfljdf sdflkjsdf sdflnksdflnsdf sdfllsdf sdflnsdf sdfklsdflkjf fsl flk sdflkjsdf sdf Overview of the ASW Process Method(s) or tool(s) for collecting:

22 TA 1 Timelapse Artifact Option 1 – Student Work Samples Online platform will select 3 students The TA will be compiled using the Student Work Samples from these selected students. Overview of the ASW Process

23 Timelapse Artifact Option 1 – Student Work Samples If a student work sample is unavailable, that student will be reshuffled to create another sampling. TA 1 Overview of the ASW Process

24 Timelapse Artifact Option 1 – Student Work Samples Context for 1 st work sample How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? 1 1 1 Overview of the ASW Process

25 Timelapse Artifact Option 1 – Student Work Samples Context for 2 nd work sample How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? 222 Overview of the ASW Process

26 Timelapse Artifact Option 1 – Student Work Samples Context for Growth Describe the growth that occurred between points one and two. 1 2 1 2 1 2 Overview of the ASW Process

27 Timelapse Artifact Option 1 – Student Work Samples 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Timelapse Artifact Overview of the ASW Process

28 Timelapse Artifact Option 2 – Whole Class Work Samples Be sure to keep the Whole Class Work Samples If the composition of your class changes, do not worry, submit your two work samples. #2 Work Sample 1 Work Sample 2 1 Timelapse Artifact Overview of the ASW Process

29 Timelapse Artifact Option 2 – Whole Class Work Samples Whole Class Work Sample 1 Whole Class Work Sample 2 1 Timelapse Artifact Overview of the ASW Process

30 Timelapse Artifacts will be uploaded to the online platform. TA 3 Student TA 3 Student TA 4 Student TA 4 Student TA 5 Whole Class TA 5 Whole Class TA 1 Student TA 2 Whole Class Overview of the ASW Process

31 Questions about the previous section? Type them in the question box now.

32 Principal’s Input Ensure Teacher Participation

33 Principal meets with the teacher to ensure that the 5 objectives chosen use the parameters in the Strands & Standards Guidance Chart Some examples of meetings: PDPs teacher meetings Principal’s Input

34 The Principal is notified when a reshuffle is used by a teacher. TA 1 Principal’s Input

35 Blind Review: The Evidence Collection will be reviewed by 2 content area specialists. Reviewer #1 Reviewer #2 Overview of the ASW Process

36 Reviewer #1 Reviewer #2 Blind Review: The platform sends the evidence collection to two reviewers who have been matched to the teacher because of their similar content area expertise. Overview of the ASW Process

37 Category Rating: Meets Expected Growth Reviewer #1 Reviewer #2 Blind Review: If the category ratings from each reviewer are the same, then the review process is complete and the Standard 6 rating will be posted for that year. Meets Expected Growth Overview of the ASW Process

38 Reviewer #1 Reviewer #2 Blind Review: If the category ratings from the two reviewers are not the same, the Evidence Collection is automatically sent to a 3 rd reviewer for an additional review to get a rating for that year. Exceeds Expected Growth Reviewer #3 Meets Expected Growth Overview of the ASW Process

39 2-Step ASW Process Review : Evidence Collection ChecklistASW Quality Rubric Overview of the ASW Process

40 D = Does Not Meet Expected Growth M = Meets Expected Growth E = Exceeds Expected Growth Transfer your rating for each TA from the quality rubric to the table below: Use this table to determine the overall rating for the evidence collection Overall Rating for the entire Evidence Collection Does Not Meet Expected Growth Meets Expected Growth Exceeds Expected Growth Evidence Collection Rating Form: TA 1TA 2TA 3TA 4TA 5 Does Not MeetMeetsExceeds D D D D DM M M M ME E E E E D D D D EM M M M EM E E E E D D D D MD M M M MM M E E E D D D E EM M M E ED E E E E D D D M ED D M M MD M E E E D D D M MD M M M ED D E E E D D M M E D D M E E D M M E E Overview of the ASW Process

41 5 Rating Categories 1 6 5432 Demonstrate Leadership Establish Environment Know Content Facilitate Learning Reflect on Practice Contribute to Academic Success 3 Rating Categories Not Demonstrated Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished Overview of Standard 6 NC Educator Evaluation System

42 An educator receives an effectiveness status only after he or she has 3 years of data on Standard 6 A 3-year rolling average of growth data from Standard 6 is used as part of determining overall status 3-Year Rolling Average 666 Year 1Year 2Year 3 Standard

43 66 Contribute to Academic Success 6 Year 1 2014-2015 Does Not Meet Expected Growth Year 2 2015-2016 Meets Expected Growth Year 3 2016-2017 Meets Expected Growth Standard Mr. NC’s 3-year rolling average of growth data: 2014-15 Does Not Meet (Year 1) 2015-16 Meets (Year 2) + 2016-17 Meets (Year 3) Mr. NC’s 3-year rolling average for 2014-2017 Meets Expected Growth Demonstration of 3-Year Rolling Average for 2014-2017

44 Effectiveness Status for 2016 - 2017 Effective 2016 - 2017 DevelopingProficientAccomplishedDistinguished Standard 1 Demonstrate leadership Standard 2 Establish Environment Standard 3 Know Content Standard 4 Facilitate Learning Standard 5 Reflect on Practice Standard 6 Three year rolling average X X X X X 3 year rolling average for 2014 – 2017 Meets Expected Growth

45 Online Training Modules Important Forms Frequently Asked Questions Visit the Wiki here: ASW Wikispace

46 Regions 1 & 2August 12 Region 3August 19 Region 4August 6 Region 5August 14 Region 6August 15 Region 7August 21 Region 8August 22 Combined 7 &8August 8 Regional Training Schedule – August, 2014 (Known locations available on the ASW Wikispace)

47 Questions about ASW Process Jennifer DeNeal Race to the Top Project Coordinator for Educator Effectiveness North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Have a question about educator effectiveness? Send an email to:

48 Questions about Educator Effectiveness North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Have a question about Educator Effectiveness? visit effectiveness-model or EES+Wiki

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