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COMMON CLASSES AND ORDERS OF ARTHROPODA V: CLASS INSECTA This is by far the largest class of arthropods – estimated 750,000-1 million+ species worldwide.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMON CLASSES AND ORDERS OF ARTHROPODA V: CLASS INSECTA This is by far the largest class of arthropods – estimated 750,000-1 million+ species worldwide."— Presentation transcript:


2 COMMON CLASSES AND ORDERS OF ARTHROPODA V: CLASS INSECTA This is by far the largest class of arthropods – estimated 750,000-1 million+ species worldwide Ranging from wingless silverfish to the ants, bees and wasps Found in nearly every terrestrial habitat; also, some in/on fresh water Metamorphosis varies from ‘none’ to ‘simple’ to ‘complete’ Adults commonly winged; still, some cannot fly (wings too small or secondarily absent) or do not fly

3 There are 19 Orders of insects in Your List *The Arthropod ID Quiz will ONLY feature ADULT arthropods. Class Insecta, (As Adults*, That Is) Photo: D.B. Richman, NMSU

4 Class Insecta Pay attention to the insect’s ‘antennal type’ which can be useful for identification; they can vary by Order & sometimes within an Order CAPITATE Diagram:

5 Class Insecta Order Thysanura – Silverfish Metamorphosis: None Mouthparts: Chewing Photo: Univ. Minnesota Extension

6 Class Insecta Order Odonata – Dragonfly Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing All Photos: D.B. Richman, NMSU

7 Class Insecta Order Odonata – Damselfly Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing All Photos: D.B. Richman, NMSU

8 Class Insecta Order Phasmatodea – Walkingstick Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing Photo: D.B. Richman, NMSU

9 Class Insecta Order Orthoptera – Short-horned Grasshopper Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing Photo: D.B. Richman, NMSU

10 Class Insecta Order Orthoptera –Long-horned Grasshopper Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing Photo: D.B. Richman, NMSU

11 Class Insecta Order Orthoptera –Cricket Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing Photo: D.B. Richman, NMSU

12 Class Insecta Order Orthoptera - Camel Cricket Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing Photo: David Cappaert, MI State Univ, Uga5369804 Photo: W Cranshaw, CO State Univ,

13 Class Insecta Order Orthoptera – Jerusalem Cricket Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing Photo: D.B. Richman, NMSU

14 Class Insecta Order Dermaptera – Earwig Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing Photo: D.B. Richman, NMSU

15 Class Insecta Order Mantodea – Mantid Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing Photo: D.B. Richman, NMSU

16 Class Insecta Order Phthiraptera – Sucking Louse (Lice, plural) Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Sucking Cattle tail louse. Human head louse Both photos: MC Pereira, ICB, Univ Sao Paulo, Brazil

17 Class Insecta Order Phthiraptera, Chewing Louse (Lice, pl.) Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing Chicken feather louse Deer louse Chicken body louse KS Dept Ag PDIS Org image lib MC Pierera icb usp brazil

18 Class Insecta Order Isoptera – Termite Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing A)Wingless reproductive (adult) B)Winged reproductives (adults) C)Worker termites are actually nymphs Photo: PJBryant, UCIrvine Entomology Photo: Univ Kentucky Entomology Photo: D.B. Richman, NMSU A) B) C)

19 Class Insecta Order Blattodea – American Cockroach Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing Photo: D.B. Richman, NMSU

20 Class Insecta Order Blattodea - German Cockro ach Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing Photo: Univ. Nebraska-Lincoln, Dept. Entomology

21 Class Insecta Order Blattodea - Oriental Cockroach Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Chewing Photo: Univ. Nebraska-Lincoln, Dept. Entomology

22 Class Insecta Order Thysanoptera – Thrips (both sing. & pl.) Metamorphosis: Simple Mouthparts: Sucking & Chewing Onion thrips (L), Western flower thrips (R) Photo: Alton N. Sparks, Jr., University of Georgia, Palm thrips, Thrips palmi. Photo: Plant Protection Service Archive, Plant Protection Service,

23 Next…… The ‘True Bugs’---Hemiptera Photo: D. B. Richman, NMSU

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