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The Percent Proportion Percent of a number Find what percent 1 number is of another Find the base in percent problems.

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Presentation on theme: "The Percent Proportion Percent of a number Find what percent 1 number is of another Find the base in percent problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Percent Proportion Percent of a number Find what percent 1 number is of another Find the base in percent problems

2 The Formula Also called the (Part) Also called the (Whole) or (Total) or (Base)

3 Translate to a proportion. 1.56% of 46 is what number? 2.What percent of 69 is 153?

4 3. 25% of 604. 5.1% of 400 Finding the Part

5 5. What percent of 1800 is 36? 6. 320 is what percentage of 4? Finding the Percent

6 7. 12 is 80% of what number? 8. Find a number so that 66 2 / 3 % of it is 12. Finding the Base

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