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Supporting SMEs’ access to finance Vilmos Budavari European Commission, DG Enteprise und Industry.

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1 Supporting SMEs’ access to finance Vilmos Budavari European Commission, DG Enteprise und Industry

2 Contents What are the European funding sources? Dedicated website “Guide to funding” Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme EIB support for SMEs Supporting SMEs via the Structural Funds Funding focusing on special areas Enterprise Europe Network Weblinks to provide you with more information

3 What are the European funding sources? CIP financial instruments implemented through financial intermediaries  Equity investments and loan guarantees for SMEs (€1.1bn for 2007-2013).  Financing via banks and venture capital funds. EIB lending through participating banks  EIB loans for SMEs: Business loans (€30bn for 2008-2011). Structural funds via the regions; partially also via financial institutions. Programmes managed and projects selected at regional or national level. The beneficiaries of structural funds receive a direct contribution to finance their projects. Funding focusing on special areas  Supports specific policy objectives such as environment, research or education.  Often SMEs are eligible project partners.  Co-funding is the general rule: the support of the European Union usually consists of subsidies which only cover part of the costs of a project. Support for the internationalisation of SMEs  A number of these schemes do not provide direct funding to SMEs, but are directed at intermediaries and/or public authorities. Support is therefore often indirect.  The objective is to help SMEs’ access to markets outside the EU.

4 European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry dedicated website “Guide to funding” funding/index_en.htm funding/index_en.htm

5 Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) 2007-2013 Entrepreneurship & Innovation (EIP) € 2166 million including € 1130 million Financial Instruments Including € 430 million for eco-innovation ICT Policy (ICT) € 728 million Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) € 727 million

6 CIP Financial Instruments How do they work? European Investment Fund (EIF) Venture capital investment in SMEs Lending to SMEs EIF selects its financial intermediaries based on competence. The criteria are public. Guarantee funds Venture capital investments Other investors EU funding Venture capital fund Bank Guarantor

7 Where to look for the CIP Financial Instruments?

8 Financial intermediary for the CIP guarantee instruments: Example Austria

9 Financial intermediary for the CIP venture capital instruments in Europe

10 EIB support for SMEs

11 EIB financial intermediaries: Example Austria

12 Supporting SMEs through the Structural Funds: JEREMIE JEREMIE is a joint initiative of the European Commission and the European Investment Fund with the European Investment Bank. It aims to improve access to micro-credit, venture capital finance or guarantees and other forms of innovative financing for micro to medium-sized enterprises. JEREMIE is managed as part of the European Regional Development Fund programmes. The projects are selected at the relevant national and regional level.

13 Funding with a special focus: research and innovation The 7th Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7) pays special attention to the SMEs through its different programmes:

14 Enterprise Europe Network To help you with your search

15 Enterprise Europe Network contact points: Example Austria

16 Guide to SME funding sources: funding/index_en.htm CIP financial instruments: EU contracts and grants: EIB lending: For advice: Your Europe for business: Email contact: For more information

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