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Finding angles with algebraic expressions

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Presentation on theme: "Finding angles with algebraic expressions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding angles with algebraic expressions

2 You need to take the concepts that we have learned to find the value of x
5x x + 20

3 What do we know about these angles
5x x + 20

4 What do we know about these angles They add up to 180
5x x + 20

5 Set the two equations so they add up to 180
5x x + 20 = Now solve for x 6x + 60 = 180 6x = 120 X = 20 5x x + 20

6 What do you know about these angles
5x x + 70

7 What do you know about these angles They are equal to each other
5x x + 70

8 Set the equations equal to each other and solve for x
5x + 10 = 2x + 70 -2x 3x + 10 = 70 - 10 3x = 60 X = 20 5x x + 70

9 Find x 2x x+ 30

10 Find x 10x + 10 3x + 59

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