Understanding Diversity In The Workplace

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1 Understanding Diversity In The Workplace
Our purpose here is to give each of you new insights into what happens when an “outsider” or different kind of person joins a work group and how we can include their diversity in our common goals. Everyone here is a resource and can contribute ideas about being more effective even when you are different from your workmates. You should walk away from this training with a new understanding of what can happen every day, with new ideas for being effective, and with a new support system of people who face similar issues.

2 Workforce Kaleidoscope
“Diversity is the key to constant change and advancement in our society” and understanding diversity begins with the recognition that “out of many, we are one”. Remember the Kaleidoscope that you might have played with as a child? From the outside it was just a tube but when you peered inside you noticed that a new and beautiful world could be created with a mere twist or or turn. This is somewhat similar to the world we live in and the places that we work. When you look at your coworkers and and customers, you will see such diverse characteristics as race, gender, age, or even disability.

Shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human Ratios remaining the same, it would look like this: There would be: 57 Asians 21 Europeans 14 from the Western Hemisphere (north and south) 8 Africans 52 would be female 48 would be male 70 would be non white, 30 white 70 would be non Christian, 30 would be Christian 89 would be heterosexual, 11 homosexual 59% of the entire world's wealth would be in the hands of only 6 people and all 6 would be citizens of the United States 80 would live in substandard housing 70 would be unable to read 50 would suffer from malnutrition 1 would be near death, 1 would be near birth Only 1 would have a college education 1 would own a computer

4 What Is Diversity? di·ver·si·ty - the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness: diversity of opinion. The term "diversity" is used broadly to refer to many demographic variables, including, but not limited to, race, religion, color, gender, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, education, geographic origin, and skill characteristics. America's diversity has given this country its unique strength, resilience and richness. Question: Name other differences that apply to our Workplace: (Possible answers - exempt v. non-exempt, etc...)

5 What Is Workplace Diversity?
Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. That sounds simple, but it encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, function, education, background and more. Question: Name other differences that apply to our Workplace: (Possible answers - exempt v. non-exempt, etc...)

6 What Is Diversity? Diversity is the many types of differences we recognize in ourselves and in others. Society Differences: Age Gender Type Culture Education Sexual Orientation Physical /Mental Abilities Values Marital Status Religion Workplace Differences: Management vs. Non-Management “Techies” vs. “Non-Techies” Doctors vs. Nurses vs. Staff Other Workplace Differences??? Question: Name other differences that apply to our Workplace: (Possible answers - exempt v. non-exempt, etc...)

7 Benefits Of Diversity Different perspectives, along with higher creativity will enhance company performance Provides opportunities to learn from and about others Strengthens our ability to compete in the increasingly “global market” Increases “innovation” and adds new and creative ideas to the process Provides different approaches of accomplishing tasks The Average Worker in 1970 was: Married White Male Age 29 12 years of education (high school grad) Children Homemaker wife Worked only in the region where they lived The New Demographics of today’s Marketplace: Women account for approximately 1/2 the workforce Ethnic and racial groups have grown consistently and are expected to double in the next 55 years The average age of the workforce is increasing substantially The ADA has enabled people with disabilities with opportunities to join the mainstream workforce

8 Top 10 Economic Facts Diversity in the Workplace
This is EXTRA information. It is NOT on your listening guide.  1. A diverse workforce drives economic growth. 2. A diverse workforce can capture a greater share of the consumer market. 3. Recruiting from a diverse pool of candidates means a more qualified workforce. 4. A diverse and inclusive workforce helps businesses avoid employee turnover costs. 5. Diversity fosters a more creative and innovative workforce.

9 Top 10 Economic Facts Diversity in the Workplace
6. Businesses need to adapt to our changing nation to be competitive in the economic market. 7. Diversity is a key aspect of entrepreneurialism. 8. Diversity in business ownership, particularly among women of color, is key to moving our economy forward. 9. Diversity in the workplace is necessary to create a competitive economy in a globalized world. 10. Diversity in the boardroom is needed to leverage a company’s full potential.

10 Valuing Diversity Requires….
Increasing one’s “personal awareness” Learning to avoid stereotypes Recognizing the worth and dignity of others Treating people with RESPECT

11 How Culture Affects the Way We Treat Others
“Culture” is defined as “a way of life of a given society, passed down from one generation to the next through learning experiences. “It is the way WE do things here!” Involves beliefs and values as well as assumptions and perceptions. Belief Systems are powerful forces which act as sort of a “lens” that we see the world through. People’s belief systems, without their realizing it, are shaped by their upbringing, past experiences and surrounding culture. The more people know about their own culture, the better they can address the issues that they may have with the cultures of others.

12 Since September 11, Our differences have never been more in the public consciousness. This means that now, more than ever, we need to identify our common interests and goals and work together in order to create a better society. In order to grow as individuals, we must learn how to understand, value, and manage diversity in our society. Understanding other cultures is a difficult process and discomfort with other cultures usually stems from a lack of exposure. Question: How can one expose themselves to other cultures in order to lessen their discomfort? Visit and ethnic neighborhood and see what goes on their Visit Ethnic Shops Attend another place of worship and experience a different religion Eat with people from other cultures and eat what they eat.

13 Stereotypes Imply that everyone in the category is the same
Often imply undesirable or insulting characteristics Ignore individual experience and expectations Make assumptions about individuals and their experiences without any direct knowledge of that person - just their type Rarely come from the perspective of inside the group - thus outsiders often miss much of the important information DON’T ASSUME... People are members of a culture only to the extent that their personal experience has come from the community. There is no way to know what a person’s culture is until you know them and ask them about their individual history. African-Americans may grow up overseas as Army kids with no comprehension of inner-city dialect or style of dress Hispanics may grow up in a house where no one speaks Spanish. Most American Muslims and people of Arabic Descent are very patriotic and loyal to the US and its allies.

14 Confronting Your Biases
First, take an honest evaluation of your attitudes and biases Be open to change Learn to treat each person with respect and equality Learn to integrate people and put aside differences Recognize and acknowledge the needs as well as the contributions of all people Work together towards common goals

15 Respect for Your Co-workers Is the

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