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Through which processes does water vapor enter the atmosphere?

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Presentation on theme: "Through which processes does water vapor enter the atmosphere?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Through which processes does water vapor enter the atmosphere?
Bell work 10/28 Through which processes does water vapor enter the atmosphere?

2 Interactions of Earth’s Systems
water Cycle Interactions of Earth’s Systems

3 Water Cycle The continuous movement of water on, above, and below the Earth’s surface The sun provides the energy that drives the water cycle

4 Evaporation Water absorbs thermal energy and becomes warmer
Process by which a liquid turns into a gas

5 Transpiration The process by which plants release water vapor through their leaves Respiration- organisms release water vapor when they breathe

6 Condensation Temperatures in the troposphere decrease with altitude
Process by which a gas changes to a liquid Releases thermal energy Clouds form when millions of water droplets come together

7 Precipitation Moisture that falls from the clouds to Earth’s surface
Snow, rain, sleet, or hail More than 75% falls into the ocean Water continuously moves between the hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and geosphere

8 Water cycle contributes to the weather
Weather- the state of the atmosphere at a certain time or place Temperature Air pressure Humidity- amount of water vapor Climate- The average weather pattern for a region over a long period of time

9 How are transpiration and respiration similar? How are they different?
Bell Work 10/29 How are transpiration and respiration similar? How are they different?

10 Give an example of how the water cycle impacts the rock cycle.
Bell work 10/30 Give an example of how the water cycle impacts the rock cycle.

11 Interactions of Earth’s Systems
Rock cycle Interactions of Earth’s Systems

12 Rock Cycle The series of processes that transport and change rocks into different forms

13 Cooling and Crystallization
When magma flows onto Earth’s surface it is called lava Mineral crystals form as magma cools  changes the molten material into igneous rock

14 Uplift The process that moves large bodies of Earth materials to higher elevations Ex: mountain building

15 Weathering and Erosion
Weathering- Things (Glaciers, wind, rain, organisms) break down rocks into sediment Rocks are exposed to the atmosphere, hydrosphere, the cryosphere, and the biosphere Erosion- Sediments are carried to new locations Deposition- Eroded elements are laid down (deposited) in new places Forms layers of sediment

16 Compaction and Cementation
As more layers are deposited, their weight pushes down on the bottom layers The deeper layers are compacted. Minerals dissolved in water crystallize between grains of sediments and cement them together produce sedimentary rocks

17 High Temperature and Pressure
Form Metamorphic rocks Happens deep within the Earth Then uplift brings the rocks to the surface Then rocks are broken down and continue moving through the rock cycle

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