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Attitude Defined Stable cluster of Feelings Beliefs and Behavioral Intentions Towards specific people, things, or events.

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Presentation on theme: "Attitude Defined Stable cluster of Feelings Beliefs and Behavioral Intentions Towards specific people, things, or events."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attitude Defined Stable cluster of Feelings Beliefs and Behavioral Intentions Towards specific people, things, or events

2 Attitudinal Components Beliefs -- cool thoughts Feelings -- hot emotions Behavioral intentions -- tendency to respond or behave consistent with attitude

3 Measuring Attitudes Likert scales Semantic differentials Physiological measures Unobtrusive measures

4 Developing an Attitude Information Learning Modeling

5 Predicting Behavior Thought and feeling consistency Subjective norms Direct experience Attitude accessibility

6 Job Satisfaction Feelings Beliefs Evaluations of a person’s job

7 Herzberg’sTwo Factor Theory Motivators –personal growth –recognition –responsibility –promotion opportunities –achievement

8 Two Factor Theory, Con’t. Hygiene –supervision –pay –company policies –working conditions –co-workers –job security

9 Consequences of Job Satisfaction Withdrawal behavior –Absenteeism –Turnover –Time theft

10 Influences of Job Satisfaction Quality supervision Fair pay Empowerment Person-job fit

11 Organizational Commitment Extent to which an individual Identifies with, Is involved with, Is unwilling to leave The organization

12 Consequences of Organizational Commitment Continuance Willingness to make shared sacrifices Organizational citizenship

13 Influences of Organizational Commitment Social responsibility Enriched jobs Participatory management Aligning workers’ interests with company Demonstrating trust

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