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Newborn resuscitation programme(NRP)

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1 Newborn resuscitation programme(NRP)
Renu Singh

2 Burden of the problem Birth asphyxia
23% of the 1 million neonatal deaths in India Long term neurological complications Death NNR (Neonatal resuscitation) :simple, inexpensive, cost effective method Problem: NNR often not initiated, incorrect use of methods

3 The Golden minute The “first minute after birth”
Anxiety for parents, health providers Period of transition from intrauterine to extra uterine life Major: No/minimal assistance 10%: assistance to begin breathing at birth 1%: extensive resuscitative measures First Golden Minute Project: skill based training

4 Successful NNR: factors
Anticipation: call a skilled personnel Adequate preparation Accurate evaluation, algorithm based Prompt initiation of support


6 Resuscitation: initial steps
Provide warmth Head position “ sniffing position” Clearing the airway Drying the baby Tactile stimulation for breathing

7 Sniffing position Extension of neck with help shoulder roll:: to open the airway

8 Newly born infant Specifically the Infant at time of birth
(A)Do not require resuscitation (B)Require resuscitation Rapid assessment of 3 characters Term gestation? Crying or breathing? Good muscle tone?

9 Newly born infant YES :Do not require resuscitation Term gestation?
Crying or breathing? Good muscle tone? YES :Do not require resuscitation Dry Skin to skin contact Covered with dry linen to maintain temperature Ongoing observation: breathing, color, activity

10 Newly born infant Term gestation? Crying or breathing? Good muscle tone? NO :require resuscitation; One/more of the following actions in sequence Initial steps in stabilization(warmth, clear airway, dry, stimulate) Ventilation Chest compressions Administration of epinephrine& /or volume expansion

11 AAP Algorithm

12 IAP Algorithm

13 The golden minute <30 seconds: complete initial steps
Warmth Drying Clear airway if necessary Stimulate 30-60 seconds: assess 2 vital characteristics Respiration (apnea/gasping/labored/unlabored) Heart rate (<100/>100bpm)

14 <60 seconds of birth If gasping/apnea
If heart rate<100 beats per minute PPV( positive pressure ventilation) Spo2 monitoring by pulse oximeter Simultaneous evaluation of 3 vitals Heart Rate, Respiration, oxygenation status

15 Targeted SPO2 after birth
1 minute 60-65% 2 minutes 65-70% 3 minutes 70-75% 4 minutes 75-80% 5 minutes 80-85% 10 minutes 85-90%

16 Increase in heart rate is the most sensitive indicator of a successful response to each step practiced

17 PPV: Positive pressure ventilation
Form of assisted ventilation Needed when there is no improvement in HR Also assess chest wall movements Should be delivered at rate of breaths /min, maintain HR>100 /min Devices: BMV, ET (endotracheal tube),LMA(laryngeal mask airway)

18 Bag & mask ventilation

19 Endotracheal tube Initial endotracheal suctioning of non vigorous meconium stained newborn If BMV is ineffective/prolonged When chest compressions are performed

20 Endotracheal tube

21 LMA(Laryngeal mask airway)
Fits over laryngeal inlet Done when BMV is unsuccessful When tracheal intubation is unsuccessful or not feasible

22 LMA(Laryngeal mask airway)

23 Chest compressions Started when HR<60 per minute despite adequate ventilation with 100% oxygen for 30 sec Delivered at lower third of sternum, to depth 1/3 of AP diameter of chest 2 techniques: 2 thumb-encircling hands technique Compression with 2 fingers ,second hand supporting the back 3:1 ratio::[ 90 comp:30 ventilations]

24 Chest compressions

25 medications Rarely indicated
Most important step to treat bradycardia is establishing adequate ventilation HR remains <60bpm,despite adequate ventilation(ET) with 100% Oxygen & chest compressions Epinephrine or volume expansion or both

26 Epinephrine Route of administration: intravenous(IV),ideal
Recommended dose: mg/kg per dose Desired concentration: 1:10,000 0.1 mg/ml

27 Volume expansion Suspected or known blood loss
Isotonic crystalloid solution Blood Dose calculation: 10 ml/kg

28 Give oxygen as necessary Positive pressure ventilation
Asses if resuscitation is needed, keep warm, position, clear, dry, stimulation Give oxygen as necessary Positive pressure ventilation Endotracheal intubation Chest compression drugs

29 Post resuscitation care
Needed for those who required PPV At risk of deterioration Need monitoring ,evaluation NICU may be necessary

30 NNR : not indicated Conditions with certainly early death
Extreme prematurity(GA<23 weeks) Birth weight<400g Anencephaly Chromosomal abnormality: Trisomy 13

31 NNR: nearly always indicated
High rate of survival Acceptable morbidity GA≥ 25 weeks Those with most congenital malformations

32 NNR? Conditions associated with uncertain prognosis
Survival borderline Parental desires concerning initiation of resuscitation should be supported

33 Discontinuing resuscitative efforts
Newly born baby with no detectable heart rate, consider stopping NNR if the heart rate remains undetectable for 10 minutes

34 MCQ1 For successful neonatal resuscitation following is/are needed except: Anticipation Adequate preparation Skilled personnel Delayed initiation of support

35 MCQ1 For successful neonatal resuscitation following is/are needed except: Anticipation Adequate preparation Skilled personnel Delayed initiation of support

36 MCQ2 Following are true in relation to initial steps of neonatal resuscitation except Provide warmth Tactile stimulation Clear airway and intubation Drying the baby

37 MCQ2 Following are true in relation to initial steps of neonatal resuscitation except Provide warmth Tactile stimulation Clear airway and intubation Drying the baby

38 MCQ3 The following is the primary measure of adequate ventilation
Chest wall movement Improvement in heart rate Pink extremities Spo2 of 80%

39 MCQ3 The following is the primary measure of adequate ventilation
Chest wall movement Improvement in heart rate Pink extremities Spo2 of 80%

40 MCQ4 Endotracheal intubation may be indicated at several points during neonatal resuscitation except If BMV is ineffective When chest compressions are performed Endotracheal suctioning of vigorous meconium stained newborns For special resuscitation circumstances like extremely LBW

41 MCQ4 Endotracheal intubation may be indicated at several points during neonatal resuscitation except If BMV is ineffective When chest compressions are performed Endotracheal suctioning of vigorous meconium stained newborns For special resuscitation circumstances like extremely LBW

42 MCQ5 The recommended compression to ventilation ratio in neonatal resuscitation is 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:1

43 MCQ5 The recommended compression to ventilation ratio in neonatal resuscitation is 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:1

44 MCQ6 The recommended dose(mg/kg per dose) and route of epinephrine in neonatal resuscitation ,IV ,IM ,1V ,IV

45 MCQ6 The recommended dose(mg/kg per dose) and route of epinephrine in neonatal resuscitation is ,IV ,IM ,1V ,IV

46 MCQ7 Recommended method/clinical indicator of confirming ET placement is Condensation in ET Chest movement Equal breath sounds on auscultation Exhaled C Detection

47 MCQ7 Recommended method/clinical indicator of confirming ET placement is Condensation in ET Chest movement Equal breath sounds on auscultation Exhaled C Detection

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