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Symantec Vision and Strategy for the Information-Centric Enterprise Muhamed Bavçiç Senior Technology Consultant SEE.

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Presentation on theme: "Symantec Vision and Strategy for the Information-Centric Enterprise Muhamed Bavçiç Senior Technology Consultant SEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Symantec Vision and Strategy for the Information-Centric Enterprise Muhamed Bavçiç Senior Technology Consultant SEE

2 Agenda 2 Vision for the Information-Centric Enterprise Addressing the Challenges Next Steps Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy

3 Driving the Connected Enterprise Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy 3 Cloud Services Mobility Rich Media Partners Employees Customers Society Collaboration

4 Employees Connect In A Whole New Way Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy 4 Updates lead status on Checks Facebook on company group page. Updates status to say “big meeting today!” Completes expense report in Concur. Downloads the latest presentation from SharePoint. Uploads a new product demo on YouTube. Posts link on his Facebook profile. Edits ROI models with his team on Office Live.

5 5 More information in more places, accessed from more points, than ever before Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy

6 How to Enable the Business and Remain in Control Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy 6 Reduce Complexity; Increase Efficiency InformationRisksInformationRisks Information Availability Breaches RegulationsInformationGrowthInformationGrowth 50% Growth Structured Unstructured Cost $ € £ Information Trust Virtualization Private Cloud Public Cloud

7 Symantec’s Enterprise Vision Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy 7 Secure and Manage Your Information-Driven Enterprise, across Physical, Virtual, and Cloud “Confidence in the Connected World”

8 IT Must Evolve to Meet New Demands Symantec Solutions for Virtualization and Cloud Computing 8 Driver: Business automation Data: Centralized, structured Infrastructure: Physical IT focus: Systems tasks Driver: Agility with collaboration and knowledge sharing Data: Distributed, unstructured Infrastructure: Virtual, cloud, outsourced IT focus: Information tasks Information- Centric System- Centric

9 The Information-Centric Model Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy 9 Compliance Reporting Remediation Policy Classification Ownership Threats Discovery Encryption Identity

10 Innovating and Integrating – Encryption 10 Control Access to Your Information – Prevent unauthorized access – Invoke encryption based on user and system events – Monitor and control copy and transfer of information Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy

11 Innovating and Integrating – Data Insight Technology 11 Know Who Owns Your Unstructured Data – Who has accessed and owns the information? – Remediate based on policy violations – Accurate storage reclamation and chargeback – Intelligent archiving based on ownership Symantec is Uniquely Positioned to Deliver on the Information-Centric Model Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy

12 Agenda 12 Vision for the Information-Centric Enterprise Addressing the Challenges Next Steps Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy

13 Addressing the Challenges 13InformationRisksInformationRisks How to Gain Control of the Organization’s Information Risks? How to Efficiently Manage the Organization’s Information?InformationGrowthInformationGrowth How to Confidently Adopt Virtualization and Cloud Computing? Information Trust Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy

14 How to Gain Control of the Organization’s Information Risks? Information Availability Information Breach Protection Information Compliance 14 Enterprise Requirements Enforce IT Policies Efficient and Timely Discovery Protect Data Completely Integrated Application and Storage Recovery Protect Infrastructure Solutions & Benefits Secure Information Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy

15 Reduce Redundant Data How to Efficiently Manage the Organization’s Information? 15 Increase Storage Utilization Enterprise Requirements Eliminate Duplicate Copies Faster Backup Policy-based Information Deletion Efficient Discovery Application, Database, Server, and Storage Independent Increased Storage Utilization Commoditize Storage Hardware Solutions & Benefits Store Only What’s Necessary Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy

16 How to Confidently Adopt Virtualization and Cloud Computing? 16 Manage Private Clouds Enterprise Requirements Secure Backup and Archive to the Cloud Partner delivered Software-as-a- service Solutions & Benefits Confidently subscribe to e-mail, web and IM security Proven Enterprise Security & Storage management Cloud Storage Economics Virtual Aware Data Protection Virtual Optimized Security Leverage Hosted Services Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy Take Advantage of Public Clouds

17 Agenda 17 Vision for the Information-Centric Enterprise Addressing the Challenges Next Steps Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy

18 18 Advise on strategic information-driven IT agenda Diagnose current gaps and opportunities for information-centric model Delve into specific areas of information challenges – Information Risks – Information Growth – Information Delivery via Virtualization and Cloud Next Steps Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy

19 Thank you! Copyright © 2010 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as advertising. All warranties relating to the information in this document, either express or implied, are disclaimed to the maximum extent allowed by law. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Symantec Enterprise Vision and Strategy 19

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