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The Carbon Cycle. 1. How do producers like trees, algae, and grass obtain carbon? A. They get it from the ground. B. They make carbon from scratch. C.

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Presentation on theme: "The Carbon Cycle. 1. How do producers like trees, algae, and grass obtain carbon? A. They get it from the ground. B. They make carbon from scratch. C."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Carbon Cycle

2 1. How do producers like trees, algae, and grass obtain carbon? A. They get it from the ground. B. They make carbon from scratch. C. They obtain it from atmospheric CO 2. D. They convert oxygen or nitrogen into carbon.

3 The Carbon Cycle 2. What process do producers use to fix carbon into organic compounds, like sugar? A. Cellular respiration. B. Assimilation. C. Carbonification. D. Photosynthesis.

4 The Carbon Cycle 3. How do primary consumers like cows, beavers, and grass carp obtain carbon? A. They get it from consuming plants. B. They make carbon from scratch. C. They obtain it from atmospheric CO 2. D. They convert oxygen or nitrogen into carbon.

5 The Carbon Cycle 4. By what process do plants and animals return carbon back into the atmosphere. A. Assimilation. B. Photosynthesis. C. Cellular respiration. D. Carbon fixation. CO 2

6 The Carbon Cycle 5. Three main types of fossil fuels are natural gas, _________, and _________. oil coal Want to trade places?

7 The Carbon Cycle 6. By what process does plant and animal matter become fossil fuels (coal and oil) over time? A. Carbonification. B. Photosynthesis. C. Cellular respiration. D. Carbon fixation.

8 The Carbon Cycle 7. The process by which organic substances are broken down to the point where they become part of the soil is called A. Carbonification. B. Consumption. C. Combustion. D. Decomposition.

9 The Carbon Cycle 8. The process by which fossil fuels are burned to produce usable energy. A. Carbonification. B. Consumption. C. Combustion. D. Decomposition.

10 The Carbon Cycle Atmospheric CO 2 Consumption Combustion Carbonification Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration Word List 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Coal Oil Decomposition

11 The Carbon Cycle 16. Name a geologic process that can put an enormous amount of CO 2 into the atmosphere. Volcanism

12 The Carbon Cycle 17. Because a forest absorbs more carbon than it releases, a forest is referred to as a A. Carbonate. B. Carbon sink. C. Saturator. D. Compost pile.

13 The Carbon Cycle 18. When does a forest stop becoming a carbon sink? When it has been cut down or is on fire.

14 The Carbon Cycle 19. ______________________ is the act or result of cutting down or burning all the trees in an area. Deforestation

15 The Carbon Cycle 20. Name the largest carbon sink on Earth. Ocean waters. They currently absorb about 50% of our CO 2 emissions.

16 The Carbon Cycle 21. Where does the carbon go that is absorbed by the oceans? Some of the carbon is used by shellfish, corals, and some plankton to build their shells or exoskeletons. Oysters & clams Sea Urchins Plankton

17 The Carbon Cycle 22. As shell-bearing sea creatures die, their shells fall to the ocean floor and become sediment. Over millions of years of heat and pressure, this sediment turns into A. Limestone. C. Basalt. D. Granite. B. Sandstone.

18 The Carbon Cycle 23. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution 250 years ago the acidity of the ocean surface waters has increased 30%. What will happen if ocean waters continue to absorb carbon dioxide? Scientists predict by the end of the century ocean water will be 150% more acidic than it is today, which will dissolve sea shells as this experiment shows.

19 The End

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