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Basic And Advanced SAS Programming

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1 Basic And Advanced SAS Programming
Course Coverage SAS Environment SAS Statement Syntax, Datastep Boundary Reading the external data List input, Column input, Formatted inpute SAS data step programming Variable definitions, numeric and character manipulation, functions, format, label, import, export, condition and loops, array, retain, first.byvarname and last.byvarname… Concatenating SAS Data Sets, Data Step Interface, file direction, host system Interaction, etc. Frequently used SAS procedures Proc contents, Proc prints, Proc freq, Proc summary, Proc means, Proc Univariate, Proc rank, Proc Transpose, Proc compare, Proc Datasets, Proc chart, proc plot,

2 Basic And Advanced SAS Programming
Course Coverage (Continued) SAS Proc SQL SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY Functions, Subqueries, Inner Joins, Outer Joins, Full Joins, Compare of SQL join with Datastep Merge, Set Operators, Union, SQL View, SAS macro Macro trigger, create and resolve macro variables, macro functions, macro variable reference, quoting in SAS macro, SAS data step interface, indirect reference to macro, macro system options, macro statement, SAS autocall facility, store compiled macro, Report generation using SAS Proc Tabulate Proc Report Data _NULL_ and PUT method Basics of SAS Output Delivery System and SAS GRAPH

3 Basic And Advanced SAS Programming
Course Coverage (Continued) Besides all the above, this class will also provide many examples of SAS code used in the financial and pharmaceutical industry for you to keep for future reference. The class material will be electronic files, mostly using SAS code to illustrate how the SAS works. All SAS code can be copied to your SAS Program Editor directly and run without modification.

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