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DO NOW Update Table of Contents:

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1 DO NOW Update Table of Contents:
A Spin in the Solar System: Moon Dance p. 15 Phases of the Moon p. 16 Complete A Spin in the Solar System: MOON DANCE Anticipation Guide by selecting TRUE or FALSE for statements #1-15.


3 While the earth rotates on its axis once every 24
Moon Dance: Video Quiz The moon orbits the earth once every 29 days While the earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours True or False? The earth and moon seem to have formed from the same type of materials. TRUE

4 from volcanoes that are no longer active.
Moon Dance: Video Quiz Is the moon’s crust thinner or thicker than Earth’s? Thicker Maria on the moon are not seas as once thought, but fields of lava from volcanoes that are no longer active.

5 Moon Dance: Video Quiz True gravity
True or False? Our solar system has over 60 moons. True The moon causes tides through the pull of its gravity

6 Moon Dance: Video Quiz new moon. Slowing down
Because the pull of the moon’s gravity and the friction of tides, is the the earth’s rotation speeding up or slowing down? Slowing down We can’t see the moon at night when it is between the sun and Earth. We call this phase the new moon.

7 Moon Dance: Video Quiz rotation tides
In 10 million years, the moon will have moved so far away it will no longer affect tides In the distant future, the Earth’s rotation and the moon’s orbit will synchronize, and the pair will face each other until they cease to exist.

8 The Moon Our Moon is the most explored and well-known space object
July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong Moons are common in the solar system Earth’s moon is mid-sized compared to the others


10 #2) Formation About 4.6 billion years ago Mars-sized object collided with Earth while Earth was still forming The collision was so violent that part of the Earth’s mantle was blasted into orbit around Earth

11 #3) What causes the phases of the Moon?
The Moon’s position changes over the course of a month As the Moon revolves around the Earth, the amount of the sunlit side of the Moon facing the Earth changes

12 #4) Phases of the Moon

13 #5) What happens when the Moon is waxing?
The sunlit fraction of the Moon is getting larger #6) What happens when the Moon is waning? The sunlit fraction of the Moon is getting smaller

14 #7) Why do we always see the same side of the Moon?
The total amount of sunlight that the moon gets remains the same Half the moon is always in sunlight The moon’s period of rotation is the same as its period of revolution



17 Complete Phases of the Moon worksheet!


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