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History of Cell Discovery Chapter 4. Microscope view of cells ► Robert Hooke – first to see cells!  designed microscope that he was able to view cork.

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1 History of Cell Discovery Chapter 4

2 Microscope view of cells ► Robert Hooke – first to see cells!  designed microscope that he was able to view cork cells with (1665). ► Named “Cells” because they look like monk quarters they look like monk quarters Cells with stone beds

3 Microscope view of cells Anton Van Leeuwenhoek – first to see living cells. ► improved design, and was able to view red blood cells able to view red blood cells and bacteria. and bacteria.  Called them "animalicules"

4 Scientists of Cell Theory ► Theodore Schwann – zoologist who observed that the tissues of animals had cells (1839)

5 Scientists of Cell Theory ► Mattias Schleiden – botanist who observed that the tissues of plants had cells (1845)

6 Scientists of Cell Theory ► Rudolf Virchow – reported that every living thing is made up of cells, and that these cells must come from other cells.

7 Cell Theory 1. All living things are made of one or more cells. 2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms.  (the smallest unit that can perform life functions) 3. All cells come from pre - existing cells.

8 Terms ► Cell – the smallest unit that can carry on the processes of life. ► Unicellular – consists of only one cell ► Multicellular – consists of more than one cell

9 Basic cell Structures ► ► Cell Membrane – outer boundary ► ► Nucleus – control center ► ► Cytoplasm – stuff between membrane & nucleus

10 Two Basic Cell Types ► Prokaryotic – lacks internal structures surrounded by membranes.  Has a cell membrane & a cell wall  Has NO nucleus. ► Means “before the nucleus”  Usually Unicellular organisms  Ex: Bacteria

11 Two Basic Cell Types ► Eukaryotic – contains internal membrane bound structures.  Has a nucleus  Has a cell membrane  Usually multicellular organisms  Ex: Plants, animals, and protists

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