Grammar: Voice, Academic Tenses and Homophones This workshop will: −Refresh your understanding of grammar terminology −Cover passive and active voices;

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar: Voice, Academic Tenses and Homophones This workshop will: −Refresh your understanding of grammar terminology −Cover passive and active voices;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar: Voice, Academic Tenses and Homophones This workshop will: −Refresh your understanding of grammar terminology −Cover passive and active voices; problematic verb forms; and homophones to assist speakers of English −Provide on opportunity to practice and follow-on activities for you to be able to continue to improve your grammar. Louise Livesey Academic Skills Adviser

2 Today’s Plan 1.Use of passive and active voice 2.Using appropriate verb tenses for academic work 3.Choosing the right homophone

3 1.Use of passive and active voice Active and Passive Voices  active voice is used when the subject is placed before the verb  passive voice is used when the subject is moved so the object is placed first

4 Quick summary of subject-verb-object sentence construction: A sentence must have a subject and a verb connected to it; it may also have an object. A SUBJECT ‘does’ the ‘doing’ or action of a verb, e.g. The DOG bit the cat – DOG is the subject as it is doing the biting. A VERB is the ‘doing’ part of a sentence, e.g. The dog BIT the cat – BIT is the verb as it is the action An OBJECT is the one that is having the ‘doing’ or action ‘done’ to it, e.g. The dog bit the CAT – CAT is the object as it is the thing that is being bitten. All ACTIVE: object before verb and subject 1.Use of passive and active voice

5 Change to passive voice: The cat was bitten by the dog. The dog is still the subject and the cat is still the object but now they are in a different order. Useful in academic writing as more formal and easier to write in third person. Both active and passive used at university: choose and be consistent 1.Use of passive and active voice

6 Most common English verb forms for academic work 2.Using appropriate word tenses for academic work SIMPLECONTINUOUSPERFECT PAST (one subject) It walked It had walked PAST (plural subjects) They walked They had walked PRESENT (one subject) It walksIt is walkingIt has walked PRESENT (plural subjects) They walkThey are walkingThey have walked

7 ‘To be’: ‘was’ and ‘were’ I was happy to win tickets to the concert. You were happy to win tickets to the concert. He was happy to win tickets to the concert. We were happy to win tickets to the concert. The twins were happy to win tickets to the concert. 2.Using appropriate word tenses for academic work

8 ‘To have’: ‘have’ and ‘had’ I have the concert tickets. You have the concert tickets. She has the concert tickets. We have the concert tickets. The twins have the concert tickets. 2.Using appropriate word tenses for academic work

9 3.Choosing the right homophone What is a homophone? A word that sounds the same as another word but is spelt differently and may have a different meaning. Homophoness causing most problems: its/it’s there/they’re/their your/you’re

10 Clear slide for me

11 Question: who can you go to in the university for proof-reading, assignment checking or assisted editing? Presentation: Proofreading Nobody

12 References Clip art: microphone/questions Australian Catholic University. (2010) Reporting verbs. North Sydney: Australian Catholic University [online] Available at: _referencing/reporting_verbs [Accessed 16.7.2014 ] Cottrell, S. (2008) The Study Skills Handbook, 3rd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Eastern Institute of Technology. (2014) Reporting verbs. Napier: Eastern Institute of Technology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16.7.2014 ] Gould, S. (2011) 3.06 Active/passive verbs. Birmingham: Birmingham City University [online] Available at: [Accessed 4.7.2014]

13 References Kelly +. (2010) Weird but Effective Beauty Tips. Froodee. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18.6.2014] Massey University (2012) 1st vs. 3rd person. Palmerston North: Massey University. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18.6.2014] Pet care tips; advice and information (2012) Cat bitten by dog. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18.6.2014] Ricci, V. (2012) What are the five reasons for using passive voice? Tokyo [online] Available at: [Accessed 7.7.2014] Rouse, A. (2012) Battle for her Heart. London: Rex Features. [online] Available at: pictures-capture-moment-male-hare-gives-chase-chosen-mate.html [Accessed 18.6.2014]

14 References Seely, J. (2004) Improve your English in Seven Days. Oxford: OUP Sharpling, G. (2014) Reporting Verbs. Coventry: University of Warwick. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16.7.2014] Shaw, D. (2014) Change the sentences below to the passive (or) active voice. [online] Available at: resources/qwrtcntr/resources/handouts/activepassive.htm [Accessed 19.6.2014] Velliaris, D. and Miller, J. (2009) Reporting verbs. York: University of York. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16.7.2014 ]

15 Academic Skills Advice Service Where are we? Chesham Building B0.23 What do we do? Support undergraduate students with their academic skills by running clinics and workshops, having bookable appointment slots, and enabling students to drop-in for Instant Action. Who are we? Michael and Helen specialise in Maths Support; Lucy and Russell advise students on academic study skills; and I (Louise) deliver the workshops When can you come for help? Everyday both face to face and on-line How do I get in touch? Email: academic- or website skillsacademic-

16 Any questions? 23

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