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A NEW GOVERNMENT THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION. ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION 1st form of a constitution for new country states had to create own government.

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2 ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION 1st form of a constitution for new country states had to create own government all had republican form of government people choose representatives to govern them (in a republic) written same time as Declaration of Independence

3 1776-Continental Congress developing plan for national government Needed to be a republic Americans were afraid that a strong government would lead to tyranny (oppressive rule) Set up a system of government that divided power between national gov. & individual state governments

4 Congress was the national body of gov: could declare war sign treaties deliver the mail create money

5 Successes of Continental Congress Governed the nation during the Revolutionary War Negotiated the Treaty of Paris at the end of the war Passed the Land Ordinance of 1785 Passed the Northwest Ordinance of 1787

6 Weaknesses of Articles Government could not regulate trade among the states/could not resolve trade disputes between states Government could not enforce laws Government could not impose/collect taxes No central leader or head of government No central court system Congress was unicameral (one house) Required all 13 states to approve changes in Articles of Confederation

7 Articles of Confederation Confederation- weak central government/ strong individual states Treaty of Friendship between states War Debt (again) After war-$42 million in war debts soldiers were due back pay/no money; given land in Northwest Territory instead Taxes were high in most states/many couldn’t pay their taxes/Mass. citizens rebelled against new government (Shay’s Rebellion)

8 Constitutional Convention May 25, 1787 Philadelphia Representatives from all states except Rhode Island

9 Abraham Baldwin & William Few/GA representatives Came to revise Articles of Confederation They had to create gov. that was strong enough to protect people’s rights AND ensure that the government did NOT have too much power

10 Framing the Constitution 1. George Washington was elected as president of the Convention Must be secretive/windows nailed shut/members spoke minds 2. New government must be democratic republic republic- gov. in which people choose representatives to govern for them democratic-republic reflects will of people

11 Constitution-Division of Power Congress to be bi-cameral (two houses) House of Representatives- number of votes based on states’ population Senate- each state has same number of votes

12 LEGISLATIVE BRANCH- CONGRESS:: SENATE/ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May: override president’s veto refuse to approve treaty written by president refuse to approve president’s appointments remove a president from office/guilt of wrongdoing overrule decisions of courts by proposing constitutional amendments remove federal judge /guilty of wrongdoing

13 EXECUTIVE BRANCH:PRESIDENT Carries out the laws May: pardon people convicted of federal crimes appoint federal judges call special sessions of Congress veto laws passed by Congress

14 JUDICIAL BRANCH:: SUPREME COURT/ OTHER FEDERAL COURTS May: declare president’s actions unconstitutional declare laws unconstitutional

15 BILL OF RIGHTS believed it would protect all Americans against power of government one of first acts of new government was to pass Bill of Rights Amendments 1-10::granted liberties and rights to Americans

16 Like Delaware and New Jersey, Georgia representatives unanimously voted 26 to 0 to ratify the constitution. Of the four Georgian delegates who attended the Constitutional Convention, only two (Abraham Baldwin and William Few) signed the Constitution.

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