Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-2 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CHAPTER 4.

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1 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-2 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CHAPTER 4

2 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz CONSUMER PURCHASE DECISION PROCESS Slide 5-10 Purchase Decision Process Problem Recognition: Perceiving a Need

3 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-11 Purchase decision process

4 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz CONSUMER PURCHASE DECISION PROCESS Slide 5-12 Information Search: Seeking Value  Internal Search Internal Search  External Search External Search Personal Sources Public Sources Market-Dominated Sources

5 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-13 Consumer Report’s evaluation of portable compact disc players (abridged)

6 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz CONSUMER PURCHASE DECISION PROCESS Slide 5-14 Alternative Evaluation: Assessing Value  Evaluative Criteria Evaluative Criteria  Evoked Set Evoked Set Purchase Decision: Buying Value Postpurchase Behavior: Value in Consumption or UsePostpurchase Behavior: Value in Consumption or Use

7 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz CONSUMER PURCHASE DECISION PROCESS Slide 5-16  Routine Problem Solving Routine Problem Solving  Limited Problem Solving Limited Problem Solving Involvement and Problem-Solving VariationsInvolvement and Problem-Solving Variations  Involvement Involvement  Extended Problem Solving Extended Problem Solving Situational Influences

8 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-18 Consumer involvement, knowledge, and problem-solving variations

9 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-19 Influences on the consumer purchase decision process

10 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz PSYCHOLOGICAL INFLUENCES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Slide 5-22 Motivation and Personality  Motivation Motivation  Personality Personality Self-Concept

11 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-23 Hierarchy of needs

12 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz PSYCHOLOGICAL INFLUENCES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Slide 5-24 Perception  Selective Perception Selective Perception

13 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-27 Fresh Step Crystals (Clorox) Why the Good Housekeeping Seal?

14 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-28 Velocity Ad (Mary Kay) Why the free sample?

15 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz PSYCHOLOGICAL INFLUENCES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Slide 5-29 Learning  Behavioral Learning Behavioral Learning Drive Response Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement Stimulus Generalization Stimulus Discrimination  Cognitive Learning Cognitive Learning  Brand Loyalty Brand Loyalty

16 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz PSYCHOLOGICAL INFLUENCES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Slide 5-31 Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes  Attitude Formation Attitude Formation Attitude Attitude Beliefs Beliefs  Attitude Change Attitude Change

17 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-32 Colgate Ad How can marketers change attitudes?

18 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-33 Bayer Ad How can marketers change attitudes?

19 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz PSYCHOLOGICAL INFLUENCES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Slide 5-34 Lifestyle  Psychographics Psychographics  VALS ™ VALS ™ http://www.sric-bi.com/VALS/presurvey.shtml

20 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz SOCIOCULTURAL INFLUENCES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Slide 5-39 Personal Influence  Opinion Leaders Opinion Leaders Reference Groups  Word of Mouth Word of Mouth

21 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-41 Anna Kournikova for Omega Why use a celebrity spokesperson?

22 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz

23 SOCIOCULTURAL INFLUENCES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Slide 5-43 Family Influence  Consumer Socialization Consumer Socialization  Family Life Cycle Family Life Cycle  Family Decision Making Family Decision Making Culture and Subculture  Subcultures Subcultures

24 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-45 Haggar Clothing Ad What role do family members have in the purchase of men’s clothing?

25 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-48 BonneBell Cosmetics Ad A print ad targeting African- American women

26 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-53 Mountain Dew Ad A print ad targeting young Hispanic men

27 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-78 Consumer behavior is the actions a person takes in purchasing and using products and services, including the mental and social processes that come before and after these actions. Consumer Behavior

28 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-79 The stages a buyer passes through in making choices about which products and services to buy is the purchase decision process. Purchase Decision Process

29 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-80 The level of involvement a consumer has in a particular purchase depends on the personal, social, and economic consequences of that purchase to the consumer. Involvement

30 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-81 Motivation is the energizing force that stimulates behavior to satisfy a need. Motivation

31 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-82 Personality refers to a person’s consistent behaviors or responses to recurring situations. Personality

32 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-83 Perception is the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets information to create a meaningful picture of the world. Perception

33 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-84 Perceived risk represents the anxieties felt because the consumer cannot anticipate the outcomes of a purchase but believes that there may be negative consequences. Perceived Risk

34 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-85 Learning refers to those behaviors that result from (1) repeated experience and (2) reasoning. Learning

35 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-86 Brand loyalty is a favorable attitude toward and consistent purchase of a single brand over time. Brand Loyalty

36 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-87 An attitude is a “learned predisposition to respond to an object or class of objects in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way.” Attitude

37 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-88 Beliefs are one’s perception of how a product or brand performs on different attributes. Beliefs

38 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-89 Opinion leaders individuals who have social influence over others. Opinion Leaders

39 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-90 People influencing each other during conversations is called word of mouth. Word of Mouth

40 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-91 Reference groups are people to whom an individual looks as a basis for self-appraisal or as a source of personal standards. Reference Groups

41 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-92 The family life cycle concept describes the distinct phases that a family progresses through from formation to retirement, each phase bringing with it identifiable purchasing behaviors. Family Life Cycle

42 Dr. Hurrem Yilmaz Slide 5-93 Subgroups within the larger, or national, culture with unique values, ideas, and attitudes are referred to as subcultures. Subcultures

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