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Poetry through the Ages Poetic forms in Elizabethan, Romantic, Victorian, and Modernist Poetry.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry through the Ages Poetic forms in Elizabethan, Romantic, Victorian, and Modernist Poetry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry through the Ages Poetic forms in Elizabethan, Romantic, Victorian, and Modernist Poetry

2 History of Poetry from the Greek word poesis, which means “making,” or “creating.” Originally composed and shared orally; often set to music Commonalities with folktales Beowulf first known recorded English (old English) poem

3 Genres of Poetry Ballad: to be sung/recited; physical courage and love; about common people Sonnet: Italian/Petrarchan and English/Shakespearian; 14 lines (ending with rhyming couplet). abab cdcd efef gg Blank Verse: unrhymed but in iambic pentameter ( ĕé) Free Verse: does not follow set rhyme, meter, rhythm Lyric: often set to melody; focus on personal emotion

4 Poetry Timeline Elizabethan: 1560-1600 Romantics: 1780-1830 Victorians: 1833-1903 Modernist: 1920-1960 Post-modernist: 1980-

5 Elizabethan poetry Queen Elizabeth 1 st reigned from 1558-1603 Bloody time in English history William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlow, Edmund Spenser most popular Sonnets, blank verse, narrative poems

6 Romantics 1780-1830 Focus on: Libertariansim Nature and the sublime Alternate sources of truth and beauty The supernatural Popular Poets William Wordsworth, William Blake, Samuel Coleridge, Lord Byron, John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley

7 Victorian 1833-1903 Focus on: Hope vs. Uncertainty Science vs. Spirituality The Rise of Women Popular Poets: Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barret Browning, the Brönte sisters, Matthew Arnold, Christina Rosetti, Lord Alfred Tennyson

8 Modernist 1920-1960 Focus on: Imagism Free verse Fundamental Spirituality Destruction and Darkness Self-reflection on art Popular poets: T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Emily Dickinson, e.e. cummings

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