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Motivation in Sports Psychology McClelland et al – The Achievement Motive.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivation in Sports Psychology McClelland et al – The Achievement Motive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivation in Sports Psychology McClelland et al – The Achievement Motive

2 Design & Participants Content analysis using Thematic Apperception Tests Male participants – androcentric Independent measures design

3 Procedure Six experimental conditions: 1.Relaxed 2.Neutral 3.Achievement Orientated 4.Success 5.Failure 6.Success-Failure

4 Continued… The measure of motivation was content analysis of a Thematic Apperception Test Participants shown standard pictures and ask a series of questions to make up a story relating to that image.

5 Continued… Participants split into three groups 1.Deprived of food for 1 hour 2.Deprived of food for 4 hours 3.Deprived of food for 16 hours Why?

6 Results Associations reflected in the stories are significantly influenced by events that occurred previously to the participants Counted the number of achievement related stories and linked that with motivation. The data was quantitative as they look for themes linked to achievement and then group the high achievers. This led to the belief that there are different types of individuals relating to achievement nAch and nAf are two examples

7 Evaluation Ethnocentrism is addressed through cross- cultural research - Repeated with Navaho children Issues Psychodynamic approach is circular Validity They numbered references to achievement in the stories given in order to look for motivation. Should some achievements be out-weighed more than others? What one person thinks is achieving may have been different to some one else and so would not be counted.

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