A Refreshed Humber Gold Standard Jane Fisher Working on behalf of the Humber LEP www.jfaeducation.co.uk.

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Presentation on theme: "A Refreshed Humber Gold Standard Jane Fisher Working on behalf of the Humber LEP www.jfaeducation.co.uk."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Refreshed Humber Gold Standard Jane Fisher Working on behalf of the Humber LEP www.jfaeducation.co.uk

2 Humber LEP Aims Skills Commission – Recommendation 1: Employment and Skills Board to review and refresh the out-of-date Gold Standard for CEIAG to ensure it meets today’s needs. A public register should be kept of which schools and providers meet the standard to inform parental and learner choice – Recommendation 2: Compliance with the Gold Standard should be taken as evidence during inspections as part of Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework for Schools Employment and Skills Work Plan – CEIAG task and finish group set up; one action is to review and refresh the Gold Standard with external capacity and expertise

3 Project Objectives To refresh the Gold Standard To carry out effective consultation across the Humber To pilot the draft standard with 3 or 4 schools across the area To run 2 dissemination events

4 The Refresh Includes: Mapping to the national quality standards for Careers Education (Careers England): 1.Leadership, management & delivery of CEIAG 2.Staff competency, training & CPD 3.Careers Education & WRL Curriculum plus CEIAG 4.Securing Independent & Impartial CEIAG 5.Working with external partnerships & agencies 6.Involving & supporting families & carers 7.Monitoring, reviewing, evaluating & developing provision 8.Measuring the impact of provision (learning outcomes & progression) Reference to Ofsted Framework Reference to Careers Education and Inspiration in Schools (DfE Statutory Guidance) Synergy with The Matrix Standard for CEIAG Service Providers

5 The Gold Standard Modules Effective Leadership and Management of CEIAG Effective governance, leadership, organisation, strategic planning, entitlement and promotion of CEIAG Evaluating and developing provision Target-setting, systematic evaluation monitoring & review of CEIAG within the organisation, the use of data to measure the impact of CEIAG, and its continued improvement Competency of the CEIAG Staff Appropriate initial staff training &CPD to secure the competency of all staff involved in any element of CEIAG delivery Securing Independent and Impartial Careers Advice and Guidance for Young People Steps taken by the organisation to secure independency of CEIAG and its impartiality, using of a range of partners and protocols CEIAG and a Curriculum for Careers Education and Work Related Learning The teaching and assessment framework &programmes in place to deliver careers education &work-related learning, as well as CEIAG; includes sharing of knowledge with young people, their skills development and identified learner outcomes through a wide range of activities Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance – Individual Access, Resources & Facilities Equity of learner access to CEIAG – individually or through the support of professionals, and the resources available to support it Working With External Partners The involvement of others in the effective delivery of CEIAG to raise aspirations & help young people make decisions about their career plans Involving and Supporting Families (Parents) and Carers (Age Appropriate Involvement – KS3, KS4, KS5) How information about how young people can access CEIAG and the benefits of it are shared with parents/carers, as well as involving them in the CEIAG programme

6 The Accreditation Cycle STEP 1:Make a commitment to achieve the Gold Standard STEP 2:Review current CEIAG practices in relation to the standard. STEP 3:Complete the Gold Standard Self- Assessment Form. STEP 4:Collect Evidence to support the self-assessment STEP 5:Request External Assessment visit STEP 6:External Assessment takes place STEP 7:Decision and Feedback STEP 8:Develop a Continuous Improvement Plan, based on feedback STEP 9:Regularly review of CEIAG provision STEP 10:Accreditation review within 3 years 23 4 5 67 8 9 10 1 1

7 Pilot Test out: Gold Standard Specifications – Content of the specifications – Evidence required A range of supporting tools – Self Assessment template – External Assessment template – Evidence Matrix Assessment Methods – Self Assessment process – Gathering & recording evidence – External Assessment process

8 Pilot Feedback Standards are ‘fit for purpose’ Specifications/criteria are easy to understand Evidence was easy to identify & gath er - if the institution had it / carried out the activity (NB: the pilot trialed a range of support materials, so their appeared to be a lot of documentation to fill in) Self-assessment process was straight forward Excellent process for reflection and evaluating where an institution is wrt CEIAG, and planning its development Support from Head/Principal is essential to engage all staff in helping with the self-assessment process (e.g. supporting the identification of evidence) Team approach championed by a senior leader is required, as it is a ‘large job’ External support was valued – level required varied depending on where the institution was with its CEIAG

9 Next Steps 1 Need to Emphasise: The Process is the key element – it is excellent as a self- assessment tool and self-development tool for the institution, for its quality improvement Amount of time required for the self-assessment process: this is a hefty award to achieve – Time taken will depend upon how far down the ‘CEIAG Journey’ an organisation is May take some institutions an academic year or longer to achieve That Assessment Criteria terminology can be used flexibly during the self- & external assessment processes, to enable appropriate assessment that fits the different approaches taken by institutions

10 Next Steps 2 Amend some terminology to increase relevance to Special Schools - e.g. their focus on ‘Provision’ opportunities post-19 and a ‘Journey through Life’ Clarify the presentation and cross-referencing of evidence Clarify the use of recording templates Consider the implementation & infrastructure of: – External Support available to institutions during the process, incl. who & how – e.g. support packages & potential costs – External Assessment approach, incl. who, how, validating evidence to ensure secure & robust, consistency of approach – Gold Standard roll out, incl: training workshops, CEIAG support materials (Toolkit), Humber-wide CEIAG network Launch Event – September 2014

11 Pilot Schools & Colleges East Riding Cottingham High School East Riding College Goole High School Headlands School and Community Science College Hornsea School and Language College North Lincolnshire Baysgarth School YPEC Hull 14-16 College (Hull College) Ganton Special School Malet Lambert School Sirius Academy North East Lincolnshire Franklin College Oasis Academy Sincere thanks to all colleagues from the above institutions who supported the pilot

12 Contact Details Email: jane@janefisherassociates.co.ukjane@janefisherassociates.co.uk Mobile: 07837 024374 Website: www.jfaeducation.co.ukwww.jfaeducation.co.uk

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