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Presentation Package for Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e Section VII: Concept 22 Use and Abuse of Other Drugs.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Package for Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e Section VII: Concept 22 Use and Abuse of Other Drugs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Package for Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e Section VII: Concept 22 Use and Abuse of Other Drugs

2 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e2 Examples of Serious Health Effects from Drug Use  Brain damage: ice, heroin, PCP, inhalants, MDMA  Convulsions/strokes: ice, cocaine, uppers  Paranoia, psychosis: designer drugs, hallucinogens  Heart and/or lung damage: PCP, marijuana  Memory impairment: marijuana  Liver and/or kidney damage: inhalants, alcohol  Miscarriage, birth defects: cocaine, heroin, LSD  Impaired immune system: narcotics, PCP

3 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e3 Financial Impact of Drug Abuse on Society

4 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e4 Definition of Drug  Any substance (other than food) that alters structure or function in living organisms

5 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e5 Definitions of Drug Abuse  Using a drug as a habit  Use of a drug to an extent that it produces impairment of social, psychological or physiological functioning. Click for information from the National Institute on Drug Abuse

6 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e6 The Stages of Addiction  Exposure  Compulsion  Loss of control

7 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e7 Drug Dependency  Tolerance  Psychological dependency  Physical dependency Click for information from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Assoc.

8 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e8 Classification of Drugs  Stimulants  Depressants  Narcotics  Hallucinogens  Cannabis  Inhalants See “On the Web” 22-1 for more information on marijuana use and issues

9 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e9 Stimulants  Nicotine  Caffeine  Cocaine  Amphetamines  Methamphetamine (ICE)

10 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e10 Depressants  Alcohol  Barbiturates  Valium

11 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e11 Narcotics  Opium  Heroin  Morphine

12 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e12 Hallucinogens  LSD  Mescaline  Psilocybin  PCP (angel dust)  Designer Drugs (XTC, MDMA)

13 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e13 Marijuana  Classified as a mild hallucinogenic but generally considered as a separate drug category See “On the Web” 22-2 for more information on marijuana use and issues

14 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e14 Inhalants  Chemical solvents  Petroleum products  Paint  Aerosols

15 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e15 Rates of Drug Use on College Campuses (Data from 59,539 students) Sometime Past 30 days Marijuana58%32% Cocaine12% 2% Amphetamines14% 3% Sedatives 6% 1% Hallucinogens10% 4% Narcotics 2%<1% Inhalants 6% 1% "Designer drugs" 4%<1% Steroids 1% 1%

16 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e16 Attitudes and Perceptions toward Drugs on Campus  61% of students believe that the average student uses illegal drugs weekly  84% of students indicated they would prefer NOT to have drugs at parties

17 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e17 Why People Use Drugs  Peer pressure  Need to belong and be accepted  Makes one "feel good"  Thrill seeking behavior  Experience new things Lab 22a information See “On the Web” 22-4 for information on the concept of “gateway” drugs.

18 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e18 Trends in Drug Use in the 1990’s See “On the Web” 22-3 for more information on drug trends Trend for increasing drug use during the 1990’s with some evidence of stability near the end of the decade.

19 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e19 Trends in Marijuana Use Among High School Students Youth Risk Behavior Survey – Youth Online Database Consistent pattern of declining use of drugs in HS youth in past 8-10 years

20 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e20 Trends in Cocaine Use Among High School Students Youth Risk Behavior Survey – Youth Online Database Some pattern of declining cocaine use in the in HS youth since 1999

21 What factors are contributing to the decline in drug use and abuse among youth? Will it continue? What else needs to be done?

22 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e22 Drug Issues in Society  Increased crime results from drug use  Increased violence results from drug use What is the best solution? more education to not start? better treatment for addicted users? stricter enforcement? harder punishments for offenders? more efforts to reduce flow of illegal drugs? See “On the Web” 22-6 for detailed information on treatment options

23 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e23 Policies under Consideration to Reduce Drug Use in in Society  Zero tolerance laws?  Drug testing in the workplace? Click for information from the Organization for a Drug Free America

24 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e24 Web Resources “On the Web” “On the Web” pages for Concept Online Learning Center

25 Supplemental Graphics Lab Information

26 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 6e26 Lab 22a Information Use and Abuse of Other Drugs  Complete an assessment on self or a friend regarding risks for abusing drugs. (note: includes prescription and other drugs)  Based on the results, describe what you would recommend for this person. Return to presentation

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