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#PGES4Me July 21, 2014 The official launch of the

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1 #PGES4Me July 21, 2014 The official launch of the
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System July 21, 2014 #PGES4Me The official launch of the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System

Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Housekeeping notes : Facilities Restrooms Materials Backchannel  Please leave all furniture in place…do not move chairs, tables, etc. If you do, please put it back where you got it Please remember to take all of your trash when you leave Restrooms are located near the entrance doors

3 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System

4 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System It’s Time Professional Growth and Effectiveness System brings all of the initiatives and elements into one strong, focused improvement system for leaders at all levels yielding CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Effective leaders PGES Professional Learning Statute College &Career Ready KY Account-ability System Senate Bill 1 KYCAS NCLB Waiver Stiggins/ Networks LDC/MDC KBE Goals CIITS, ASSIST Amanda, what are others that I’m missing here? I would start with It’s time…and walk down memory lane a minute and then pipe in with the initiatives and I do the last 3 on this slide

5 Other Professional PGES
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Other Professional PGES SuperintendentPGES Principal PGES Teacher PGES Talk about how all the pieces of PGES fit together

6 Danielson’s Framework for Teaching
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Every student is taught by an effective teacher and every school is led by an effective principal. Fair and equitable statewide system to provide teachers and principals with a clear expectations and supports to improve effectiveness. Danielson’s Framework for Teaching Multiple measures to determine effectiveness Continuous Improvement Cycle Discuss how PGES was developed and supported

Our work today will be grounded in the Kentucky Framework for Teaching, which is from Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching, a framework that is being used by many states to provide a common definition and language of what effective teaching looks like.

8 Framework for Teaching
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Framework for Teaching Do you have a quote….or should we have something from Dr. Holliday?

9 Review this graphic to ensure participants know the correct labels for each part of the Framework.

10 Is it better to learn, or not learn?
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Is it better to learn, or not learn?

11 Professional Growth and
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Professional Growth and Self-Reflection in the Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System

12 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Learning Targets I can identify how reflection and growth planning is connected to improved educator effectiveness. understand the process for self-reflection and professional growth planning. understand how to input information into EDS for self-reflection and professional growth planning

13 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System This matrix, also included in the Model CEP, shows how required sources of evidence align with the domains in the Framework for Teaching. Notice that it is the pre- and post-observation protocols that can provide evidence related to planning & preparation and professional responsibilities, domains 1 & 4. Additionally, professional growth planning and self-reflection provide evidence in these domains. These domains are not considered “observable” domains in the sense of classroom observations. As stated earlier, districts may also require additional sources of evidence to support ratings in any of the domains.

14 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Self-Reflection means the process by which certified personnel assesses the effectiveness and adequacy of their knowledge and performance for the purpose of identifying areas for professional learning and growth

15 First 4 Paragraphs Why Self-Reflection?
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Why Self-Reflection? First 4 Paragraphs Take a moment to read the first four paragraphs and highlight some key reasons why we reflect on our teaching. Turn to an elbow partner and share one that you highlighted and why you think it is critical for growth.

16 Handout A Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Handout A What can you learn from this teacher about reflecting on your practice? Video is 16 minutes

17 Handout B Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Handout B Ask participants to turn in the FfT to domain 4. Point out components 4A and 4E specifically address reflection and professional growth. (Note: Charlotte Danielson uses the term “reflective practice” instead of self-reflection. ). Have participants read through these two components and the performance levels associated with each. 4.A explicitly addresses reflection on a lesson 4.E explicitly addresses growing and developing professionally This is a screen shot of Component 4A: Reflecting on Teaching from the Framework for Teaching (FfT). Reflecting on teaching encompasses the teacher’s thinking that follows any instructional event-an analysis of the many decisions made both in planning and implementation of a lesson. By considering these three elements (accuracy, use in future, and teaching), in light of the impact they had on student learning, teachers can determine where to focus their efforts in making revisions. Over time, this way of thinking and analyzing instruction through the lens of student learning becomes a habit of mind, leading to improvements in teaching and learning.

18 Reflection on Practice Process
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Reflection on Practice Process Handout C Step 1: Highlight or circle the descriptors in each of the four domains that best describe your teaching practice. Step 2: Find your highlighted descriptors in the KY Framework for Teaching. Step 3: Determine your performance level in each of the components. Step 4: Enter this data into EDS Using the Initial Reflection on Practice document, an educator reflects on their teaching choosing the descriptors that best describe their teaching practices.

19 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Initial Reflection on Practice After a teacher has chosen the descriptors that best describe their teaching practice, they then refer to the KY Framework for Teaching and find the descriptors within the performance levels. Using this process, a teacher determines their performance level in each of the components in the framework. It is this data that will entered into EDS.

20 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Begin by Logging into CIITS.

21 Educator Development Suite
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Educator Development Suite Hover over the EDS tab on the blue bar across the screen.

22 Self-Reflection-Teacher
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Self-Reflection-Teacher Choose Self-Reflection in the drop down menu.

23 Self-Reflection-Teacher
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Self-Reflection-Teacher New Text: Enter your self-reflection for each domain and component Remember to click the “Save All” button periodically since there is no auto-save feature in self-reflection Each component has a drop-down list to select your score When you are ready to submit your self-reflection to your evaluator, click “Submit Final” (This is currently the same process as last year for keeping in Draft status i.e. don’t click submit final, so you can update it periodically. Product is working towards sharing draft reflections with leadership) Old Text: Click Initial reflection in the drop down box at the top of the screen to display all the domains of the framework. Select performance level from the drop-down menu and enter notes for the components you identify as areas for growth. Optional: Click Save at the bottom or top of the form to save your changes, but not share it with any other users. Click Submit Final to submit your self-reflection. You are not able to edit your self-reflection once it has been submitted, and both you and your school leadership will be able to view it. Note that self-reflection occurs throughout the year instead of a one-time event. In this system, after submitting the teacher cannot change their reflection. However, there will be other windows where the teacher will reflect on their practice and submit. After the initial reflection on all the components, the teacher will likely focus on fewer components across the year. Possibly the components connected to the teachers professional growth plan. The TPGES encourages a cycle of reflection and not just a one-time stand alone reflection.

24 Reflecting on Practice
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Reflecting on Practice

25 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System

26 Other Times for Reflection
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Other Times for Reflection Content standards and skills Student Voice results Professional Learning experiences Student Work Student engagement during a recent lesson Implementing a new strategy or lesson Reviewing assessment results

27 What does your district CEP say?
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System What does your district CEP say? When are reflections entered? How many? Timelines? How do they inform the Professional Growth Goal?

28 A system that focuses on Professional Growth
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System A system that focuses on Professional Growth “Just as in other professions, every teacher has the responsibility to be involved in a career-long quest to improve practice.”

29 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System You started here, with your initial self-reflection against the Framework for Teaching.

30 Professional Growth Plan
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Professional Growth Plan An individualized plan that is: focused on improving professional practice and leadership skills and is aligned with educator performance standards and student performance standards, is built using a variety of sources and types of student data that reflect student needs and strengths, educator data, and school/district data, is produced in consultation with the evaluator

31 Charlotte Danielson, Talk About Teaching
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Charlotte Danielson, Talk About Teaching “Advocates of professional development for teachers are not arguing that teaching is of poor quality and must be fixed. Their advocacy for professional development for teachers reflects the recognition that teaching is so hard that it is never perfect; no matter how good a lesson is, it could always be improved.” Advocates of professional development for teachers are not arguing that teaching is of poor quality and must be fixed. Their advocacy for professional development for teachers reflects the recognition that teaching is so hard that it is never perfect; no matter how good a lesson is, it could always be improved. ( Danielson, Talk About Teaching (2009).

32 Handout D Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Handout D

33 Considerations for PG Planning
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Considerations for PG Planning Reflection on Kentucky Adapted Framework for Teaching (FfT) Student growth goal Content standards and content-specific skills Student Voice results Reflection on instructional practice and student outcomes Other sources identified in the district CEP Just to clarify the process here, before a teacher writes their professional growth goal, a teacher would certainly reflect on their teaching performance using the Kentucky Framework for Teaching. However, teachers can consider other information as well as they make decisions about their professional growth. As content standards are evolving to align with CCSS, teachers may want to self-assess their knowledge of content and content-specific skills. Additionally, instructional strategies that support CCSS such as LDC and MDC are new to many teachers and they may see need to learn new instructional strategies. After a teacher decides a student growth goal and considers the strategies necessary to support students in attaining that goal, it is likely that the teacher would align his or her professional growth planning and goal with the student growth goal if that is an area of need.

34 Goal setting for Professional Growth
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Goal setting for Professional Growth Answer the following to develop a PG goal: What do I want to change about my practice that will effectively impact student learning? What is my plan of action to address my professional learning? How will I know if I accomplished my objective?

35 Reviewing a Professional Growth Goal
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Reviewing a Professional Growth Goal

36 Sample Professional Growth Goal
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Sample Professional Growth Goal Handout E Any content area – formative assessment During this school year, I want to embed formative assessment practices in my daily instruction. I will study Classroom Assessment for Student Learning, by Rick Stiggins, with my PLC team and begin to implement Keys to Quality Assessments. Indicators of success will include: lesson/unit plans with CASL elements (formative assessment cycle, learning targets, students monitoring their own learning); observational data; reflections after implementation; student data review and future instruction plans devised during PLC meetings. Notice how the goal addresses all three questions even if briefly. A teacher will decide the learning that will help him or her attain the goal.

37 Sample Professional Growth Goal
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Sample Professional Growth Goal Any content area – questioning & discussion techniques During the school year, I will improve my questioning and discussion techniques. I will incorporate the Q-Chart for daily classroom discussions so that students can take ownership of classroom conversations. I will read and implement strategies from Classroom Discussions. Growth will be evidenced through lesson/unit plans that include strategies from the text, observational data, self-reflection after implementation, and student reflections after Socratic Seminars. Handout F Notice how the goal addresses all three questions even if briefly. A teacher will decide the learning that will help him or her attain the goal.

38 Professional Growth Process
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Professional Growth Process Teacher drafts goal Teacher shares goal with principal via CIITS Principal approves goal or asks for revision Teacher reflects on progress; principal and teacher discuss progress Teacher implements learning strategies for attaining PG goal On going

39 Implement PGP and Action Plan
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Implement PGP and Action Plan Are you consistently implementing the Action Plan as agreed in collaboration with your principal? Our past experiences with Professional Growth Planning has taught us that the Action Plan must be consistently implemented as agreed upon during the collaboration between principal and teacher. Teacher reflects on each phase of implementation making adjustments and revisions as needed.

40 Regularly Reflect on PGP Progress
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Regularly Reflect on PGP Progress Are you consistently using multiple data sources to reflect on your professional growth goal(s) status? As the teacher reviews, analyzes and reflects upon student work samples, test data and naturally occurring data generated in teaching and learning, she/he monitors his/her progress towards goal(s) and determining their goal status.

41 What does your district CEP say?
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System What does your district CEP say? When are professional growth goals entered? How many? Timelines? How do they relate to other sources of evidence? Student Growth Goals Self-Reflection Observational Data Student Voice Data

42 EDS Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS This applies to ALL users: Click on “My Professional Growth Plan” in the EDS Menu

43 EDS Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS See the list of details (min goal, max goal, etc) Click the “Create” button to begin

44 EDS Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS This screen will automatically display the template based on your position (teacher, principal, OPs) Enter the contents of your first (and required) goal Click the radio button for the domain/component that aligns with this goal Click the “Save” button to go to the “Review and Submit” page

45 EDS Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS

46 EDS Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS This screen shows that you have successfully submitted your goals for review

47 EDS Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS The screen indicates that your supervisor has reviewed your goals and has requested revisions. To revise your goal, click edit goals.

48 EDS Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS This screen shows confirmation that your goals have been approved by your supervisor.

49 Organizing PL Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Organizing PL

50 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System We will play the first Tommy Floyd clip here about effectiveness, then lead into the video from Stamping Ground Elementary.

51 Is it better to be effective, or ineffective?
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Is it better to be effective, or ineffective? We will play the first Tommy Floyd clip here about effectiveness, then lead into the video from Stamping Ground Elementary.

52 Teacher Professional Growth &
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observation in the Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System

53 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Learning Targets I can Explain the expectations of observation within the TPGES. Identify the roles and responsibilities of the teacher and principal in the observation process Define evidence aligned to Framework

54 Charlotte Danielson, Talk About Teaching
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Charlotte Danielson, Talk About Teaching “And yet the work of teaching is so challenging and so complex that it’s essential for teachers to take every opportunity to strengthen their practice. Observations of teaching and professional conversations (among teachers and between teachers and supervisors) are an important vehicle for creating the community of inquiry so essential to ongoing learning.” Charlotte Danielson talks about how we need to value the complexity of the work that teachers do. As education professionals one of our goals should be to continually improve and become better at what we do. One way that this can happen is through conversations between and among professionals. One of the goals of observation is to provide you evidence based feedback on your craft. Our conversations are going to be around that evidence, your perceptions of the evidence and the lesson as a whole. Together we will identify where your work falls on the framework – identifying strengths and ways that the lesson could be improved.

55 Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System TPGES Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observation Peer Observation formative Professional Growth Self-Reflection Student Voice Student Growth In PGES, observation is one source of evidence that contributes to an educator's overall Professional Practice Rating.

56 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System This matrix, also included in the Model CEP, shows how required sources of evidence align with the domains in the Framework for Teaching.

57 Observation Protocols
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observation Protocols Districts selected a model for observations – Traditional (2 mini, 2 full) Progressive (3 mini, 1 full) District Determined Consult your district’s Certified Evaluation Plan (CEP) for specific guidance OPTION A: The Progressive Model (3 and 1 model) Observers will conduct three mini observations (two by the supervisor and one by the peer observer) of approximately minutes each. Because these are shorter sessions, the supervisor will make note of the components observed in order to identify "look fors" in the next mini observation by the supervisor. The final observation is a formal observation conducted by the supervisor consisting of a full class or lesson observation. OPTION B: The Traditional Model (2 and 2 model) A supervisor will conduct a full observation for the first observation, followed by two mini observations (one by the supervisor and one by the peer observer), and ending with a full observation conducted by the supervisor. During the mini observations, the supervisor will make note of the components observed in order to identify "look fors" in the next mini observation conducted by the supervisor. OPTION C: District-Determined Explain the observation model the district will use which must adhere to the minimum criteria.

58 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System What is required? Minimum of four required observations in the summative cycle Combination of mini and full observations One observation must be a peer observation Peer observation must occur in the summative year All observations will include a post-observation All observations must be conducted by a certified observer (supervisor and peer) All observations will include a post-observation conference where teachers and administrators will have a conversation about how the evidence collected during the observation aligns with the Kentucky Framework for Teaching

59 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System District Decisions Each district in Kentucky has made their own decision about: how many/kinds of observations which will occur during a teacher's summative cycle timeline for the observations to occur. pre observation protocols These decisions are also defined in the district’s Certified Evaluation Plan.

60 Observation Process Pre Observation Protocol
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observation Process Pre Observation Protocol Post Observation Conference Observation Each component of the observation process is important to the overall system. The Pre Observation protocol, whether it be face-to-face or electronic provides the context and focus of the observation. The observation itself is a time for the observer to collect critical evidence that will provide feedback to the evaluatee for the purpose of improving their practice and the benefit to students. The Post Observation Conference is focused time for that feedback to occur. The conversations that occur between the observer and the teacher being observed are the basis for growth and improvement.

61 Evidence, evidence, evidence
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Evidence, evidence, evidence An observers main purpose in the observation is to collect evidence. Evidence is what is seen, heard, or read. Evidence is… • Observable • Not influenced by observer’s perspective • Free of evaluative words • No conclusions drawn Being careful to avoid bias and interpretation and only collect factual evidence.

62 What you see, hear or read AND what you don’t see, hear or read
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System DATA=EVIDENCE Observation Evidence Examples (Domains 2&3) Artifacts Observations Facts Statements by Teacher or Students Actions by Teacher or Students Resources Used Features of the Classroom What you see, hear or read AND what you don’t see, hear or read Here are some examples – Evidence is about facts, artifacts and observations.

63 Collect Evidence during Observation
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Evidence Cycle Collect Evidence during Observation Clarify (as needed) Align with Framework STOP FEEDBACK Peer Observer provides FORMATIVE feedback only When conducting an observation, the observer is focused on the collection of evidence. Alignment to the framework comes after the evidence has been gathered. No observer (peer or supervisor) should move directly from collecting evidence to providing feedback. The Framework helps define the evidence and understand the evidence for planning and next steps.

Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System TO NOTE EVIDENCE BASED FEEDBACK EVIDENCE INTERPRETATION BIAS Depends on observer’s perspective. Can involve observer’s personal preferences. Draws conclusions. Is Observable. Is not influenced by observer’s perspective. Is free of evaluative words. Does not draw conclusions. Makes inferences. Includes evaluative words. Draws conclusions. Evidence: It is important that the observer record as evidence only what is seen, heard, or read—not an interpretation of what is seen or an opinion about it. Interpretation: While in the process of collecting evidence, the observer should refrain from making interpretative statement – what he “thinks” the teacher meant to say or do. The observer should not make inferences about how the teacher/students feel about the class, teacher, or subject. Bias: When observers make value judgments based on a teacher’s or the students’ age, race, gender, appearance, perceived economic status, or accent, these judgments may influence both how evidence is collected and how scoring decisions are made based on the evidence.

65 Quiz! Write the following words on three different post it notes:
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Quiz! Write the following words on three different post it notes: EVIDENCE BIAS INTERPRETATION As I read each statement hold up the post it that indicates whether you believe it to be an example of Evidence, Interpretation or Bias. Reference Domains 2 and 3 of the Kentucky Framework for Teaching and determine with which domain and component each statement best fits. (Note: Only evidence is assigned a domain/component)

66 KY Framework for Teaching Connection:
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System The teacher says, “It’s fun to find the patterns for factoring polynomials.” Evidence Rationale: This is an evidence statement because it captures exactly what the teacher said in the classroom. KY Framework for Teaching Connection: 2B – Establishing a Culture for Learning The teacher says, “It’s fun to find the patterns for factoring polynomials.” This is an example of EVIDENCE. Note the rationale: This is a statement of evidence because it captures exactly what the teacher said in the classroom.

67 Observer wrote, This is not how I would teach research skills. Bias
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observer wrote, This is not how I would teach research skills. Bias Rationale: This is a biased statement because it is someone’s personal preference as to how reading skills should be taught. KY Framework for Teaching Connection: This will not be coded in any domain because it does not depict teacher behavior. Observer wrote, “This is not how I would teach research skills.” This is an example of a BIASED statement. This is a biased statement because it is someone’s personal preference as to how reading skills should be taught. For the Framework for Teaching, there is no connection because statements of bias are not coded. Alright, let’s look at a third example.

68 Observer scripted, The teacher cares about her students.
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observer scripted, The teacher cares about her students. Interpretation Rationale: This is an interpretative statement about what someone might have seen or heard in the classroom. It might appear as if the teacher cares about her students if she asks them about their weekend and/or voices concern over how late a student went to bed the night before school. However, this statement is not evidence because it does not describe what the teacher said or did. KY Framework for Teaching Connection: Not coded because it is an interpretation rather than a statement of evidence. Observer scripted, “The teacher cares about her students.” Here we have an example of (click) an INTERPRETATION. (click) This is an interpretative statement about what someone might have seen or heard in the classroom. It might appear as if the teacher cares about her students if she asks them about their weekend and/or voices concern over how late a student went to bed the night before school. However, this statement is not evidence because it does not describe what the teacher said or did. (click) Statements of interpretation, like those of bias, do not belong in the Kentucky Framework for Teaching so this statement would not be coded. (click)

69 KY Framework for Teaching Connection:
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observer scripted, The teacher greets students by name as they enter the classroom. Evidence Rationale: This is an evidence statement because it describes something specific that the teacher did and said in the classroom. KY Framework for Teaching Connection: 2A Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport In our fourth example, we have the observer scripting, “The teacher greets students by name as they enter the classroom.” This is a statement (click) of EVIDENCE). Rationale: This is an evidence statement because it describes something specific that the teacher did and said in the classroom. The connection to the KY Framework for Teaching is (click) Domain 2, Component A: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport. One more example before we move on. (click)

70 KY Framework for Teaching Connection:
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observer noted, An entire class of boys makes managing student behavior a challenge. Bias Rationale: This is a biased statement because it represents a value judgment based on students’ gender. This statement suggests that an entire class of boys would be more challenging to handle than a mixed gender class or an entire class of girls. KY Framework for Teaching Connection: Not coded because it is not a statement of evidence. The observer noted, An entire class of boys makes managing student behavior a challenge. This statement represents the observer’s (click) own BIAS. (click) Rationale: This is a biased statement because it represents a value judgment based on students’ gender. This statement suggests that an entire class of boys would be more challenging to handle than a mixed gender class or an entire class of girls. As we saw in an earlier example, this statement has no connection to the Kentucky Framework for Teaching and would, therefore, not be coded. Hopefully you are seeing the differences between statements of evidence versus those of bias or interpretation. With that understanding, let’s move ahead and look at the actual observation instrument. (click)

71 Traditional Observation Process
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Traditional Observation Process Administrator initiates formal observation. Pre-observation conference held Administrator takes the lead Formal observation conducted Administrator collects evidence Post-observation evaluation completed by Administrator Post-observation conference held Who is doing all of the work here?

72 Learning Focused Observation Process
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Learning Focused Observation Process Administrator initiates formal observation Teacher completes planning form Pre-observation conference held Teacher takes the lead Formal observation conducted Administrator collects evidence Post-observation form (rubric) completed by Administrator and Teacher separately Post-observation conference held Notice the collaborative role of the administrator and the teacher in the systemic observation process. Take 5 min. to talk with others at your table and identify knowledge and skills (by both teacher and principal) necessary for this process to be effective. Be prepared to share the one skill you consider of primary importance.

73 Charlotte Danielson, Talk About Teaching
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Charlotte Danielson, Talk About Teaching “Of all the approaches available to educators to promote teacher learning, the most powerful is that of professional conversation.” As educators practice this process, both teachers and administrators will become more skilled. The ultimate impact of actionable feedback and self-reflective analysis will be student growth and learning. Ask, what is it about the professional conversations that make it powerful? The teacher’s reflection and involvement in the conversation.

74 Conferencing Protocols: Professional dialogue and feedback…
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Conferencing Protocols: Professional dialogue and feedback… Pre Observation What would the principal and teacher discuss during the pre observation conference? What would the teacher say/ask? What would the principal say/ask? Post Observation What would the principal and teacher discuss during the post observation conference? What would the teacher say/ask? What would the principal say/ask?

75 SUPERVISOR’S ROLE BEFORE DURING AFTER Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System SUPERVISOR’S ROLE BEFORE DURING AFTER Observe the teacher and collect evidence. Remove any bias or interpretive statements from evidence. Align evidence with Domain 2 & 3 Components in EDS. Send the evidence to the teacher for his/her review prior to the conference. Review any artifacts uploaded by the teacher after the observation (student work, modified plans, etc.) Listen and ask clarifying questions. Discuss ratings for Domains 2 & 3 with the teacher. Make final judgment. Collect evidence for Domains 1 & 4 based on conversations. Determine follow-up support that is needed Input ratings and submit the observation in EDS. Provide follow up support as decided during the conference. These next 2 slides show the roles and responsibilities for the principal and teacher. The principal slide helps teachers to see that this is an intentional process and that you are using the information to focus on their improvement.

76 TEACHER’S ROLE BEFORE DURING AFTER Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System TEACHER’S ROLE BEFORE DURING AFTER Reflects on lesson & student work. Reviews the observation feedback sent by the principal. Rates own instruction based on the evidence. Inputs any additional artifacts into the observation on EDS – pictures, student work, modified lesson plans for future lessons, etc. Shares reflection on lesson and own rating on Domains 2 & 3. Shares any additional artifacts collected after the lesson. Collaborates with the principal on final rating realizing that the principal has the final decision. Reflects on conference. Follows through on principal feedback. Makes adaptations discussed during conference so that he/she can share at the next conference their progress. This slide outlines what teachers need to do before, during and after the conference. Shows expectations for being prepared and following up after the meeting.

77 EDS Connection Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS Connection New Text: The observation tool includes, comments/scoring by component You can change domains by either clicking on the Domain name on the left or clicking the “Next” button in the upper right To capture notes (that will later be turned into aligned comments), click the “Notepad” link in the upper left All observation data should be entered into CIITS/EDS. Old Text: These screen shots show what the observation piece in EDS looks like and the kind of information a principal and teacher would see in the portal. EDS Connection: During the observation the principal may type directly into CIITS using the scripting notebook on the side of the screen. Or, he/she may script into another program or by hand and enter or copy and paste the script here later.

78 EDS Connection Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS Connection EDS Connection: Scripted lesson

79 EDS Connection Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS Connection EDS Connection: After the evidence is scripted, the principal/evaluator will sort the evidence into the components of the Framework for Teaching.

80 EDS Connection Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS Connection EDS Connection: the principal might place a score of NA on each component and then share a draft of the evidence with you before the post-observation conference then based on collegial conversation, make the final overall rating based on evidence and professional judgement.

81 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Learning Targets I can Explain the expectations of observation within the TPGES. Identify the roles and responsibilities of the teacher and principal in the observation process Define evidence aligned to Framework

82 It’s a Great Time to be Leading Educational Innovation in Kentucky
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System It’s a Great Time to be Leading Educational Innovation in Kentucky As teachers and administrators leading the role-out of the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System, you are involved in a journey that will impact more than 43,000 teachers and more than 675,000 students in Kentucky (

83 Is it better to grow, or not grow?
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Is it better to grow, or not grow? We will play the first Tommy Floyd clip here about effectiveness, then lead into the video from Stamping Ground Elementary.

84 Teacher Professional Growth &
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Student Growth Goals in the Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System

85 Connecting the Process to:
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Student Growth Goals Connecting the Process to: Current Practice CEP CIITS/EDS

86 Reflecting on Current Practice
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Reflecting on Current Practice Questions for administrators and teachers Hand Out

87 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Your Task: Independent Work: Respond to the questions that pertain to your role (Teacher or Admin) Table Talk: Discuss your responses and ideas with others at your table who have a similar role (Teacher or Admin)

88 SGG Basics… SMART goal Proficiency component & Growth component
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Hand Out 1 SGG Basics… Specific, Measureable, Appropriate, Reliable, Time-Bound SMART goal Proficiency component & Growth component One classroom of students, one content area ___% of students will reach the level of proficiency as determined by… All of my students will grow at least _____. 3rd Grade math students 1st period 7th grade language arts students 6th period high school concert band students

89 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System SGG Process Identify Enduring Learning (by standards) and appropriate assessment processes/plans Establish a baseline. Determine an appropriate SGG (growth and proficiency) Monitor progress; Adjust teaching strategies Use District-Determined rules to rate overall Student Growth as Low, Expected, High

90 Connections to Current Practice
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Connections to Current Practice Identify Enduring Learning (by standards) and appropriate assessment processes/plans Establish a baseline. Determine an appropriate SGG (growth and proficiency) Monitor progress; Adjust teaching strategies Use District-Determined rules to rate overall Student Growth as Low, Expected, High 8, 5, 1 2, 3, 4 6, 7 2, 3, 5 New: Use District-determined decision rules

91 Student Growth Goals Timeline
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Student Growth Goals Timeline Identify Enduring Learning (by standards) and appropriate assessment processes/plans Establish a baseline. Determine an appropriate SGG (growth and proficiency) Monitor progress; Adjust teaching strategies Use District-Determined rules to rate overall Student Growth as Low, Expected, High Before school begins 1st 4-6 weeks of school After baseline has been established Baseline until April/May April/May

92 Connections to District Certified Evaluation Plans (CEP)
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Connections to District Certified Evaluation Plans (CEP) SGG Criteria (outlined by KDE and Teacher Steering Committee) SGG Rigor and Comparability Low, Expected, or High overall Student Growth Rating (district decision) DISTRICT CEP

93 SGG Criteria 1 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Hand Out 1 SGG Criteria DISTRICT CEP Adequately demonstrate knowledge Access and opportunity for all The SGG is congruent with KCAS and appropriate for the grade level and content area for which it was developed. The SGG represents or encompasses an enduring skill, process, understanding, or concept that students are expected to master by taking a particular course (or courses) in school. The SGG will allow high- and low-achieving students to adequately demonstrate their knowledge. The SGG provides access and opportunity for all students, including students with disabilities, ELLs, and gifted/talented students.

94 Defining ENDURING Learning that ENDURES beyond a single test date,
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Hand Out 1 Defining ENDURING Learning that ENDURES beyond a single test date, is of value in other disciplines, is relevant beyond the classroom, is worthy of embedded, course-long focus, may be necessary for the next level of instruction.

95 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System What Standards, Structural Documents and Resources accompany the standards in each content area? Anchor Standards-Literacy/Science/Social Studies/Technical Subjects Anchor Standards Reading-ELA CCSS/KCAS-ELA C3 Framework (Plus literacy standards) -Social Studies CCSS/KCAS Critical Areas-Math(where math practices are vehicles for reaching intent of standards) KY World Language Standards National Standards-Visual Arts, PE, Music, Arts & Humanities. NGSS/KCAS- Practices/Concepts-Science Hand Out 1

96 Available on KDE’s TPGES SGG page
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Available on KDE’s TPGES SGG page

97 Rigor & Comparability ASSESSMENTS
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Hand Out 1 Rigor & Comparability GOAL Congruency to the standards (Enduring) Proficiency and growth defensible from baseline data. ASSESSMENTS Agreement on what ‘meeting standards’ looks like when assessed Assessments are comparable --the criteria used to determine progress toward attainment of the standard DISTRICT CEP

98 Practice the Process: Is this goal ‘good enough’?
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Practice the Process: Is this goal ‘good enough’? Using the 8 standards for mathematical practice, all of my 3rd grade math students will develop their ability to understand multiplication and division conceptually over the course of the school year. All students will grow at least one level on the 3rd grade critical area standards mastery rubric and 80% of students will reach proficiency (level 4 on the rubric).

99 Practice the Process: Using Baseline Data
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Hand Out 2 Practice the Process: Using Baseline Data

100 Practice the Process: Using Baseline Data
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Hand Out 2 Practice the Process: Using Baseline Data Your Task: Analyze the baseline data on the handout and the SGG you just read to determine if the growth and proficiency components of the goal are appropriate for the current data.

101 Rigor & Comparability ASSESSMENTS
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Rigor & Comparability GOAL Congruency to the standards (Enduring) Proficiency and growth defensible from baseline data. ASSESSMENTS Agreement on what ‘meeting standards’ looks like when assessed Assessments are comparable --the criteria used to determine progress toward attainment of the standard DISTRICT CEP

102 Review Where We Are: SGG Process
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Review Where We Are: SGG Process Identify Enduring Learning (by standards) and appropriate assessment processes/plans Establish a baseline. Determine an appropriate SGG (growth and proficiency) Monitor progress; Adjust teaching strategies Use District-Determined rules to rate overall Student Growth as Low, Expected, High

103 Connections to CEP Sample District-Determined Rules
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Hand Out 3 Connections to CEP Sample District-Determined Rules DISTRICT CEP

104 Connections to CEP Sample District-Determined Rules
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Hand Out 3 Connections to CEP Sample District-Determined Rules DISTRICT CEP

105 Connections to CEP Sample District-Determined Rules
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Hand Out 3 Connections to CEP Sample District-Determined Rules DISTRICT CEP

106 Practice the Process: Determining Low, Expected, High Growth Rating
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Hand Out 3 Practice the Process: Determining Low, Expected, High Growth Rating Your Task: Use the Revised SGG, the sample district decision rules and district-designed matrix to make a determination for this teacher’s overall growth rating. (Reminder: These samples may or may not represent your district’s decision rules. The sample is designed to allow for an experience to apply data to a set of rules to determine an overall rating.) DISTRICT CEP

107 Practice the Process Teacher’s Revised Growth Component of SGG:
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Hand Out 3 Practice the Process Teacher’s Revised Growth Component of SGG: Target: 100% of students grow at least 2 levels Actual: 86% of students grew 2 or more levels District Rule:

108 Practice the Process Teacher’s Revised Proficiency Component:
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Hand Out 3 Practice the Process Teacher’s Revised Proficiency Component: Target: 70% of students reach level 4 (or 5) Actual: 54% of students reached level 4 (or 5) District Rule:

109 Practice the Process Determining Overall SG Rating
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Hand Out 3 Practice the Process Determining Overall SG Rating HIGH DISTRICT CEP

110 Connections to Your Practice
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Connections to Your Practice Reflections on what processes already in place Program Reviews Assessment Piece Kentucky Framework for Teaching 1A: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; 1C: Selecting Instructional Outcomes; 1F: Designing Student Assessments; 2B: Establishing a Culture for Learning; 3D: Using Assessment in Instruction; B: Maintaining Accurate Records

111 EDS/CIITS Connection Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS/CIITS Connection

112 SGG Myths vs. Facts All teachers will use the SGG process in 2014-15.
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System SGG Myths vs. Facts If we are not using SGG as part of our evaluation system, then we do not need to do them. If you teach reading or math in grades 4-8, then you have to write 2 goals. All teachers will use the SGG process in Teachers only have to write one SGG. The Student Growth Percentile (SGP) is not a goal, it is a growth percentile that is calculated from state data. Districts decide how they want to incorporate this data into an overall Student Growth Rating.

113 Online Resources: Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Online Resources:

114 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System See restaurant list. Enjoy, and please be back on time for the afternoon session! We will play the first Tommy Floyd clip here about effectiveness, then lead into the video from Stamping Ground Elementary.

115 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Big thanks to Stamping Ground Elementary for providing this wonderful video!

116 in the Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Peer Observation in the Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System

117 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Snapshot Take a moment to respond to the questions on the document titled, Snapshot Participants should turn to Snapshot-Handout #1 and respond to the 6 questions, individually. 5 minutes

118 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System “EVERY PERSON DESERVES THE CHANCE TO LIVE A HEALTHY, PRODUCTIVE LIFE.” -Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Watch clip until 3:04. As you watch and listen to Bill Gates, think of the following: How do you currently receive meaningful feedback regarding your teaching practice? Has this feedback allowed you to grow in your profession? When you receive feedback on your teaching practice is this connected to student growth?

119 Learning Targets I can…
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Learning Targets I can… describe how the peer observation process in the Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System can be used to strengthen practice and to improve student learning.  use norms and strategies to facilitate this process and development of a professional culture of inquiry.  connect Student Voice results to my professional learning.

120 Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System TPGES Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observation Peer Observation formative Professional Growth Self-Reflection Student Voice Student Growth In PGES, observation is one source of evidence that contributes to an educator's overall Professional Practice Rating.

121 Certified Evaluation Plan
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Certified Evaluation Plan Emphasize that Student Voice is a source of evidence that informs the summative rating; however, peer observation does NOT inform the summative rating.

122 Requirements-Peer Observation
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Requirements-Peer Observation A Peer Observer will observe, collect, share evidence, and provide feedback for formative purposes only. Peer Observers will NOT score a teacher’s practice, nor will peer observation data be shared with anyone other than the observee unless permission is granted. A peer observer is trained certified school personnel Required All teachers will receive a peer observation in their summative year. All Peer Observers participating during the summative year observations will complete the state developed training once every three years. All required peer observations must be documented in CIITS (time, date, evidence). All peer observations documentation will be accessed only by the evaluatee. Look at the printed copy of this slide (Handout #2)…highlight the words that emphasize the specific requirements. Share with your colleague

123 Requirements-Peer Observation
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Requirements-Peer Observation A Peer Observer will observe, collect, share evidence, and provide feedback for formative purposes only. Peer Observers will NOT score a teacher’s practice, nor will peer observation data be shared with anyone other than the observee unless permission is granted. A peer observer is trained certified school personnel Required All teachers will receive a peer observation in their summative year. All Peer Observers participating during the summative year observations will complete the state developed training once every three years. All required peer observations must be documented in CIITS (time, date, evidence). All peer observations documentation will be accessed only by the evaluatee. Emphasize that peer observation is for formative purposes only, not rating/evaluation. Also this occurs in the summative year and that all peer observers are trained at least every three years. Local District Decision  Describe how Peer Observers will be identified and have completed state approved training.  Describe how Peer Observers will be assigned to teachers.

124 Who Should be a Peer Observer?
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Who Should be a Peer Observer? What skills will be required by the peer observers? What professional learning will the peer observer and the teacher need? How can PLCs support this process? What might an administrator consider when pairing a teacher with a peer observer? Take a moment to respond to these questions on Handout #3 Who Should be a Peer Observer. Think about these questions throughout our session. At the end you will be asked to address these questions at your table recording your thoughts on the chart provided.

125 The Purpose of Peer Observations
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System The Purpose of Peer Observations Clip from the KDE/KET Module: Professional Learning for Peer Observers Using the questions on Document #4, The Purpose of Peer Observers, discuss with your colleague the following: How does the teacher, Uriah Albrink, use the peer observation process to reflect on his teaching practice? How does the peer observer, Melissa Plank, use evidence to conduct her conversation with Uriah?

126 How do you create a culture of trust?
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System How do you create a culture of trust?

127 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System PGES Peer Observation = Powerful from the blog, Teacher Man Joe’s Ramblings This peer observation was beneficial to both Mrs. Fitch and Mr. Harris. What conditions existed to support the process? Participants will read the blog post from Joe Harris, ELA teacher at Lawrence County High School (Document #5) and discuss the question with their colleague.

128 Who Should be a Peer Observer?
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Who Should be a Peer Observer? What skills will be required by the peer observers? What professional learning will the peer observer and the teacher need? How can PLCs support this process? What might an administrator consider when paring a teacher with a peer observer? With your colleague, return to Handout #3 and discuss these questions again. Would you like to add any new information?

129 EDS/CIITS Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS/CIITS

130 Peer Observer-Scripting Notebook
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Peer Observer-Scripting Notebook Emphasize that the peer observer does not have the option to assign a rating. The scripting notebook only allows the peer observer to record evidence and assign evidence to a component.

131 EDS/CIITS Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS/CIITS

132 EDS/CIITS Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EDS/CIITS

133 Observed Teacher Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observed Teacher This is a sample of how the evidence is displayed in EDS

134 BUSTED Teachers will evaluate other teachers
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Teachers will evaluate other teachers Every teacher is required by state regulation to be a peer observer Every teacher will be observed by a peer at least three times per year BUSTED

135 Resources for the PO Process
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Resources for the PO Process Professional Learning for Peer Observers, Measures of Effective Teaching: Observation from the Teaching Channel,

136 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System We will play the first Tommy Floyd clip here about effectiveness, then lead into the video from Stamping Ground Elementary.

137 Is it better to have a voice, or not have a voice?
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Is it better to have a voice, or not have a voice? We will play the first Tommy Floyd clip here about effectiveness, then lead into the video from Stamping Ground Elementary.

138 in the Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Student Voice in the Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System

139 Requirements-Student Voice
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Requirements-Student Voice The Student Voice Survey is a confidential, on-line survey collecting student feedback on specific aspects of the classroom experience and teaching practice. Required All teachers will participate in the state-approved Student Voice Survey annually with a minimum of one identified group of students. Student selection for participation must be consistent across the district. Results will be used as a source of evidence for Professional Practice. Formative years’ data will be used to inform Professional Practice in the summative year. All teachers and appropriate administrative staff will read, understand, and sign the district’s Student Voice Ethics Statement. The Student Voice Survey will be administered between the hours of 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM local time. The survey will be administered in the school. Survey data will be considered only when ten or more students are respondents. Local District Decision  Identify a District Student Voice Survey Point-of-Contact.  Identify the process for determining the student group(s) who will participate in the survey.  Describe the process for ensuring equal access to all students.  Identify the timeline for administration of the state approved Student Voice Survey

140 Requirements-Student Voice
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Requirements-Student Voice The Student Voice Survey is a confidential, on-line survey collecting student feedback on specific aspects of the classroom experience and teaching practice. Required All teachers will participate in the state-approved Student Voice Survey annually with a minimum of one identified group of students. Student selection for participation must be consistent across the district. Results will be used as a source of evidence for Professional Practice. Formative years’ data will be used to inform Professional Practice in the summative year. All teachers and appropriate administrative staff will read, understand, and sign the district’s Student Voice Ethics Statement. The Student Voice Survey will be administered between the hours of 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM local time. The survey will be administered in the school. Survey data will be considered only when ten or more students are respondents. Emphasize that the survey is confidential (teacher-principal-district) and that all teachers will participate annually. Also, the student voice survey is just one of several sources of evidence collected during the summative cycle.

141 Mr. Ronevich Question #1 Question #2
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Mr. Ronevich Question #1 Question #2 How did Mr. Ronevich use the results to improve his teaching? How did the principal use the results to help Mr. Ronevich improve? Preview activity

142 Student Voice in the Classroom
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Student Voice in the Classroom Teaching Channel Video

143 Mr. Ronevich Question #1 Question #2
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Mr. Ronevich Question #1 Question #2 How did Mr. Ronevich use the results to improve his teaching? How did the principal use the results to help Mr. Ronevich improve? Question 1 *teacher open to getting better, recognizing room for improvement *reflective when looking at results *intentionality in daily interaction with students to avoid yelling Question 2 *focusing on positive results- asking probing questions about why things are going well *strategic questioning to provoke analysis of results

144 A Look at the Questions Kentucky S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Voice
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System A Look at the Questions Kentucky S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Voice Document #6-Survey questions are on KDE link- also print copy. Important to note the questions are grounded in Domains 2 & 3 of the Framework. Teachers need to see the connection of the questions to effective teaching. Questions are structured around S.T.U.D.E.N.T.- refer to overview sheet.

145 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Voice Survey Questions relate to construct of S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Two Different Surveys- all levels completed online 3-5 6-12 Link to Kentucky S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Voice Surveys (KDE website) K-2 Survey was administered in select field test districts during the pilot, but will not be administered in

146 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Student Voice & FfT Working with a neighboring table, pair each category/letter of the survey. Match the question/construct to the most appropriate component(s) from the Kentucky Framework for Teaching document (Domains 2 & 3). Identify your correlation on the handout for each survey. Use the Framework- participants will match questions/constructs to components. Emphasis no correct answer key for this activity- your work will create the correlation.

147 Connections At your tables:
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Connections At your tables: Discuss specific connections for each component of the Kentucky S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Voice survey (3-5, and 6-12) On the provided handout, list the Framework for Teaching Component(s) for each category of the survey (i.e., 3A: Communicating with Students)

148 3A: Communicating with Students
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Please write out the entire component 3A: Communicating with Students

149 6-12 Survey Support: 2B, 3D Transparency: 3A, 3E, 3D Understand: 3D
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System 6-12 Survey Support: 2B, 3D Transparency: 3A, 3E, 3D Understand: 3D Discipline: 2A, 2D, 2C Engage: 3C, 3B Nurture: 2A Trust: 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C Ellen

150 DISTRICT Student Perception Results
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System DISTRICT Student Perception Results Explain that there are several reports available related to Student Voice. District report that identifies the overall score and breakdown for each school by construct. How would this be useful for district personnel?

151 School Student Perception Results
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System School Student Perception Results School Report- principals can see by school all teacher results. How would this report be helpful for a principal? How would this report affect professional learning in your school?

152 Teacher Student Perception Results
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Teacher Student Perception Results Teachers can see an individual report of all students who took survey- no names. How could this information be helpful for a teacher? How would it be useful in Professional Growth Planning? How might the results impact future instruction?

153 Analyzing Student Voice Results
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Analyzing Student Voice Results Document #7-With your colleague, looks at the results for the teacher and respond to the prompts. Now look at the school data and respond to the prompts.

154 The Value of Student Surveys
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System The Value of Student Surveys and Student Voice from the blog, Teacher Man Joe’s Ramblings Student feedback can be both sobering and uplifting. How did Mr. Harris prepare himself before reading student responses? How do you actively seek comment on your teaching from colleagues, supervisors, students, or their parents? Participants will read the blog post from Joe Harris, ELA teacher at Lawrence County High School (Handout #8) and discuss the questions with their colleague.

155 Snapshot – a brief look or summary
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Snapshot – a brief look or summary Take a moment to revisit your initial snapshot What would you like to add? 5 minutes

156 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System The Student Voice Survey results are 10% of a teachers summative rating Teachers are not permitted to discuss the results with their students Only teachers in the summative year will administer the Student Voice Survey BUSTED

157 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Resources Measures of Effective Teaching Project, American Institute for Research, Kentucky Department of Education PGES Resources for Peer Observation, Kentucky Department of Education PGES Resources for Student Voice,

158 Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System PPGES Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System

159 Learning Targets I Can …
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Learning Targets I Can … Understand required components of full PPGES implementation. Identify similarities between TPGES and PPGES Differentiate between Principal and Assistant Principal PPGES requirements.

160 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System PPGES The vision for the Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PPGES) is to have every school led by an effective principal.  The goal is to create a fair and equitable system to measure principal effectiveness and act as a catalyst for professional growth.   It is important to note also that PGES is a key requirement of Kentucky’s Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) flexibility waiver.

161 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System To ensure that every school in Kentucky is led by an effective principal, there is a specific PGES built to support principal growth. PPGES centers on six principal performance standards. A principal’s performance will be documented through a number of data sources. The Principal Performance Standards are designed to support student achievement and professional best-practice through the standards of Instructional Leadership; School Climate; Human Resource Management; Organizational Management; Communication & Community Relations; and Professionalism. Included in the Performance Standards are Performance Indicators that provide examples of observable, tangible behaviors that provide evidence of each standard. The Performance Standards provide the structure for feedback for continuous improvement through individual goals that target professional growth, thus supporting overall student achievement and school improvement. Evidence supporting a principal’s professional practice will be situated within one or more of the 6 standards. Performance will be rated for each standard according to the four performance levels: Ineffective, Developing, Accomplished, and Exemplary. It is projected that most principals will maintain an Accomplished rating, but will occasionally have exemplary performance on standards at any given time. The summative rating will be a holistic representation of performance, combining data from multiple sources of evidence across each standard.

162 Kentucky’s PPGES Model
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Kentucky’s PPGES Model This graphic illustrates the two primary components of PPGES: Professional Practice & Student Growth. Evaluators will look for trends and patterns in practice across multiple types of evidence and apply their professional judgment based on this evidence when evaluating a principal. The role of evidence and professional judgment in the determination of ratings on standards and an overall rating is paramount in this process. However, professional judgment must be grounded in the common framework identified: The Principal Performance Standards. The use of professional judgment based on multiple sources of evidence promotes a more holistic and comprehensive analysis of practice, rather than over-reliance on one individual data point or rote calculation of practice based on predetermined formulas. Evaluators will also take into account how principals respond to or apply additional supports and resources designed to promote student learning, as well as their own professional growth and development. Finally, professional judgment gives evaluators the flexibility to account for a wide variety of factors related to individual principal performance. These factors may include school-specific priorities that may drive practice in one standard, an educator’s number of goals, experience level and/or leadership opportunities. Contextual variables may also impact the learning environment, such as unanticipated outside events or traumas. Evaluators must use the following categories of evidence in determining overall ratings: Required Sources of Evidence Professional Growth Planning and Self-Reflection Site-Visits Val-Ed 360° Working Conditions Goal State and Local Student Growth Goal data Evaluators may use the following categories of evidence in determining overall ratings: Other Measures of Student Learning Products of Practice Other Sources

163 The primary purposes of PPGES:
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System The primary purposes of PPGES: optimize student learning and growth; contribute to successful achievement of the goals and objectives defined in the vision, mission, and goals of the school district; provide a basis for leadership improvement through productive principal performance appraisal and professional growth; encourage collaboration between the principal and superintendent, and promote self-growth, leadership effectiveness, and improvement of overall job performance.

164 Similarities between TPGES and PPGES
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Similarities between TPGES and PPGES TPGES PPGES Based on work of Charlotte Danielson 4 Domains/22 components Performance levels with indicators, critical attributes and examples aligned to each level Use of rubrics for Performance Appraisal with 4 Performance Levels: Ineffective, Developing, Accomplished, Exemplary Based on work of James Stronge 6 standards Examples of observable tangible behavior called Performance Indicators Performance levels state the measure of performance expected of principals and provide description of what the rating entails Group Discussion In addition to these similarities, allow table groups time to review handout TALKING POINTS Comparisons of Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (TPGES) and Principal/Assistant Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PPGES) Give groups time to discuss the similarities and connections. How do the two systems work together to improve educator effectiveness?

165 Professional Growth Planning & Self-Reflection
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Professional Growth Planning & Self-Reflection All principals will participate in Self-Reflection and Professional Growth Planning each year. All assistant principals will participate in Self-Reflection and Professional Growth Planning each year. The Professional Growth Plan will address realistic, focused, and measurable professional goals. The plan will connect data from multiple sources including site-visit conferences, data on student growth and achievement, and professional growth needs identified through self-assessment and reflection. Self-reflection improves principal practice through ongoing, careful consideration of the impact of leadership practice on student growth and achievement.

166 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Site-Visits Completed by supervisor of principal at least twice each year Formal site visits are not required for assistant principals Site visits are a method by which the superintendent may gain insight into the principal’s practice in relation to the standards. During a site visit, the superintendent will discuss various aspects of the job with the principal, and will use the principal’s responses to determine issues to further explore with the faculty and staff. Additionally, the principal may explain the successes and trials the school community has experienced in relation to school improvement.

167 Val-Ed 360 Completed for principals
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Val-Ed 360 Completed for principals Not completed for Assistant Principals Conducted at least once every two years in the school year that TELL Kentucky is not administered. The VAL-ED 360° is an assessment that provides feedback on a principal’s learning-centered behaviors by using input from the principal, his/her supervisor, and teachers. All teachers will participate in the Val-Ed 360°. The results of the survey will be included as a source of data to inform each principal’s professional practice rating.

168 Working Conditions Goal
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Working Conditions Goal Assistant Principal inherits the Principal’s Working Conditions Goal Developed following the completion of the TELL Survey Two-year Goal Principals are responsible for setting a two-year Working Conditions Growth Goal based on the most recent TELL Kentucky Survey. The principal’s effort to accomplish the Working Conditions Growth Goal is a powerful way to enhance professional performance and, in turn, positively impact school culture and student success.

169 Required Sources of Evidence to Determine Student Growth
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Required Sources of Evidence to Determine Student Growth State Contribution – ASSIST/Next Generation Learners (NGL) Goal Based on Trajectory Local Contribution – Based on School Need At least one of the Student Growth Goals set by the principal must address gap populations. For Student Growth, principals have a STATE contribution and a LOCAL contribution.

170 State Contribution Selection based on ASSIST/NGL trajectory.
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System State Contribution Selection based on ASSIST/NGL trajectory. Based on Gap population unless local goal is based on Gap population. Goal inherited by Assistant Principal Principals are responsible for setting at least one student growth goal that is tied directly to the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan located in ASSIST. The superintendent and the principal will meet to discuss the trajectory for the goal and to establish the year’s goal that will help reach the long-term trajectory target. New goals are identified each year based on the ASSIST goals. The goal should be customized for the school year with the intent of helping improve student achievement and reaching the long term goals through on-going improvement.

171 Local Contribution Based on School Need
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Local Contribution Based on School Need Goal inherited by Assistant Principal The local goal for student growth should be based on school need. It may be developed to parallel the State Contribution or it may be developed with a different focus.

172 Assistant Principal Requirements
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Assistant Principal Requirements Professional Growth Plan and Self Reflection Completed independent of the principal Working Conditions Goal Inherited from the principal Student Growth Goals – State & Local Mid-Year Reviews completed by Principal Evaluated by the Principal annually Principal Performance Standards & Student Growth Use Overall Performance Category

173 PPGES Timeline Review the PPGES Sample Timeline
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System PPGES Timeline Review the PPGES Sample Timeline Consider your district’s own timelines (for both TPGES and PPGES)

174 Learning Targets I Can …
Kentucky Department of Education Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Learning Targets I Can … Understand required components of full PPGES implementation. Identify similarities between TPGES and PPGES Differentiate between Principal and Assistant Principal PPGES requirements.

175 Wrap Up Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Wrap Up

176 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Explain the three ways to get to the webpage, through the teachers/leaders drop down menu on the left, the icon on the right, or by typing in the web address. Emphasize: do not use KDE Search!

177 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Questions? Cindy Parker: Todd Davis: Kevin Stull:

178 Kentucky Department of Education
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Please be sure to sign out as you leave, and fill out the evaluation form in CIITS if you’d like to receive PD or EILA credit! Once the evaluation form is filled out final credit will be awarded no later than July 23.

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