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Ch. 7 Test Review.

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1 Ch. 7 Test Review

2 citizens feared a strong central government
Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress was denied the powers of taxation, regulating trade and creating tariffs because?

3 STATES Because leaders wanted to limit the powers of the national government – under the AOC, most power belonged to the ?

4 Did not have the power to tax
Why was the U.S. Congress unable to resolve the nation’s economic problems while operating under the Articles of Confederation?

5 The Northwest Ordinance
Given its lack of power, what did the U.S. Congress under the AOC do that was actually considered a success?

6 create a strong and effective U. S. government
create a strong and effective U.S. government. preserve British power in the colonies. provide a model for state constitutions. preserve the states as being separate and sovereign. The AOC created a loose alliance of states with a weak central government in order to preserve?

7 Which statement describes a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
Congress had too much control over the states. Congress had too much control over individual citizens. Congress did not have the power to tax. Congress did not have the power to declare war Which statement describes a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

8 a plan for the orderly settlement of new territory
Under the AOC, what did the Northwest Ordinance provide?

9 Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana & Illinois
The Northwest Ordinance was passed by the United States Congress in Which states were created as a result?

10 The Articles of Confederation created a weak national government
The colonists resented Britain’s strong national government therefore:

11 Britain refused to leave the Ohio Valley.
The Articles made it hard to maintain a strong army therefore:

12 . States printed their own money
Congressional money was worthless therefore:

13 States could not settle disputes among themselves
The Articles of Confederation did not set up a national judicial system therefore:

14 It was hard to enforce national laws.
The United States had no president under the Articles of Confederation therefore:

15 Did not protect the rights of individuals (it didn’t have a Bill of Rights)
George Mason & other anti-federalists refused to sign the Constitution and opposed its ratification because he believed that it

16 It would weaken slavery It would protect states’ rights It would strengthen the economy. It would protect the rights of the individual. What was an important argument that the Federalists made in support of a new constitution?

17 The states would surrender too much power to the federal government Alliances could not be formed with other countries The courts would not be able to hold government officials accountable Individuals would exercise too much power over the federal government Patrick Henry and other anti-federalists opposed ratifying the U.S. Constitution because he believed that under it:

18 Shays’s Rebellion What event was important to the call for a Constitutional Convention in 1787 to replace the AOC?

19 A stronger national government
This rebellion demonstrated the need for? (people worried that the AOC couldn’t provide protection and stability)

20 how the larger and smaller states could share power
What conflict between large and small states was settled by the Connecticut Plan? (Great Compromise)?

21 Three-Fifths Compromise
Which political agreement in the Constitutional Convention temporarily reduced conflict between the North and the South?

22 Making new laws For which activity is the legislative branch of the United States government mainly responsible?

23 Interpret the law What is the purpose of the judicial branch of the U.S. government?

24 Judicial Branch The part of government mainly responsible for deciding if a law is constitutional is the?

25 Judicial Branch/Supreme Court
EXCERPT FROM THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE [King George III] has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent [approval] to laws for establishing judiciary powers. **This was not taken care of under the AOC This statement refers to the need in our Constitution for a?

26 Checks and Balances The action of the President vetoing a law created by Congress / the Supreme Court declares a law unconstitutional / Congress over-riding a Presidential veto are all examples of which constitutional principle? (vocab word)

27 Federalist Papers James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay wrote essays in support of the U.S. Constitution. These essays were called:

28 To protect individual rights
Why was the Bill of Rights added to the U.S. Constitution?

29 The States Who had to vote to accept the Constitution and Bill of Rights?

30 Republic(an) Which system of government did the Constitutional Convention create for the United States? (vocab word)

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