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2 MUTATIONS MUTATIONS are changes in nucleotide sequence of DNA. What causes mutations?

3 MUTAGENS Mutations are caused by MUTAGENS.
MUTAGENS are physical or chemical treatments that change DNA. Examples include: UV light Radioactive chemicals Gamma Rays

4 MUTATIONS Permanently alter the base sequences of DNA.
May have no effect, positive, or negative effect for organism. Sometimes a mutation occurs but still codes for the same amino acid. Mutations can occur at the gene level and the chromosomal level.

5 GENE MUTATIONS Point mutations: Change occurs at a single point in DNA sequence. Substitutions: One base is substituted (switched) with another. Usually only affects one codon, one corresponding amino acid

6 GENE MUTATIONS Frame-shift mutation: The codon sequence is altered. May affect more than one codon. Insertion: A base is inserted into the sequence without a replacement base. Deletion: A base is deleted from the sequence without a replacement.

7 PB pg. 374 Quick lab “Modeling mutations”
Use the example provided in book on pg. 374 as a guide: Start with the word gene and change it letter by letter to make new words. Make sure each new word is an actual word but not a proper noun. Write at least four (4) “point mutations” of the word gene. Show how you could use words to model a frameshift mutation. (Hint: You can use a sentence.) Use the words in this sentence to model a substitution mutation.

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