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The Mole.

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1 The Mole

2 Define the following: 144 Pair = Dozen = Gross = Ream = Mole = 2 12
500 6.02 x 1023

3 A. What is the Mole? A large amount!!!! VERY
A counting number (like a dozen) 1 mol = 6.02  1023 particles “particles” may be atoms, molecules, formula units, or ions The number 6.02 x 1023 ( ) is called Avogadro’s number A large amount!!!! VERY

4 A. What is the Mole? HOW LARGE IS IT???
1 mole of hockey pucks would equal the mass of the moon! 1 mole of basketballs would fill a bag the size of the earth! 1 mole of pennies would cover the Earth 1/4 mile deep!

5 Ionic Compounds = Molecular Compounds = Now that we know…
1 mol = 6.02 x 1023 particles We must be able to recognize what type of particles we’re dealing with based on the substance Think back Elements (by themselves) = Ionic Compounds = Molecular Compounds = atoms Formula units molecules

6 The representative particle in a mole of water is the water molecule.
1 mol H2O = x 1023 molecules H2O

7 The representative particle in a mole of copper is the copper atom.
1 mol Cu = x 1023 atoms Cu

8 The representative particle in a mole of sodium chloride is the formula unit.
1 mol NaCl = 6.02 x 1023 formula units NaCl The term “formula unit” is used to represent one “unit” of an ionic compound.

9 B. Molar Mass Mass of 1 mole of an element or compound.
Atomic mass tells the... atomic mass units per atom (amu) grams per mole (g/mol)

10 B. Molar Mass Examples 12.011 g/mol 26.982 g/mol 65.38 g/mol carbon
aluminum zinc g/mol g/mol 65.38 g/mol

11 B. Molar Mass Examples H2O 2(1.008) + (1)15.999 = ______ g/mol NaCl
water sodium chloride H2O 2(1.008) + (1) = ______ g/mol NaCl (1) (1) = _______ g/mol

12 B. Molar Mass Examples NaHCO3
sodium hydrogen carbonate sucrose NaHCO3 (15.999) = ______ g/mol C12H22O11 12(12.011) + 22(1.008) + 11(15.999) = ______ g/mol

13 Find the molar masses of the following substances:
Fe Hg SO3 (NH4)1+ NaBr Ca(OH)2 Na3PO4 (NH4)2CO3 Zn(C2H3O2)2

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