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ARAVIND EYE CARE SYSTEM Aravind Eye Hospital & Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology ARAVIND EYE CARE SYSTEM Aravind Eye Hospital & Postgraduate Institute.

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1 ARAVIND EYE CARE SYSTEM Aravind Eye Hospital & Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology ARAVIND EYE CARE SYSTEM Aravind Eye Hospital & Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology DEPARTMENT OF COUNSELLING Pterygium

2  This is a fleshy growth on the white of the eye (conjuntiva) on either side of the cornea  It occurs in people exposed to excess wind, heat sun and dust and can grow over the cornea  In addition to being cosmetically disfiguring. It can cause pain redness and discomfort What is Pterygium?

3 Nasal Pterygium

4 Types of Pterygium  Nasal Pterygium  Temporal Pterygium  Double Pterygium

5 Nasal Pterygium: The fleshy growth on the conjunctiva on Nasal side is called Nasal Pterygium Temporal Pterygium: The fleshy growth on the conjunctiva on Temporal side is called Temporal Pterygium Double Pterygium: The fleshy growth on the conjunctiva on Nasal and Temporal side is called Double Pterygium

6  All of the Pterygium patients does not require surgery  Starting stage Pterygium patients are given lubricating drops  Three types of Pterygium surgeries are available  Plain Pterygium (Pterygium excision)  Pterygium excision with MMC  Pterygium excision with MMC with clag  Pterygium with AMG Treatment

7  Pterytgium Excision: (Plain Pterygium) The Pterygium (the fleshy growth) is removed from the eye  Pterygium excision with MMC:  Pterygium is removed and replaced with mitamycine gel  It reduces the regrowth of the pterygium Cont…. Cont….

8  Pterygium Excision with MMC with clag:  Pterygium is removed and midamycine is placed in conjunctival auto graft  This reduces the regrowth of Pterygium  This is of two types 1.Suture method 2.Glue method

9 Conjunctival auto graft placed in the sutures Suture method

10  In this method the gel used is Fibirin gel  It is placed on the conjunctival autograft without sutures  It is used because of the reduced regrowth of the Pterygium and reduced irritation of the eye Glue method (Fibirin glue)

11 Pterygium is removed and the aminotic membrane is placed in it Pterygium excision with AMG

12 Role of the counsellor  It should be stressed that permanent vision loss may occur if it grows very large over the cornea even if surgery is done at this stage  The only permanent treatment is surgery ideally with an auto from the same eye  Topical medication only can temporarily allay the symptoms Cont….

13  Wearing the sun glass would help mitigate the growth in the eye if the growth is very small  And also giving the post operative instructions  Don’t take head bath  Don’t rub your eyes  Irritation is there, so don’t worry  Importance of correct method of using eye drops  To come for regular follow up


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