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Week 2: Greedy Algorithms

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1 Week 2: Greedy Algorithms
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

2 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
Greedy Algorithms: A greedy algorithm always makes the choice that looks best at the moment. It makes a local optimal choice in the hope that this choice will lead to a globally optimal solution. Greedy algorithms yield optimal solutions for many (but not all) problems. 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

3 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
Knapsack problem: 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

4 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
Knapsack problem: Input: n items: (w1, v1), …, (wn, vn) and a number W the i-th item’s is worth vi dollars with weight wi. at most W pounds to be carried. Output: Some items which are most valuable and with total weight at most W. Two versions: 0-1 Knapsack: Items cannot be divided into pieces fractional knapsack: Items can be divided into pieces 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

5 The 0-1 Knapsack problem:
N items, where the i-th item is worth vi dollars and weight wi pounds p p 4p p 8p 88p vi and wi are integers. 3$ $ 35$ 8$ $ 66$ We can carry at most W (integer) pounds. How to take as valuable a load as possible. An item cannot be divided into pieces. The fractional knapsack problem: The same setting, but the thief can take fractions of items. W may not be integer. W 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

6 Solve the fractional Knapsack problem:
Greedy on the value per pound vi/wi. Each time, take the item with maximum vi/wi . If exceeds W, take fractions of the item. Example: (1, 5$), (2, 9$), (3, 12$), (3, 11$) and w=4. vi/wi : First: (1, 5$), Second: (2, 9$), Third: 1/3 (3, 12$) Total W: 1, , Can only take part of item 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

7 Proof of correctness: (The hard part)
X i1 w1 i2 w2 wj . ip wp ikwk Let X = i1, i2, …ik be the optimal items taken. Consider the item j : (vj, wj) with the highest v /w. if j is not used in X (the optimal solution), get rid of some items with total weight wj (possibly fractional items) and add item j. (since fractional items are allowed, we can do it.) Total value is increased. Why? One more item selected by greedy is added to X Repeat the process, X is changed to contain all items selected by greedy WITHOUT decreasing the total value taken by the thief. 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

8 The 0-1 knapsack problem cannot be solved optimally by greedy
Counter example: (moderate part) W= Items found (6pounds, 12dollars), (5pounds, 9 dollar), (5pounds, 9 dollars), (3pounds, 3 dollars), (3 pounds, 3 dollars) If we first take (6, 12) according to greedy algorithm, then solution is (6, 12), (3, 3) (total value is 12+3=15). However, a better solution is (5, 9), (5, 9) with total value 18. To show that a statement does not hold, we only have to give an example. 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

9 A subset of mutually compatibles jobs: {c, f}
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

10 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

11 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

12 Sorting the n jobs based on fi needs O(nlog n) time
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

13 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
Example: Jobs (s, f): (0, 10), (3, 4), (2, 8), (1, 5), (4, 5), (4, 8), (5, 6) (7,9). Sorting based on fi: (3, 4) (1, 5), (4, 5) (5, 6) (4,8) (2,8) (7, 9)(0,10). Selecting jobs: (3,4) (4, 5) (5,6) (7, 9) 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

14 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

15 How to Prove Optimality
How can we prove the schedule returned is optimal? Let A be the schedule returned by this algorithm. Let OPT be some optimal solution. It is impossible to show that A = OPT, instead we need only to show that |A| = |OPT|. Note the distinction: instead of proving directly that a choice of intervals A is the same as an optimal choice, we prove that it has the same number of intervals as an optimal. Therefore, it is optimal. 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

16 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

18 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
Sort jobs based on finish time: b, c, a, e, d, f, g, h. Greedy algorithm Selects: b, e, h. 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

19 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
Depth: The maximum No. of jobs required at any time. Depth:3 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

20 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

21 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
Depth: The maximum No. of jobs required at any time. 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

22 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
Greedy on start time 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

23 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
Greedy Algorithm: c d g j b f i Depth: The maximum No. of jobs required at any time. a e h Depth:3 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

24 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
ddepth 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

25 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

26 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

27 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
l1=0, l2=1 l2=0, l1=0 11 10 l1=9, l2=0 l1=0, l2=1 1 11 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

28 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

29 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

30 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
di<dj We check every pair of consecutive numbers, if there is not inversion, then the whole sequenc has no inversion. n1n2 … nk Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 1, 2, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

31 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
di<dj 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

32 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

33 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
Example: Job ti di j1 j2 5 9 13 j5 19 2 j3 j4 2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

34 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng
2017/4/17 CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms/WANG Lusheng

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